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The Human Body
Systems of the Body
• Major Function: to
regulate your internal
body temperature.
• Sense organ
• Produces essential
vitamins like Vit. D.
• Protective layer
Skeletal System
• 206 bones
• Ligaments: attach
bone to bone
• Tendons: attach
muscle to bone
• Bone marrow: helps
produce blood cells
Muscular System
• Smooth muscle:
involuntary muscles
• Cardiac Muscle:
Involuntary muscle
• Skeletal
Digestive System
3 salivary glands secrete salivary amylase
Stomach: secretes pepsin (proteins)
Pancreas: Trypsin (proteins)
Small intestines: maltase, sucrase,peptidase
Liver: produces bile which helps to
breakdown fats.
• Gallbladder: stores bile
Endocrine System
• Pituitary gland: master gland
• Hypothalamus: controls the pituitary gland
• Thyroid gland: Secretes thyroxin which
stimulates growth and metabolism
• Adrenal gland: Secretes adrenaline
• Ovary: estrogen progesterone
• Testis: testosterone.
Endocrine System
• Negative Feedback
System: a selfregulating system in
which the hormones,
or their effects, are fed
back to inhibit the
original signal.
Nervous System
• Neurons conduct impulses
• Dendrites are the branches
receive impulses carry
them toward the body
• Axon: single extension
carries impulses away
from the cell body toward
muscles or glands.
Nervous System
• CNS: Brain and spinal cord coordinates all
body activities
• Peripheral nervous system:PNS made up of
all of the nerves carries messages to and
from the CNS.
Nervous System
• Somatic Nervous system: reflexes
• Autonomic nervous system: are involuntary
control 2 divisions
*sympathetic controls during times of stress.
*parasympathetic controls during times of
Respiratory System
• Alveoli the branches in the lungs where gas
exchange takes place.
• Diaphragm: the muscle between the ribs
that expands and contracts the chest cavity.
• The medulla oblongata helps control
Circulatory System
• Red blood cells RBC transport oxygen;lack
a nucleus, contain hemoglobin
• White blood cells WBC defend against
• Platelets: cell fragments used for clotting
• Plasma: liquid transports all of the cells.
Circulatory System
Arteries carry blood away from the heart.
Veins carry blood to the heart
Capillaries where gas exchange takes place.
4 chambered heart: Which allows for
complete separation of oxygenated and
deoxgenated blood
Circulatory System
• Body to vena cava then
into right atrium
• From right atrium to right
ventricle to pulmonary
• Pulmonary artery to lungs
then to pulmonary vein.
• From their it goes to left
atrium, then left ventricle,
• Finally out of the body
through the aorta.
Urinary System
• Kidneys: filter the
blood to remove waste
• Ureter: connects
kidneys to bladder
• Bladder: stores urine
Male Reproductive System
• Hormone control
*The pituitary gland releases FSH and LH
which stimulates the production of sperm
and testosterone. As testosterone levels
increase production of FSH and LH slows.
When sperm and testosterone levels drop,
production of FSH and LH increase again.
Menstrual Cycle
Female Reproductive System
• Hormones
*Pituitary releases FSH; the follicle that is maturing
releases estrogen. The increases in estrogen feeds
back to the pituitary so that FSH and LH are
slowed down. Just before ovulation estrogen
levels peak stimulating a sharp rise in LH causing
the follicle to rupture. The corpus leteum produces
progesterone and some estrogen and prevents the
release of LH. If fertilization does not occur then
the rising levels of progesterone and estrogen
inhibit the release of FSH and LH and the uterine
lining sheds.
Immune System
• Innate immunity: skin, body secretions, inflammation,
phagocytosis ( phagocytes and macrophages)
• Acquired Immunity: gradual build up of resistance (spleen
and tonsils)
• Antibody immunity: chemical warfare within your body,
antibodies that attack antigens.
• B- cells make antibodies for the body (memory cells that
will help the next time you get sick)
• T-cell attack and destroy the cell that has the invading virus
and bacteria.
Immune System
• Passive immunity: mother to unborn baby
through placenta; nursing a baby
• Active immunity: can be induced artifically
by vaccines.