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Respiratory System
Oversees gas exchange
between blood and external
Anatomy of Respiratory System
Pharynx (throat)
Ciliated mucosa propel debris
away from lungs
Thyroid (Adams apple)
Epiglottis (closes when swallow)
Trachea (windpipe)
Muscular passageway
Tonsils – lymphatic system
Larynx (voice box)
Purify, humidify, and warms (by
veins) incoming air
Cilia propel mucus to pharynx
Sinuses – lighten skull, act as
resonance chamber for speech
Subdivisions (bronchioles) branch
off and enter lungs
R. lung 3 lobes, L. lung 2 lobes
Pleura – surface lining
Alveoli – air sacs at terminal ends
Alveoli: Site of gas exchange
Simple squamous epithelial
Covered in a cobweb of
pulmonary capillaries
Macrophages move
in/out of alveoli
Cuboidal cells secrete
lipid coats alveoli
Prevents alveoli collapse
Begins to function at 28-30
weeks during gestation
Respiration Physiology
Pulmonary Ventilation
External Respiration
Gas exchange between blood and alveoli
Respiratory Gas Transport
Continuously refreshing the air in the lungs
O2 & CO2 transported via blood
Internal Respiration
Gas exchange between blood and tissues
Mechanics of Breathing
 Diaphragm and external
intercostals muscles contracts
 Size of thoracic cavity increases,
lung volume increases (lung
pressure decreases below atm
pressure) and creates a partial
 Air enters lungs
 Inspiratory muscles relax,
resuming initial size
 Lungs recoil (effortless)
 Air is exhaled
Respiratory Volumes and Capacities
Spirometer – measures respiratory
Vital Capacity
Tidal Volume
 Normal quiet breathing (500mL
Inspiratory Reserve Volume
 Air taken in forcibly (21003200mL over TV)
Expiratory Reserve Volume
 Air forcibly expelled (1200mL)
Residual Volume
 Air remaining in lungs that
cannot be expelled (1200mL)
 Allows gas exchange between
breaths, keeps alveoli inflated
Dead Space Volume
 Air remains in “passageways”
and never reaches alveoli
Control of Respiration
Neural Regulation
 Nerve impulses from medulla and pons
 Maintain a rate of 12-15 breaths/minute
Other Influential Factors
 Physical Factors
 Talking, coughing, exercising, increase
body temp
 Conscious Control
 Singing, swallowing, swimming
 Limited/ignored if O2 levels get low or CO2
levels get too high
 Emotional
 Hypothalamus reflex (scared, gasp, etc)
 Chemical
 Levels CO2 and decreased blood pH
Interesting Respiratory Topics
Smoking and its effect on respiratory system
Cleft Palate
Rhinitis (Cold) & Sinusitis
Atelectasis (lung collapse)
Hypoxia (inadequate O2)
Hyperventilation & Hypoventilation
COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
Cystic Fibrosis
SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)
Bronchitis & pneumonia