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Chapter 2
Cells to Systems
cell membrane (noun)
surrounds a cell, holding the parts of the cell
The cell membrane can be compared to
your skin because both are outside
nucleus (noun)
the part of the cell that contains
The nucleus is where the DNA is located.
cell wall (noun)
surrounds the cell membrane.
Only in
The cell wall gives plant cells extra support
and protection.
chloroplasts (noun)
Use the energy in sunlight to turn water
and CO2 into
and sugar.
Chloroplasts give plants their green color.
all the material of the cell between the cell
membrane and the
Cytoplasm is a jelly-like substance.
act like a
, storing and
breaking down material.
In plants, vacuoles may store water.
Lesson 1 - What is Inside
a Cell?
Cells are the
the activities of life.
part of your body. They carry out
building blocks of all living things.
Very, very tiny. One drop of blood contains
blood cells.
Cells must take in
and get rid of
of red
Cells sense and respond to changes in their surroundings. They
communicate with each other.
All cells need
. Get energy through cellular
Parts of Cells
Most of the things your body does are
done inside
You grow when your
Cells have the same needs as your whole
body has.
All cells have:
1)Cell membrane the cell.
2)Nucleus - contains
3)Vacuoles - act like a stomach, stores and breaks
down material.
4) Cytoplasm - the
between cell membrane and nucleus.
5) Mitochondria - cell's
combine oxygen and food to produce energy in
cellular respiration.
Parts only in plants:
1) cell wall - surrounds the cell
2) chloroplasts - use energy in sun to turn water and CO2 into
O2 and sugar. Give plants their
Chromosomes are made of materials including the chemical
. - Twisted ladder shape.
Chromosomes carry the
for the cell - tell the
cell how to do its job.
are made of DNA. Every
cell in your body has the same set of thousands of genes.
- passing genes from one generation to the
What is the most basic unit of living things?
List five parts of all cells and their jobs.
List the two parts that are only in plant
What are genes made of?
What is the process of passing genes from
one generation to the next called?
a group of the same kind of cells working
together doing the same
Muscle cells grouped in bundles make up
muscle tissue.
a grouping of different
together into one structure.
Your heart, eyes, ears, and stomach are
examples of organs.
Lesson 2 How do Cells
Work Together?
There are different cells throughout the body.
Groups of similar cells make up tissues, and groups of tissues make
up organs.
You have about
different kinds of cells.
3 types
cells - nerve cells, can connect several parts of
the body at once.
2) Flat cells cells, join to overlap and cover a surface.
Like shingles on a house.
3) Round cells blood cells, round with 2 two dimples.
Gives extra surface area for picking up O2.
Special Cell Structures
Hair-like structures called
different jobs in the body.
In the ear the hairs bend when sound waves
go over them which results in nerve signals
being sent to the
In airways of the lungs, there is cilia. They
sweep dirt and germs out of the airways.
Cells work together most of the time.
Tissue - group of the same kind of cells working together doing the
same job.
- group of tissues combined together into one structure.
Perform a
job in the body. Ex. Heart, eye, stomach.
Largest organ is your
have tissues and organs too!
Skin Cell Tissue
skin cells - many layers. Top section has
New cells form in the bottom and push other cells out away from the blood.
The outside layer is
. Takes one month for skin cells to get
pushed to the surface. Dead cells eventually fall off.
Jobs - protects the inside, keeps out germs, prevents too much water loss.
Nerve tissue helps you sense touch,
, and temp.
glands keep skin soft.
When cold, muscles pull hair upright, causing
you warm.
. Keeps
What are cilia and what do they do?
Why are there dimples in red blood cells?
What makes up a tissue?
What makes up an organ?
Is the outside layer of skin dead or alive?
Name some jobs of the skin.
organ system
a group of
work together to carry out a life process.
The digestive system digests your food.
Muscular System, Skeletal System, Nervous
System, Urinary System, Digestive System,
Endocrine System, Respiratory System,
Circulatory/Cardiovascular System,
Reproductive System, Lymphatic System,
Integumentary System
Lesson 3 - How do
Organs Work Together?
Organs work together in organ systems to
carry out
life functions. Organ
systems work together also.
Skeletal system -
Jobs internal organs.
system, protect
Muscular System
Muscles work together to move your body.
muscles you can control.
Brain tells your muscles how to work
together. Some work by themselves - ex.
when you shiver, heart.
It takes several muscles just to smile!!
Muscular System
(names of major muscles)
Skeletal System
(major bones)
Bones and Muscles Work
Many muscles work in
Muscles only
never push.
to move
on bones. They
That is why you need two or more muscles
to move bones.
Nerves and Muscles
Your nervous system controls how your
muscles move your bones.
carry electrical signals from
the brain and spinal cord to your muscles.
Without nerves you wouldn't move your
Other Systems Work
Some organs are in
organ systems.
muscles make up your heart.
They work with the circulatory system to push blood
through your body.
Muscles also squeeze food through the
Skeletal system and circulatory system - White and
red blood cells are made in bone
How many bones make up the skeletal
How many muscles do you have that you
can control?
Name an organ system and describe its job.
How do muscles work in pairs to move a
Where are red and white blood cells made?