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-Cardiovascular &
LymphaticsChapters 17 - 19
Chapter 17 - BLOOD
 Only
fluid connective tissue
 Formed elements – living cells
 Fluid matrix – plasma
 Spun tube – 45% RBC’s, 1%
buffy coat (WBC’s, Platelets),
55% plasma
 Characteristics
 Salty
 Alkaline (7.35 – 7.45 pH)
 Varied in color due to O2
 5-6 L in males; 4-5 L in
 8% of body weight
 Functions (transportation &/or
O2 and food nutrients
Wastes to lungs and kidneys
Hormones from endocrine
glands to target organs
Maintains body temperature
(absorbs and distributes
body heat)
Maintains pH (reservoir for
bicarbonate ions)
Maintains fluid volume
Prevents blood loss
(through platelet action and
blood proteins)
Prevents infection (through
WBC’s and antibodies)
 Formed Elements
Erythrocytes (RBC’s)
Lacks nucleus and
organelles – “bag
of hemoglobin molecules”;
33% of RBC is hemoglobin
~ 8 mm in diameter; look like
flat discs with depressed
Shape provides large surface
area ideal O2 transport
Flexible due to spectrin
(fibrous protein) which allows
Rouleaux movement (stacking)
when traveling through
800:1 RBC’s : WBC’s = blood
4.3 – 5.2 million cells/cc RBC
count in women
5.1 – 5.8 million RBC count
in men
Number of cells correlates
with viscosity; more RBC’s =
more viscous blood = slower
Carry O2 through their
contained hemoglobin
Hemoglobin consists of
“globin” protein bound to
red “heme” iron pigment
Each hemoglobin contains
4 ringlike heme groups
Each globin protein
consists of 4 polypeptide
chains; each chain is
bound to a heme group
Each iron atom can
combine with one O2
Thus each hemoglobin
can carry 4 O2’s
Each RBC contains 250
million hemoglobin
molecules = transporting 1
billion O2’s.
Also carries CO2 on the
globin so there is no
competition for binding sites
~ 20% of CO2 is carried this
Production of RBC’s
In red bone marrow of long
and flat bones
Arise from stem cells
“Hemocytoblasts” which reside
in bone marrow
Hemocytoblast is transformed
into a proerythroblast
Proerythroblast give rise to
early erythroblast (produce
large amounts of ribosomes)
Early erythroblast
transforms into late
erythroblast as hemoglobin
production increases
Late erythroblast
transforms into normoblast
when hemoglobin content
reaches 34%
Nucleus ceases functions
and is ejected causing the
center of cell collapse (thus
the depressed center or disc
Normoblast transforms into
reticulocyte (named for
remaining rough ER)
Up to this point takes 3-5
Reticulocytes enter
circulation and become
mature erythrocytes in ~ 2
Process is balanced
between production and
destruction (about 2
million/sec) under hormonal
control and with adequate
amounts of iron and B
Hormonal Control
RBC production is directly
linked to erythrocyte hormone
(which is in system at low
levels all the time to maintain
production as basal levels)
Erythropoietin hormone is
produced when kidney cells
release REF (renal
erythropoietin factor) in
response to cell hypoxia.
Hypoxia is due to
Declining # of RBC’s due
to hemorrhaging or
excessive RBC destruction
Reduced availability of O2
due to altitude or pneumonia
Increased O2 demands by
tissues during exercise
It’s not the number of cells
that controls erythropoietin,
but the cell’s ability to
transport O2
Erythropoietin stimulate red
marrow to MATURE already
committed cells at a faster rate
than otherwise (1-2 days faster)
Testosterone can stimulate
kidneys to release REF
(accounting for high RBC levels
in men than women; conversely
those with kidney failure have
RBC counts less than half of
normal individuals
Dietary needs for
erythropoietin production
Need carbs, proteins, lipids,
iron B-complex vitamins
65% of body’s iron supply is in
hemoglobin, the rest is stored in
liver, spleen and marrow
(because free iron is toxic to
tissues) as ferritin, hemosiderin,
or transferrin
Iron loss is 1.7 mg and 0.9
mg per day in women and
men respectively
B-12 and folic acid are
needed for DNA synthesis
in immature RBC’s
Destruction of RBC’s
Because they are anucleate,
they cannot synthesize
proteins, reproduce, grow,
Lifespan of 100-120 days
Dying cells become trapped
in capillaries of spleen and
are engulfed by roaming
Hemoglobin is degraded into
billirubin and secreted in the
bile by the liver
Released iron is salvaged
and recycled
 Disorders
(anemias or
Anemias – reduced O2
carrying ability of blood
(really a symptom rather than
a disease)
Hemorrhagic anemia –
results from blood loss;
corrected by blood
Hemolytic anemia –
erythrocytes are ruptured
prematurely (hemoglobin
abnormalities, blood
mismatch, bacterial or
parasitic infection,
congenital defects in plasma
Aplastic anemia – destruction
or inhibition of red marrow
(cancer and the drugs used to
treat cancer can cause
marrow to be replaced by
connective tissue); blood
transfusions are used until a
bone marrow transplant can be
Iron deficiency anemia –
inadequate intake of ironcontaining foods, impaired
iron absorption
Pernicious anemia –
deficiency in vitamin B-12,
usually due to lack or
intrinsic factor necessary to
absorb B-12 from the diet
Thalassemia – genetic in
origin, RBC count is less
than 2 million cells/cc,
RBC’s are small and delicate
due to hemoglobin molecule
Sickle-cell anemia –
abnormal hemoglobin is
spiky and sharp causing
cells to become crescent
shaped; cells rupture
prematurely causing vessels
to dam up and cause clots.
Polycythemia – excessive or
abnormal increase in the
number of erythrocytes.
Viscosity is increased causing
sluggish blood flow. Usual
cause is bone cancer.
Secondary polycythemia
– normal in those living at
high altitudes due to
secretion of
erythropoietin in
response to reduced O2
800: 1 RBC’s:WBC’s
4,000-11,000 WBC/cc (anymore
= leukocytosis)
1% of total blood volume
Contain nuclei and organelles
Protect from damage caused by
viruses, bacteria, toxins,
parasites, cancer
 Display
diapedesis (slip in and
out of blood vessels) by amoeboid
Can respond to chemical
distress signals given out by
damaged and dying tissues
(positive chemotaxis)
2 major categories based on
structural and chemical
– lobed nuclei and stained
granules – appears “grainy”
most numerous
2x RBC size
½ of WBC population
3-5 lobes, hard to see granules
digest bacteria
#’s elevate with staph, salmonella,
systemic yeast, and appendicitis
Slightly larger than RBC’s,
U or S shaped nucleus
Few purple granules
When found in tissues are called
“mast cells”
When bound to antibodies
release heparin (anticoagulant)
and histamine (vasodilator) to
help WBC migration
RBC size
1-4% of WBC population
Nucleus is bi-lobed
Large, coarse red granules
Eat antigen-antibody complexes
Elevation can indicate allergic
reactions, parasitic worm or
protozoan infections
Reside in intestines, lungs and
 Agranulocytes
– lack granules
 Lymphocytes
 2nd most numerous
 Found in lymph tissue
 Small portion in bloodstream
 Immune cell (T and B cells) production
 Large, dark, purple nucleus which
occupies most of the cell
 May have a thin rim of pale blue
 Act against virus infected cells and
Also called “macrophages”
Gray-blue cytoplasm,
dark blue-purple U or kidney
shaped nucleus
Elevation may indicate a chronic
viral or bacterial infection such
as leprosy or tuberculosis
1 Basophil
of WBC’s
Leukopoiesis – hormonally
All arise from
Some mature in the thymus
gland; others in the bone
– “white
Abnormal WBC’s which
fail to respond to
regulatory mechanisms
Remain unspecialized
ability to
Impair or suppress
normal bone marrow
Named according to
cell type: “myelocytic”
or “lymphocytic”
Viral (Epstein-Barr
Elevated monocytes
and lymphocytes
Leukopenia – decreased
number of WBC’s; usually
due to chemotherapy
Not true cells; are fragments
Arise from stem cells,
become megakaryocyte then
– 500,000 /cc
Essential for clotting
Degenerate in 10 days
 Hemostasis
– (stopping blood
Vasconstriction –
Constriction of blood vessels
triggered by injury to smooth
muscle wall of vessel,
compression of vessel by
escaping blood, chemicals
released by platelets, pain
receptors being stimulated
minutes of reduced
blood flow
More efficient when
vessel is crushed rather
than blunt cut . Blunt cuts
have less tissue damage
and more profuse blood
(+) charged platelet clings
to the (-) charged collagen
tissue under the
Platelets develop swollen,
spiky processes
Platelet granules degenerate
and release chemicals
sets up a series of
clotting events which calls
more platelets to the
injury site
Aspirin inhibits plug
Takes about 1 minute
Plug Formation
(blood clotting)
Prothrombin ------>
Thrombin + fibrinogen =
fibrin mesh
30 different factors involved;
each require Ca
are plasma proteins
made in the liver
Absence of any one of
these factors results in the
inability to coagulate
blood (hemophilia is an
Takes about 3-6 minutes
Within 30 – 60 minutes,
platelets shrink and pull
fibrin fibers closer
together, further sealing
edges of wound
– Clot disposal
Within 2 days, plasmin
enzyme (activated by
healing endothelium and
factors in the clot itself)
will begin to eat away at
the clot
– undesirable clot
in an unbroken vessel
Embolus – thrombus that
has broken free and is
traveling in the circulatory
roughening of vessel
walls can exacerbate this
(atherosclerosis, burns,
immobilization, etc)
Ruptured cholesterol plaque with thrombus
– decrease in the
number of platelets, causes numerous,
small, hemorrhages body wide
(petechiae). Caused by anything that
would destroy bone marrow (drugs,
radiation). Diagnosed with a platelet
count under 50,000/cc. Often need
blood transfusions
Liver Function –
can’t manufacture
coagulants due to vitamin
K deficiency, hepatitis,
cirrhosis, etc
 Hemophilia
 Type
A – lack
Factor VIII – 83%
 Type
B – lack
Factor IX
 Type
C – lack
Factor X
 Plasma
10% “other stuff” – gases,
hormones, nutrients,
wastes, ions, proteins
(albumin, clotting proteins,
globulins), etc.
 Transfusions
 Losses
of 15 – 30 % causes
paleness and weakness; more
than 30% = severe shock
 RBC’s have specific antigens
(flags) on their surface
has agglutinogens
(soldiers) floating in it
which attach to and clump
foreign antigens
Foreign blood will be
agglutinated (clumped) and
A – A antigens, Anti-B
agglutinogens – can receive A
and O blood
Type B – B antigens, Anti-A
agglutinogens – can receive B
and O blood
AB – A & B antigens, no
agglutinogens – can receive all
blood types (universal recipient)
Type O – no antigens, Anti-A &
Anti-B agglutinogens – can
receive only O (universal donor)
 Rh
factor is another type of antigen
 Transfusion reactions can involve
lowered oxygen carrying ability,
blocked blood vessels, renal shut down
from liberated hemoglobin in the
system, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting
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