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The Respiratory System
Bell Ringer
Try and guess the parts of the body that make
up the respiratory system.
Can you think of any problems related to the
respiratory system?
What do you think is the most important way
to protect your respiratory system?
Chatting!! NO MAS!!
Anti-Smoking Poster
Sneak peak
The Respiratory System
is Confusing!
What is the world’s
The question you
don’t ask!!!!
Main Function of the
Respiratory System
The exchange of
gases between your
body and your
Just like fire needs
oxygen to burn, your
cells cannot ‘burn’
enough fuel to keep
you alive without
2 Parts of Respiration
1. External Respiration
The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
between the blood and the air in the lungs.
External Respiration
As you breathe, you inhale air that contains
oxygen into your lungs.
That oxygen moves from your lungs into your
At the same time carbon dioxide moves from
your blood to your lungs.
2 Parts of Respiration
2. Internal Respiration
The exchange of gases between the blood and the
cells in the body.
Internal Respiration
Oxygen moves from your blood into your
Carbon dioxide moves from your cells into
your blood.
How Respiration Works
1. When you breathe,
air enters through your
nose or mouth.
2. The nasal passage
warms the air and
contains a mucous
lining and cilia(hairs)
to remove dirt and
other particles.
Fill in Diagram!
How Respiration Works
3. After passing
though your nasal
passage or mouth,
air moves though
your larynx (voice
box) which contains
your vocal cords.
How Respiration Works
Voice box contains vocal cords which are thin
bands of tissue that vibrate when exhaled air
rushes past them; enables you to make
Fill in Diagram
How Respiration Works
4. After passing
through the larynx, air
enters the trachea
(wind pipe).
5. Trachea is about 4.5
inches long;
surrounded by rings of
cartilage to keep it
open so air can travel
through it freely. Lined
with cilia.
Fill in Diagram!
How Respiration Works
6. The trachea breaks off into two tubes
called the bronchi.
7. The bronchi lead into your lungs.
8. The bronchi are broken down into smaller
passageways that are called bronchioles.
9. Think of how a tree’s branches are made
Fill in Diagram!
Think, Pair, Share
Discuss the flow of oxygen through the body
so far.
How Respiration Works
10. Next air enters
the alveoli – tiny
sacs at the end of
the bronchioles.
11. This is where
external respiration
takes place.
Fill in Diagram!
How Respiration Works
12. The alveoli are lined with tiny blood
vessels called capillaries.
13. Oxygen is transferred from the alveoli to
the capillaries.
14. Veins take the oxygen to the cells
throughout the body.
Think, Pair, Share
Think about external respiration.
Talk to your partner about what this means
and where it happens.
Answer questions that your partner has or
make a list of questions for me!
How Respiration Works
15. Our cells use oxygen for energy.
16. When this happens carbon dioxide is
17. The body needs to get rid of that carbon
18. This is where internal respiration occurs.
Helpers of the
Respiratory System
1. Diaphragm - large sheet-like muscle that
separates the lungs from the abdominal
cavity. Expands and contracts during
Helpers of the
Respiratory System
2. The pleura is a slick, shiny mucous
membrane that covers the lungs.
3. The pleura helps minimize friction between
the lungs and the inner wall of the chest.
4. The cilia are tiny hairs that line the
respiratory tract to filter out dust and dirt
Respiratory System
1. Bronchitis – inflammation of the bronchi.
Symptoms include wheezing, coughing, and
shortness of breath.
Caused by exposure to cigarette smoke, dust,
fumes and other air pollutants.
Respiratory System
2. Asthma – inflammatory condition in which the
trachea, bronchi and bronchioles become
narrower, making breathing more difficult.
Attacks can be triggered by exertion, emotion,
infections, allergies, or even changes in the
Asthma attacks are treated with bronchodilators
– medications that relax and wide the airways.
Respiratory System
3. Pneumonia - alveoli swell and become
clogged with mucus. When the alveoli
becomes clogged, gas exchange become
much more difficult.
Symptoms include fever, chest pain, chills, and cough
MUST see a doctor for antibiotics!!!!
Respiratory System
4. Emphysema – disease in which the alveoli in the
lungs burst and blend to form fewer, larger sacs with
less surface area.
Disrupts the normal exchange of carbon dioxide and
oxygen in the alveoli.
Causes difficulty breathing, chronic cough
Almost always caused by smoking. DON’T SMOKE!!!
How to Care for the
Respiratory System
Exercise – keeps lungs working efficiently
Avoid exposure to pollutants, including second
hand smoke!
Wash your hands and keep them away from nose
and mouth – prevents infection
Maintain good oral health – germ in your mouth
can cause infections. BRUSH 2 times a day!!