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Adaptations and Traits of
Organisms Final AssessmentAnimal Power point
By: Noey De Rooy
Animal: Sugar Glider
March 13, 2013
Have lungs and breathe air.
Feed their young milk from
the females body.
Give live birth.
Example: Dog and Cat
Hatch from eggs.
Have feathers.
Are warm blooded.
Example: Kiwi bird
Example: mandarin fish
Breath through gills.
Are cold blooded.
Have fins and scales.
Live in water.
Are cold blooded.
Have scaly skin.
Hatch from eggs.
Example: Water dragon
Have a backbone.
Cold-blooded Their skin is smooth
and moist
Breathe through skin and lungs
Example:Orange Newt
I would say that Adaptations would be like changing to
your surroundings. Like this rabbit has his winter coat on. He is
adapting to winter. If you don’t adapt to your surroundings you
might die. Lets say its winter, and I’m wearing shorts and a T-shirt.
If I stay out in the cold for too long, I can die from being to cold.
My body temperature will go down. Like I said I will die.
Species Adaptation and Individual Adaptation
Species Adaptation are when the whole species have it or can do the
same thing. Like a dog, for example. A dog has a nose, every dog has a
nose. So that would be Species Adaptation. Individual Adaptation would
be when a wolf becomes the alpha male of a pack. That would be
examples of Individual Adaptation and Species Adaptation. That’s all for
this slide.
For most animals camouflage is their way of
life.They need to blend into their background to
escape and stay hidden from prey or predators. A
rabbit might need to stay hidden from an animal
like a owl, or a owl might need to stay hidden so
that it can catch the rabbit.
Example: Black rabbit
Hibernation is when animals go to sleep for the winter.
Like these hedgehogs.
Migration is when a animal leaves to go to warmer temperatures.
Just like a flock of birds. They would go to someplace like the
south for winter. In spring the birds would fly north.
Example: geese
Mimicry is when you copy the
background of your surroundings or the
pattern of another animal’s colors. Also tree
branches, leaves.
Genetics and Heredity
Genetics is the study of Heredity.
Heredity is what you inherit from your mom, or
dad. For example, I inherited my dad’s eyes. I
also inherited his skin color.
Inherited Traits
Inherited traits are when you Inherit or, get
something from your mom or dad. Example: you can
get diseases,hair color, skin color, and many more.
You can get all of those from your family.
Non-inherited traits are traits that you
acquired. They are traits that you do not inherit
from your ancestors. One example is, your mom has
brown hair, she had that all her live. But when you
were born you had brown hair. Then you got blond
hair. The second example is, your dad doesn’t know
how to ride a bike. But you do.
Fossils are remains of what had lived on the
planet before people. Information that
fossils give us are about animals that have
lived a long time ago. Like the dinosaurs.
Some scientist have found fossils of
My animal, the SUGAR GLIDER
Sugar glider’s habitat
My animal is a tree dwelling animal. It lives in a
group to about 15 to 30 Sugar Gliders. The Sugar
Glider can take any area where there are tree
hollows for shelter, and plenty of food.
Distinct characteristics my animal has
•It has a black-tipped tail, a black line down its back, (ending
with an arrow on the head) and comes in many other colors.
Like cinnamon, red-brown and, most commonly, gray.
•It has a membrane of skin which stretches from the fifth
"finger" of each hand to the first toe of each foot, which enables
it to glide between treetops. It does not fly, but is capable of
gliding up to 100m.