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The Ancient Aztec
By the 4th Graders at Claremont
The Aztec sacrificed person in honor of the gods. Polytheistic is
when they believe in many gods.
They had priests and nobles. They sacrificed children if there
parents allowed.
them. The Aztec has a good civilization.
. The Aztec are polytheistic.
by Shaddi
Aztecs building
The Aztecs had buildings such as:
Great temples
Small houses
By Baryon
Aztecs location
The Aztecs location were:
Mexico city
 By Bayron
The Aztecs And Art
The Aztecs had lots of art. They had
pottery, sculpting, carving and they made
painting and pictures of gods. They did lots
of pottery. They made different stuff out of
clay. Like bowls and other stuff. They also
carved pictures of gods and animals. The
paintings were very important too. they
painted pictures of gods. They used
different tools like pieces of glass to carve
the pictures of gods. They also made
something called hieroglyphics. It was part
of there communication .They did lots of
art. They did lots of other stuff too. They
didn't just do art there is much more they
The Aztec farmers grew many kinds of
vegetables and fruits like potatoes squash
peppers, avocados, peanuts , tomatoes
The staple food crop ( the main crop )was
corn, women used corn flour to make
tortillas (thin cakes ) tamales
The aztecs had two types of calender the solar calender was
based on the sun and seasons .it had 18 months of 20 days. The
equals 360 days were unlucky .They stayed inside and did nothing
.The months had names from the seasons like fall of the fruit or
growth. Only priests astrologers used the sacred calender or count
of days . They used this calender to see which days were lucky.
The Aztec jobs
• created pottery for trades. Today we still
have Potters: The Aztec were potters.
They potters.
• Farmers: The Aztec had farmers. The
farmers grew food for the Aztec. The most
important food crop was corn.
• Nobles: Some Aztecs were nobles. In
order to be a noble you have to come
from a rich and powerful.
• By;aysia
The Aztec jobs
• Priest: The Aztecs had many priest. The priest
studied stars. Today we still have
• Warriors: The Aztecs had warriors. Another
word for warriors would be a soldier or
fighter. Today we still have warriors/fighters.
• Hunters: The Aztec had hunters. The hunters
hunted for food. Today we still have hunters.
the Aztec had many jobs such as king, noble, priests
Potters, sculptors, hunters, farmers, warriors, builders
And merchants .The kings job was to rule his people.
The nobles job was to help the king rule. Priests were
Religious leaders. Potters and sculptors are artists.
Hunters and farmers get the food .warriors fight.
Builders build the temples buildings . Merchants sell
things. And that is the Aztec government