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Created by
Alberto Guajardo
Lamar Bruni Vergara Middle School
 In Massachusetts, Francis Cabot Lowell built water or
steam powered factories.
Production of products increased and prices dropped.
Eli Whitney contributed by developing in
standardizing of parts by making them
1840 railroad lines criss-crossed parts of America, most
important was New York Central which ran parallel to
the Erie Canal.
1844 Samuel Morse invented the telegraph which
created faster communication.
1st area to become
Center for
manufacturing and
People worked in large
workshops or factories
which led to a
population increase.
People became
wealthier, middle class
began to grow
New opportunities for
merchants, bankers,
managers, foremen,
sales clerks and
Women and children
worked in the factories
to meet the needs of
the family
Manifest Destiny
Availability of cheap land
and construction of
national roads and canals
opened the region to
The west became the new
“Bread Basket”
Farmers used machines
like the mechanical plow,
reaper and thrasher to
produce grains, like
wheat and corn.
West had abundant
timber, gold, silver,
grazing land, and fertile
The removal of the Native
Americans made
accelerated westward
•The Plantation System
•Large farms cultivated cash
crops like cotton, rice, tobacco
and indigo through the use of
•With an over-emphasis of
cultivating cash crops, the
south ignored improvements
like industry and
•The south fell behind in
railroads, factories and
•1792 Eli Whitney invented the
Cotton Gin, which did the
work of 50 slaves.
•“King Cotton”
•The south had to satisfy the
demand for cotton from the
Northern factories and from
•Demand for slavery increased
Second Great Awakening
Protestant groups held outdoor
religious services and
emphasized salvation.
These religious groups saw social
reform as part of God’s Plan.
They focused on repairing moral
The Second Great Awakening
played in important role in
stirring reform movements to
end Slavery, reform prisons, and
ban alcoholic beverages.
Ralf Waldo Emerson
People were born with an inborn
guide or conscience which
allowed them to recognize moral
1848 Henry David Thoreau
(student of Emerson) spoke out
on Civil Disobedience, it was the
duty of citizens to disobey
unjust government policies.
Other American authors
emerged borrowing from the
ideas of transcendentalism:
Nathanial Hawthorn, Herman
Melville, Washington Irving,
James Fennimore Cooper and
Edgar Allen Poe.
 Reformers who believed slavery was morally wrong
sought to bring an end to it. They were known as
1833 - The British Empire had abolished slavery.
1838 - 1,350 anti slavery societies existed in the U.S.
with 250,000 members.
Southerners burned antislavery propaganda and
excluded it from the mail; Congress imposed a “gag
rule”, to avoid abolitionist petitions.
Former President John Quincy Addams spent his final
political years fighting against the gag rule.
 1853 Harriet Beecher Stowe, wrote the book Uncle
Tom’s Cabin, which depicted the evils of Slavery
stirring up the conscience of the North.
William Lloyd Garrison published The Liberator, a
newspaper that spoke out against slavery.
Frederick Douglass published anti-slavery writings
and delivered speeches throughout the North.
Harriet Tubman was instrumental in the Underground
Railroad which helped many fugitive slaves to escape
to Canada .
In 1859 John Brown launched a slave revolt at Harpers
 The isue of Slavery became tied to States Rights .
 Southerners argued that the federal government was failing
to respect the arrangement in the Constitution that had
bound the states together.
 South believed that the North & West were using the
federal government’s power to charge high tariffs and
challenge the preservation of slavery.
 In 1828 Vice President John C. Calhoun stated that states
had the right to nullify a federal law within its borders or to
secede from the Union.
 The principle of states rights eventually led to the secession
of several southern states from the Union in 1860-1861.
 The Missouri Compromise of 1820, prohibited slavery
north of the 36, 30 line.
 The Compromise of 1850, California was admitted into the
Union as a free state, but allowed Slave owners to hunt
down their escaped slaves under the Fugitive Slave Law.
 Kansas-Nebraska Act, Popular Sovereignty: people should
decide if the area should be a free or a slave state.
 1857 Dred Scott Decision: A southern slave named Dred
Scott sued for his freedom. The court ruled: Slaves were not
citizens; they were property. The government cannot
lawfully prohibit slavery in the new territories; therefore
the Missouri Compromise of 1820 was found
 Abraham Lincoln (abolitionist) won the Presidential
Election of 1860; South Carolina and 6 other
immediately seceded from the Union, before Lincoln
even took office.
 The seceding Southern States formed the Confederate
States of America and elected Jefferson Davis as their
 Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address stated that “no state
can lawfully get out of the Union.”
 On April 12, 1861 Confederate forces fired on Fort
Sumter in South Carolina which initiated the Civil
 After the North surrendered at Fort Sumter, four more
states seceded.
 Some Southern states remained loyal to the Union.
North =22 million
South =6 million (free
North=More Factories and
more food
South=Rural agricultural
communities produced
cotton and cash crops
lacked manufacturing
North had more railroads,
canals, ports, and roads
than the South
North=President Lincoln was
a better leader than J. Davis .
South=Gen. Robert E. Lee
was a superior in military
Navel Power:
South= few war ships
North= had powerful navel ships to block off the southern ports
The North
The South
 Gen. Winfield Scott’s
 Southerners were
Anaconda Plan: Surround
the South like a giant snake
to prevent them from
receiving supplies from
 Lincoln sent Union forces
to take control of the
Mississippi River to split
the Confederacy in two.
motivated to fight to
uphold their way of life.
 Northern attacks would be
met by Confederate citizens
defending their homes; the
plan was self defense.
 South would depend on
European allies for support.
Battle of Manassas AKA
Battle of Antietam AKA
Battle of Bull Run
Battle of Sharpsburg
 July 1861 - 30,000 Union
 Davis and Lee believed
soldiers marched toward
Richmond, but were
defeated by Confederate
Gen. “Stonewall” Jackson
and his 22,000 troops.
 The Union was forced to
that they could win the war
if they invaded the North.
 In 1862 Lee crossed into
Maryland, Confederate
troops were met by Union
troops at Antietam Creek .
 This was the bloodiest
single day of the war; 6,000
soldiers were killed.
 Lee retreated to Virginia.
 Lincoln used the victory at
Antietam as the occasion for the
announcing of the Emancipation
 Lincoln wanted to give the war a
greater moral purpose and wanted
to prevent Britain and France from
siding with the South.
 The Emancipation Proclamation
only freed the slaves in the
rebelling states, not in the loyal
border states.
 In 1863 Lee and his troops moved North to cut off
Washington D.C. from the rest of the Union.
 Union and Confederate soldiers met at Gettysburg,
 After 3 days of heavy fighting, Lee retreated suffering
many casualties and never being able to go on the
offensive against the North.
 51,000 men were killed or injured.
 1863 President Lincoln was invited to the battlefield to
dedicate a cemetery to the Union soldiers who had died
 He read 2 minutes long simple and eloquent speech to an
audience of 20,000 people.
“The world will little note, nor long remember what
we say here, but it can never forget what they did
here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated
here to the unfinished work which they who fought
here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for
us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining
before us -- that from these honored dead we take
increased devotion to that cause for which they gave
the last full measure of devotion -- that we here
highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in
vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new
birth of freedom -- and that government of the
people, by the people, for the people, shall not
perish from the earth.”
 After Union Commander David Farragut captured the City of New
Orleans. Northern troops made their way up the Mississippi River to
split the Confederacy.
Union Gen. Ulysses S. Grant army won the Battle of Vicksburg.
The Confederate troops surrendered after a 47 day siege.
The residents of Vicksburg faced starvation after the siege; they ate
rats, shoe leather and weeds.
Some residents went to find refuge in caves dug into the hillsides to
avoid the hammering of the siege artillery
Grant’s victory cut the Confederacy in half.
 Lincoln was so pleased with Grant’s victory at
Vicksburg that he placed him in charge of all Union
 Grant made his goal the total destruction of
Confederate forces and Southern economic resources.
 Gen. Sherman’s orders from Grant were to further
divide the Confederacy.
 Union forces marched from Atlanta to Savannah
tearing up railroads, cut telegraph lines, and burned
down farms, businesses and villages.
 Union Troops lived off the land.
 Lincoln’s reelection was uncertain; he had been
criticized for the his handling of the war.
 The Union army had suffered many losses and some
voters in the North were outraged by the
Emancipation Proclamation, claiming Lincoln had
gone too far.
 His main opponent was George McClellan
Commander of Union forces at Antietam.
 Thanks to recent Union victories Lincoln won the
 In April 1865, Richmond, Virginia, the capital of the
Confederacy, the South fell to Union army.
Lee met Grant at Appomattox Court House.
Under Grant’s terms Lee and his men surrendered and
were pardoned.
All Confederate arms were collected.
Both generals signed the document of surrender.
The war was officially over.
 On April 15th, 1865 in Washington D.C. exactly four years after
his call to put down the rebellion, Lincoln was assassinated by
John Wilkes Booth.
 The assassin was an actor who believed Lincoln was a tyrant so
he shot him in the back of the head at Ford’s Theatre.
 Lincoln died the following day.
 Had Lincoln lived, he was prepared to forgive the South and
work together as Americans dedicated to a system of
government based on liberty, equality and unity.
Jarrett, Mark, Stuart Zimmer, and James Killoran.
Mastering The 8 Social Studies TEKS.
Ronkonkoma, NY: Jarrett Publishing, 2011. Print.
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