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Background Information: A Growing Divide
 Northern and Southern states develop in very different ways
over the centuries before and after the American Revolution
 NORTH: Many port cities (Boston, New York, Philadelphia).
Industrial Revolution influenced Northern states the most.
Economy based on foreign trade, commerce, shipbuilding. N
embraces manufacturing (esp. textile mills).
 Farmers specialized in one or two crops/livestock, sold to
urban markets, used cash to buy necessities from store. Items
usually made in the North. Did not need much labor (wheat,
corn), so less need for slave labor. Slavery was present
though, as was racial prejudice.
 Allowed for MARKET ECONOMY. Ag. and manufacturing
supported each other.
Background Information: A Growing Divide
 SOUTH: Economy based almost solely on AGRICULTURE.
Region began as rural society of self-sufficient plantations
(single-crop for sale, not feed/food: tobacco, rice, indigo).
 Used rivers instead of ports to ship goods to North and
eventually on to Europe. Plantation owners produce what
they need, so did not need shops, bakeries, markets. Used
slave labor to meet high demands of labor.
 Cotton became most profitable and dominant cash-crop in the
South. Fueled by industrialized (need for cotton in textile
1793: Eli Whitney invented the Cotton Gin (“gin”=engine). Removed
seeds from fibers so processing was easier and faster. Cotton
production was more profitable, causing planters to increase crops and
need for slave labor.
The Emergence of Slavery
 Slavery in existence since ancient times (Egypt, China, Greece,
Rome, Inca, Aztec). Muslims in Middle East and N. Africa in
business of capturing and trading people from Africa, C.
Europe. Portuguese begin business of African slave trade.
 Spanish and Portuguese bring enslaved W. Africans to C.
America/Caribbean in early 1500s to replace Native
Americans as forced slave labor.
 First Africans in America= 20 Africans brought to Jamestown,
VA by Dutch in 1619 .
Early slaves in N. America were treated more like indentured servants.
Were seen as workers and not necessarily property.
Many worked alongside European laborers, were more expensive to
bring in than white workers, and seen as morally/intellectually inferior.
 By 1700s, slave trade between Europe, W. Africa, and America
was booming (Triangular Trade).
Slavery in North America
 Boston, New York, and Charlestown were important
ports in the slave trade.
 Estimated around 500,000 Africans were brought into
North America by 1770.
 Value and presence of enslaved Africans grew in VA and
the southern colonies in mid-1600s.
White indentured servants wanted to be treated like Englishmen
Supply of indentured servants began to decline (some ran away,
many found jobs in England working in industry, commerce,
Increase in life span= indentured servants survived to reach
Africans could not blend in to run away, couldn’t demand humane
treatment, justice, or land.
Africans well suited for climate conditions and intense labor of crops
in the deep south
Slavery in the South
 With surge of cotton in south due to England’s insatiable
need for cotton and the cotton gin, use of slave labor
No more importing of slaves after 1808
In South, not many whites owned slaves (400,000/9 mil.)
If did own slaves, most owned less than 20. 12% owned 20 or more
(=a planter) and only 1% owned 50+.
56% of all slaves worked on a plantation (20+). Means typical
slaveholder only had handful of slaves, but typical slave lived on
plantation of great size.
 Slave codes (laws) put in place to control and maintain
order over slaves. Were considered “chattel property-”
property that can be moved- with zero rights.
 As western areas of U.S. begin to open up, new cotton
production began and higher need for slaves caused
them to be very profitable.
The Union In Peril:
Civil War and Reconstruction
Essential Questions
Unit Essential Question
How did the Civil War and the failure of Reconstruction
change the course of our nation?
Lesson Essential Questions
What were the causes of the Civil War?
Do you think that the conflict could have been avoided? How?
What were the strengths of both sides at the beginning of the Civil War?
What battles were turning points in the war?
What were the strategies for each side during the war?
How did the Emancipation Proclamation affect the outcome of the War?
What events led to the South’s surrender?
Lesson Essential Questions, continued. . .
Effects of the Civil War and Reconstruction
What Reconstruction plans were developed for the South after the war?
How did the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments influence the rights of
African Americans?
How did the role of African Americans change throughout
Why did Reconstruction fail?
How did Southern whites regain political power during Reconstruction?
Background Information- A Growing Divide
 Origins and development of slavery in the U.S.
 MO Compromise
 Why do we need slavery and why should slavery be
 Industrial v. Agricultural economies
 Black stereotypes (view of blacks in N and S)
 New territories, states and issues that brought up
The Divisive
Politics of
“I have, Senators, believed
from the first that the
agitation of the subject of
slavery would, if not
prevented by some timely
and effective measure, end
in disunion. . . The agitation
has been permitted to
proceed. . . Until it has
reached a period when it can
no longer be disguised or
denied that the Union is in
danger. You have thus had
forced upon you the greatest
and the gravest question
that can ever come under
your consideration: How
can the Union be
- John C. Calhoun, The
Compromise of 1850
 New territories apply to become
states and enter the Union
Southern states want to gain more slave
Northern states did not want slavery to
 Dec. 1849- Issues arise over
future statehood of CA.
 Southerners assume CA will be slave state b/c CA
had land below 36/30 line (=open to slavery in MO
Compromise), but Northerners try to stop it.
Disputes cause several Southern states to threaten to secede
A Compromise is Made
 Henry Clay negotiates between N & S and brings
forward the Compromise of 1850.
North: California enters Union as a free state
South: a new Fugitive Slave Law was put in place. By law,
anyone who found an alleged runaway slave had to
capture/arrest him or be fined $1,000. If helped a runaway
slave, could be jailed and fined. Reward for returned
Both: In territories of NM and UT, slavery would be decided
by popular sovereignty (people of the land would vote
Role of Stephen Douglas
 September, 1850- Compromise of 1850 became law.
Crisis of slavery, secession “swept under the rug.”
Protest, Resistance, and Violence
 Many in the North (abolitionists, partial supporters)
surprised as harsh Fugitive Slave Law.
Vigilante groups formed to help get African-Americans north
to Canada.
 Harriet Beecher Stowe- wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin in
Anti-slavery novel; slavery was a political contest
and moral struggle that could be overcome by
Christian love; told of reality of slavery
 Underground Railroad established as secret network
between white abolitionists and runaway slaves.
If caught trying to escape, slaves could be shot, hung, whipped,
or worse.
Travel was at night, through woods, water, little food, and with
no sense of direction. The North Star and other natural signs
guided slaves to freedom.
Slave patrols on horseback often caught runaways and
returned to their owners.
The Underground Railroad
 A series of safe houses and shelter for runaway
 “Conductors” would take risk of helping hide
runaway slaves, feed them and give them water, rest,
clothing. Often helped runaways to next stop on the
way to freedom.
Harriet Tubman
 Slave in MD
 B. 1820/1821.
 Fear of being sold after her owner died  run away
to Philadelphia, 1849.
 Fugitive Slave Law  Tubman served as a conductor
Estimated she made 19 trips back and forth to South
Rumored that she helped over 300 slaves (including her
Tension Rises. . .
 Senator Douglas wanted popular sovereignty to be
used to decide issue of slavery in territory of
Nebraska. But territory was north of 36/30 line (MO
Compromise) and was supposed to be closed to
 SD sponsor Kansas-Nebraska Act
 Split into Nebraska (N) and new territory of Kansas
 Allow popular sovereignty to determine slavery in
Would repeal the MO Compromise and 36/30 line
Bitter debate
N politicians saw bill as plot to turn territories into slave states. S
supported bill.
1854- Kansas-Nebraska Act passed and became law.
. . .Violence follows.
 The Race for Kansas: Supporters and opponents of
slavery rush to Kansas to try and win votes for the
territory. People set up camps and even small towns
of abolitionists or slave holders.
 “Bleeding Kansas:” Situation turns violent as people
attack, fight, and kill each other over the issue.
People were tarred and feathered, kidnapped, killed.
 By 1855, enough people to vote.
 “Border Ruffians” illegally voted  pro-slavery
legislature (Lecompton)
MO was a slave state
Immediately , multiple pro-slavery acts passed.
Abolitionists set up separate government in Topeka.
Again, bloody violence followed as try to outgain in each other.
John Brown led abolitionist group to attack a proslavery town.
Drug 5 men from their homes and hacked them to death.
 Violence also spread to the Senate as Charles Sumner (MA)
gave a two-day speech (the Crime Against Kansas) attacking
the South, slavery, and Senator Andrew Butler (SC) for
proslavery views.
 Butler’s nephew, Preston S. Brooks, upset about attacks.
Considers a duel, but is told that duels are only suited for
gentlemen of equal standing (Sumner used harsh language in
speech and compared slavery to a “mistress”).
 Brooks walked into Senate, beat Sumner on head with his
cane until the cane broke.
Sumner suffered brain damage and was unable to return to the Senate
for 3 years.
Sumner became a hero in the North, Butler became a hero in the South
New Political Parties Emerge
 Know-Nothing Party: aka American Party.
Supported nativism, but split over issue of slavery in
 Liberty Party: Anti-slavery party with goal of
 Free-Soil Party: Anti-slavery opposed to extension of
slavery into territories.
Not based on support for African-Americans
Many not abolitionists and support racist laws
Objected to slavery’s competition with white workers and
wage-based labor force
 Republican Party (1854): Opposed spread of slavery.
Took in many from other parties, including
antislavery and nativists. One extreme want to
resurrect MO Compromise, the other were radical
Republican= national interest above sectional
Dred Scott Decision
 Dred Scott v. Sanford
 Scott a slave who was moved from slave state (MO)
to free territories (IL/WI).
Argued this gave him freedom from owner
 1857- Supreme Court ruled AGAINST Scott
 Scott had no legal standing to sue b/c he was not a citizen
 5th Amendment protected property. Slaves=property, so no
territory could exclude slavery since it deprived slaveholders of
 Northerners upset at influence of South on gov.
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
 Illinois, 1858: Democrat Stephen Douglas vs.
Republican Abraham Lincoln
Neither want slavery in territories
Douglas popular sovereigntybelieved
Lincoln slavery immoral, but knew would take constitutional
amendment to abolish
 Douglas won, but Dems split
 Lincoln garner attention
John Brown’s Raid at Harper’s Ferry
 John Brown believed his calling to lead uprising of
abolitionists and help slaves revolt.
Secretly had backing from Northern abolitionists
 Oct. 16th, 1859- Brown and 21 men (black and white)
stormed Harper’s Ferry, VA (now WVA).
Attempted to seize federal arsenal to support slave rebellion
Troops called in to end rebellion
 Brown sentenced to death.
 In North, seen as hero. Bells rang, gun salute, crowds gather
in his name to hear speeches against the South.
 In South, white mobs assault other whites with antislavery
views and suspected abolitionists
Lincoln is Elected President
 Election of 1860: Republican Lincoln vs. Northern
Democrat Stephen Douglas vs. Southern Democrat
John Breckinridge vs. Constitutional Party (KnowNothings)
Democrats split on issue of slavery
Northern Democrats support Douglas/popular sovereignty
Southern Democrats support Breckinridge/Dred Scott
 Lincoln ran as a moderate. No intention to allow
slavery to spread, but tried to reassure Southerners
that he would not interfere with them, their slaves,
or in anything about their slaves.
Southerners still see Lincoln as an enemy
 Lincoln wins without any electoral votes from
Southern states and with less than majority of
popular vote.
Southern Secession
 For Southerners, issue of slavery was underlying
issue. Was masking issues of power of states and
self-determination vs. federal government control.
Who should have highest authority?
Southerners believe have lost voice in National Gov.
Southern way of life challenged and could be turned upside
 South Carolina decided to ACT.
 December 20th, 1860: SC secedes from the Union
 6 more follow: MS, FL, AL, GA, LA, TX
 February, 1861: Delegates from 7 states meet in
Montgomery, AL and form Confederate States of
America (the Confederacy).
Constitution drawn up with protections of slavery
Confederates unanimously elect Jefferson Davis (former
Senator from MS) as President of CSA
Ch. 4, Sec. 2:
The Civil War
“This country will be
drenched in blood…The
people of the North… are
not going to let this
country be destroyed
without a mighty effort to
save it…Besides, where
are your men and
appliances of war to
contend against
them?...You are rushing
into war with one of the
most powerful,
ingeniously mechanical
and determined people
on earth- right at your
doors…Only in spirit and
determination are you
prepared for war. In all
else you are totally
-William Tecumseh
 After secession, Confederate
soldiers seize Union Federal
Installations (forts) throughout
the South
 Lincoln must decide whether to
defend or give over to CSA
 Fort Pickens- Pensacola, FL
CSA troops from AL and FL attempt to
seize the fort. Reach a truce to avoid
war: North won’t reinforce fort; South
won’t attack
 Fort Sumter- Charleston, SC
 Off coast of SC, near Charleston. Lincoln decided to
send in rations (food) and supplies- no weapons
 April 12th, 1861: WAR BEGINS!
 Confederate batteries pound Fort Sumter causing
Union to surrender the Fort.
The War is on. . .
 April/May of 1861: After Fort Sumter and Lincoln’s
declaration of war, four more states secede and join
the CSA.
Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee
Four slave states stayed in the Union:
Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky, Missouri
1863: Western area of VA opposed slavery, so seceded from
VA and entered Union (U.S.) as West Virginia
 Union and Confederacy not an equal match in war.
Each have to come up with military plan for their
strengths, resources, and objectives.
The Union vs. The Confederacy
 Advantages were their
resources: had more
Food production
Extensive rail system
 3- Point Strategy:
Navy blockade of Southern
ports (Anaconda Plan)
Conquer the MS River/Split
CSA in two
Capture Richmond, VA
 Advantages were:
 Highly trained/effective
generals, motivated
soldiers, resourcefulness,
fighting in own territory
 Strategy:
 Defend the CSA
 Attack Union when
opportunity arises
First Battle of Manassas or
The Battle of Bull Run
 July, 1861: First bloodshed on the battlefield
 Battle took place near Bull Run creek/city of Manassas
(near Washington, DC).
 Battle went back & forth between Union and CSA, but by
afternoon Confederates had won the first victory!
North led by Brig. General Irvin McDowell
South led by Brig. General P.G.T. Beauregard, General Thomas
“There stands Jackson like a stone wall!”  Jackson earned nickname
Stonewall after standing his ground against Union troops
Col. Francis Bartow- 1st Commander to die in the Civil War
 Confederate troops exhausted after battle, so do not
pursue Union troops or attack DC.
Battle of Shiloh
 After Union loss @ First Manassas, Lincoln put
troops near DC under General George McClellan.
Also starts campaign in the west under General
Ulysses S. Grant.
 Feb., 1862: Grant led Union army to invade West
Tennessee and to capture Ft. Henry on the
Tennessee River and then Ft. Donelson on the
Cumberland River.
 Battle of Shiloh: Grant moves deeper into TN on his
campaign into the west. Camped near TN river near
the Mississippi border
Confederates under Beauregard and Johnston surprise
attacked Grant’s Union forces.
Confederates have early success, but Union troops regroup and
ultimately able to defeat the CSA troops.
Battle of Shiloh was bloodiest battle yet in the war.
The Union’s Three-Point Plan
Attack the CSA capital: McClellan’s troops (near
DC) are primed to stage an attack on Richmond
and continue an assault on the CSA in their own
Control the MS river and cut the South in two:
April 1862: David Farragut and a Union fleet
seized New Orleans from the CSA. By June, the
Union controlled much of the lower MS river.
 Blockade the South (Anaconda Plan): U.S. has
control of the seas because of the strength and size of
their navy. Able to blockade Norfolk and Richmond,
VA. Goal is to stop cotton exports out of the South
and stop manufactured goods from entering the
South. Want to isolate the South from any outside
aide by blockading the coast and controlling the MS
Battle at Sea
 March, 1862: USS Monitor vs. CSS Virginia
 Confederate Sec. of Navy was Stephen R. Mallory (Florida)
 Mallory commissioned old USS Merimack- raised from sea- be
turned into an ironclad warship for CSA navy. Name it CSS
 Battle is the first meeting of ironclad warships
 Confederates want to use new CSS Virginia to break
through Union blockade of Norfolk/Richmond.
 Battle lasted about 3 hours. CSS Virignia met and
destroyed wooden Union ship (USS Minnesota)
before engaged the Union ironclad, USS Monitor.
 After 3 hours, CSS Virginia returned to shipyard.
USS Monitor remained on water and with blockade,
so technically a Union victory.
As international naval powers learn of battle, stop building
wooden ships and begin to build ships out of iron
The War So Far
The War So Far
What is the war about?
Preserving the Union or Freeing the
The War So Far
Reasons a Victory was Needed:
 Lincoln wanted to show that
his government was strong
and could support or “back
up” the proclamation.
 Lincoln didn’t want it to
appear that his government
was weak, and that he was
asking the slaves to rebel
against their masters.
September 17, 1862
As a group read the
Battle of Antietam
War for Capitals: Antietam
 Spring, 1862: General Robert E. Lee takes control of
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia
General Johnston wounded in battle with Union Gen.
 Sept., 1862: Confederate attempts to move ANV
towards DC. Lee and ANV cross Potomac into Union
state of MD.
One of McClellan’s men found Lee’s plans/orders wrapped
around cigars. Tell of Lee and Stonewall Jackson being
separated for a bit on march north.
McClellan order men to pursue Lee
 Sept. 17th: Union and Confederate troops engage
near Antietam Creek.
Twelve hour battle that began with Union attacks on
Confederate troops. Both sides stubbornly hold lines and
continue fighting.
By the next day, both sides gather wounded, bury dead.
Bloodiest single-day battle in U.S. history. Nearly 26,000
Lee retreats back to VA, leaving the Union with a victory.
 Union Gen. McClellan chose not to pursue retreating
Lincoln removes him from command because of this
Emancipation Proclamation
 After Confederate defeat and retreat back into
Virginia, Union President Lincoln uses opportunity
to change purpose of war.
 Had written draft of EP prior to battle. Wanted to
use it to weaken the CSA.
As Commander in Chief of U.S., war powers allow Lincoln to
order troops to seize enemy resources. If slaves property, then
troops could emancipate them just as they could seize supplies.
Lincoln is not able to free slaves/abolish slavery within U.S.
though- 5th Amendment still protects property.
 Battle of Antietam was perfect timing to launch
formal EP. Proclamation made Sep. 22, 1862, but
would go into effect on Jan. 1, 1863.
 Before, war about economics of slavery, states v.
federal rights, and to save the Union (or Southern
independence). Now, war also about moral issue of
His first challenge was that the
U.S. Constitution did not
prohibit slavery. Individual
states could outlaw slavery, but
not the U.S. Government.
Lincoln used his background
as a lawyer to come up with a
solution more or less based on
the following questions that I
would like you to answer:
How did slave owners legally
consider their slaves (and
horses, buildings, etc…)?
Slaves were considered to be
What happens to property that
armies capture from their
enemy during a war?
Image courtesy Library of Congress
The property captured (called
contraband) belongs to the
army that captured it and its
Look at your excerpt
from the Emancipation
Let’s read the second
paragraph together.
Image courtesy Library of Congress
The war was no longer just
about preserving the union, it
was also about freeing the
United States Colored Troops
United States Colored Troops
In the Emancipation
Proclamation Lincoln
addressed the enlistment
of African Americans in
the United States armed
In paragraph #8 Lincoln
discusses them being
accepted into the
military. Let’s read it
Image courtesy Library of Congress
United States Colored Troops
Let’s read an excerpts
from General Order
143, which created the
“United States
Colored Troops”
Image courtesy National Archives
United States Colored Troops
What do you think were some
advantages for the United
States in having African
Americans serve in the
United States Colored Troops
African Americans joined the
United States military in large
numbers. Which led to a larger
army, one of the deciding
factors in the United States
defeating the Confederacy.
CSA Support
 CSA hoped that Great Britain’s dependence on
Southern cotton would allow them to formally
recognize the CSA as independent country.
GB acquired large amounts of cotton prior to war, so did not
need to rely on South. Did need wheat/corn from North.
GB decided to stay NEUTRAL.
 Trent Affair: British built several warships for CSA.
USS San Jacinto intercepted British ship carrying
two CSA diplomats (James Mason/John Slidell)
heading to rally support for CSA in GB and France.
US took men prisoner. Some in North want Lincoln to declare
war vs. GB/France. Lincoln know not smart to do that.
In Europe, people outraged. GB ask for formal apology and
prisoners to be released. Lincoln does so to avoid war.
Mason/Slidell go on to Europe, but have no luck gaining
military support for the South.
Life During Wartime
 Not a lot of unity for the war in the Union or CSA:
 Lincoln and Davis suspend writ of habeas corpus (no longer
had to be charged with a crime to be held by the gov.)
 Both also have to turn to conscription (draft) and force men to
serve in army. In Union, see riots break out because of this.
 Many deserters from both armies during war
 African-Americans in military for both sides
 Union: Served in separate regiments under white command,
were paid less, faced much discrimination. 180,000 serve.
 Confederacy: Served in several ways.
Non-military: Were continuous labor that fueled the economy and
maintained food production during the war
 Could be rented or drafted by the CSA to build infrastructure
 Used as a work force to move food/supplies
 Went to war as servants, cooks, etc. (about 85% served in this way)
 Illusion of the Civil War as a glorious affair faded
quickly as soldiers and citizens deal with realities of
 Soldiers: Casualties on battlefields very high, living
conditions were crowded, unhealthy, dirty. Food
very scarce and medical care was lacking.
Camps littered with rubbish/garbage and open latrines.
Diseases spread quickly (dysentery, diarrhea, lice)
Prison camps also very bad:
In South, huge lack of food and tent canvas. Some prisoners kept
in cow pens and barns. Spaces crowded and unsanitary. In
winter, no heat. Pneumonia spread quickly, many died.
 Approximately 15% of Union soldiers in CSA camps died, 12% of
Confederate soldiers in Union camps died.
 Women very important for war effort.
 Union: nearly 3,000 serve in army as nurses. Clara Barton
served and eventually founded American Red Cross after the
war. Often cared for sick/wounded at front lines of battle.
 CSA: Women play similar role. Sally Tompkins commissioned
a Capt. in army for heroics as nurse on battlefields. Women
also must keep families and farms running while men away.
 Economy in both Union and Confederacy highly effected
by war.
Union: Economy grew as factories/industries continued to produce.
Army needed supplies that came from woolen mills, steel foundries,
Wages in North did not keep up with prices, so standard of living
declined. Men still at work go on strike, factories begin to hire free
blacks, immigrants, women. First income tax issued to help pay for
war (tax on a percentage of income)
CSA: Economy shattered. Shortage of food throughout the South.
Very large lack of manpower as men are off at war and enslaved field
workers were being lost (Union armies came through and freed
them, some ran away, others joined Confederate army)
Food prices in South skyrocketed and inflation rose 7,000%
 1863 began well for Confederates:
Ch. 4, Sec. 3:
The War Turns
Battle of Fredericksburg, VA: Dec., 1862
Confederates held high ground and fought
back six attempts by Union to cross open
land below
Gen. Burnside/Union suffer 12,000+
casualties, has army retreat
Battle of Chancellorsville, VA: May, 1863
Confederate Gen. Lee vs. Union Gen.
Confederates able to storm through Union
lines on 2nd day, cause Union troops to
On 3rd day, Lee wins as Hooker retreats
Comes at a high price- Stonewall Jackson
shot by friendly fire, May 2nd. Left arm
amputated. Jackson died from pneumonia
a week later (May 10th, 1863).
An Invasion into the North
 Lee intent to invade North by going through
Maryland and into Pennsylvania.
 In North, support for war very minimal. Many
soldiers deserting and some try to undermine
Lincoln and his war effort
The Battle at Gettysburg
 July 1st, 1863: Battle near town of Gettysburg, PA
 Confederates under Gen. Hill meet Union cavalry
under Gen. Buford on a bridge.
 Buford had men surround town, take defensive
positions behind hills/ridges.
 As Hill approached, Buford and men were waiting.
Shooting begins between the two. Causes each side
to call in reinforcements.
 By end of first day, over 90,000 Union troops had
taken field under Gen. George Meade against 75,000
Confederates under Gen. Lee
 July 2nd: Confederates drove Union troops from the
town, took control of Gettysburg. Union still held
position at Cemetery Ridge (high ground south of
town). Lee ordered an attack on the ridge.
 Confederates head from Seminary Ridge (peach
orchard, wheat field between them and Union)
toward Union lines to attack. Union lines hold.
 July 3rd: Lee ordered artillery barrage on center of
the Union lines on Cemetery Ridge. Fighting lasted
2 hours and could be heard in Pittsburgh, PA.
 Confederates charge Union lines thinking guns had
silenced, but as march across farmland toward
Union high ground, Northern barrage began againartillery, infantry fire on approaching soldiers.
Breaking the charm of Robert E. Lee’s
 Confederates are devastated and head back to their
lines. Union army victorious.
 Loss causes Lee to abandon hope of invading the
north. Takes his army back to Virginia.
 After the 3 days of battle:
23,000 Union men killed/wounded
28,000 Confederates killed/wounded
More than 30% of manpower
Gettysburg Address
 November 1863: Ceremony held to dedicate a
cemetery at Gettysburg battlefield.
 Lincoln gave 2 minute speech at dedication
 Effect of speech- allowed people to see U.S. in a new
Was not a collection of individual states, but a UNIFIED
 Union Gen. Grant led army to take Vicksburg on
Mississippi River. Located on a hill that overlooked
the river. Allowed whoever controlled the town to
also control movement along river.
 Spring 1863: Grant sent cavalry through MS to
destroy rail lines and distract Confederate troops
from his Union infantry marching towards
 Grant landed troops south of Vicksburg on April 30
and sent men to search for confederate troops.
 May 14th, Union troops able to take Jackson, MS
(capital). Allows Union confidence to be very high.
 Grant order troops to rush city of Vicksburg and take it.
Two attacks sent, neither successful.
 By end of May, Grant decides to besiege the city.
 Every day, artillery fire on city from river and land
 Forces people to move away, into caves dug out of hillsides
 Grant cut off food supplies, people in city desperate (dogs,
 Confederate command in Vicksburg appeals to Grant for
 July 4th, 1863: Vicksburg falls to Union forces.
 July 9th: Port Hudson, LA also fell to Union.
 Was last Confederate stronghold on MS River
 Union achieves goal of cutting south in two
The Confederacy Wears Down
 Losses and high casualties at Vicksburg and
Gettysburg leave Confederacy with lack of manpower
 CSA experiencing shortage of food, shoes, uniforms,
guns, ammunition.
1862: Bread Riots- Richmond, VA
 By 1864, $1 (CSA) = $.05 in gold
 Printed $1 billion Confederate dollars- caused inflation
 Issued $150 million bonds in exchange for money
 Confederate plan changes: No need to hang on long
enough to weaken Union morale and work toward
armistice (cease-fire).
Southern morale sank every day. Many in Confederacy caller
peace or to end the war. Tired of fighting.
Submarine Warfare
 Feb. 1864- Confederate submarine HL Hunley attempt
an attack on USS Housatonic off coast of Charleston.
8 men inside to turn hand cranks to move propeller
 CSS Hunley ramed into USS Housatonic and planted
135 lb. torpedo into ship. Hunley backed away and
Housatonic exploded, burned 3 min., sunk to bottom
(5 killed).
 Signal for success sent to Confederates back on land.
Hunley turned and began return to land. Sometime
between signal and return to land, the Hunley
Found buried in Atlantic off coast of Charleston in 1995.
Total War
 By March of 1864, Lincoln has two trusted Generals
who will FIGHT!
Ulysses S. Grant- commander of all Union armies
William Tecumseh Sherman- commander of division of MS
 Know fighting only continues because of strength of
willpower on both sides.
If destroy will of the CSA to fight, then CSA would collapse.
 Both believe in total war.
 War that is limitless. No distinction between civilian and
 Would use all resources to destroy will and ability of enemy to
 Ex: eliminate food sources, resources, infrastructure, artillery,
Total War in Action
 Grant’s strategy: decimate Lee’s Army of N. Virginia
 Even if Union lost more men in the fight, they could afford it
and the South could not
 Sherman’s March to the Sea: Spring, 1864- Sherman
begins total war tactics. Began march across SE
from Mississippi through Georgia. Created wide
path of destruction along way.
Army plunder, destroy, burned railroads, houses, crops. Took
supplies, killed livestock.
 Sherman wanted to make Southerners “so sick of war
that generations would pass away before they would
again appeal to it.”
By November 1864- path of destruction across south.
Atlanta/Savannah burned, many others
Headed north through SC and NC
Sherman’s forces + 25,000 former slaves head north to help
Grant destroy Lee
Election of 1864
 Lincoln faced upcoming reelection and much
opposition from Northern Democrats, some
People shocked, disappointed at length of war, high casualties
Regains support with victories and news of Sherman’s march
 November- Lincoln wins reelection over opposition!
 George McClellan (Democrat)- Upset at being dismissed by
Lincoln, had support of Copperheads
 John C. Fremont (Radical Republican)- Wanted immediate
emancipation of all slaves
Conservative Republicans: gradual emancipation
 Moderate Republicans: grant emancipation, but with reservations
Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse
 April 3rd, 1865: Union troops conquered Richmond,
VA (capital of CSA). Southerners had abandoned
city on April 2nd and set fire to it to keep Union from
taking it.
 April 9th at Appomattox Courthouse, VA: Lee and
Grant met at a private home to arrange surrender of
Confederacy army to Union army. Lincoln very
generous in terms of surrender. Grant took over
Lee’s soldiers, sent them home w/ possessions and
few days worth of rations.
 By May, all Confederate resistance collapsed. The
Civil War had ended- the Union had won.
 Death toll almost as many deaths as all other US
wars combined
Union- 360,000
CSA- 260,000
TOTAL: 620,000
The War Changes the Nation
 Political & Economic Changes:
 War increased Federal Gov. power and authority over people
During war, laws passed that allow gov. to have more control over
individual citizens (income tax, conscription)
Gap between economy of N and S widened
In North- dependence on factories, industry for war effort= growth
 In South- economy busted. Slavery ended as source of labor,
fighting destroyed farmland and any industry the S did have
 Warfare Revolution:
 =First “Modern” War
 Technology: Rifle, ironclad ships, minie ball (more destructive
lead bullet), early form of hand grenade & land/sea mines
13th Amendment
 Emancipation Proclamation only freed slaves in the
 After war, Lincoln fear people will see EP as
temporary since slavery still existed in border states.
 US Government knows can only end slavery by
constitutional amendment to abolish slavery
13th Amendment to U.S. Constitution passed on Dec. 6, 1865
= 1st Reconstruction Amendment abolishes slavery
Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a
punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly
convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place
subject to their jurisdiction.
Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by
appropriate legislation
Lincoln Assassination
 March, 1865: John Wilkes Booth and friends plan
kidnapping of Lincoln
Would take to Richmond, VA and exchange for release of
Confederate prisoners
Lincoln did not arrive at time/place, so plan failed
 April, 1865: Plot to save Confederacy by killing
Lincoln, VP Andrew Johnson, and Sec. of State
William Seward all on same night
 April 14th, 1865: Lincoln’s to Ford’s Theater in DC to
see a play (Our American Cousin).
During 3rd act, unknown shooter entered box and shot Lincoln
behind head
Sic Semper Tyrannus= Thus always to tyrants!
Lincoln paralyzed and died the next day (April 15th, 1865)
Booth caught 12 days later in in Virginia
Other two parts of plan failed
Ch. 4, Sec. 4:
and its Effects
 VP Andrew Johnson succeeds
Lincoln as President in April,
 Reconstruction= period of
rebuilding the United States and
bringing Confederate States back
into the Union
Reconstruction Plans
 Very lenient
 Confederates pardoned if
 No high-ranking
swore allegiance to
Union & accept 13th
Except high rank officers,
any accused of war crimes
 10% of 1860 voters need
to take oath before any
states allowed to re-enter
politics/the Union
 VA, AR, LA, TN
Confederates or wealthy
southerners could take
Purpose was to break
planter’s power
BUT, also says “White men
alone must manage the
 FL, GA, AL, NC, SC, MS,
Civil Rights Act of 1866
 Passed to establish Freedman’s Bureau- would
provide food, clothing, hospitals, education, legal
protection to former slaves and poor whites
 Gave citizenship to African Americans
 Forbid states from passing discriminatory laws
(black codes) that restricted African-American lives
Johnson vetoed Act, but was overridden by Congress
 14th Amendment: Prevented states from denying
rights and privileges to any U.S. citizen
Purpose was to overrule the Dred Scott decision
Reconstruction Act & Impeachment
 1867: Act sets up official plan for reconstruction.
 = Congressional Reconstruction
 CSA divided into military districts- states were under
martial law. Right to vote had to be given to AfricanAmericans and all had to ratify 14th amendment to
reenter Union.
Johnson vetoed, Congress overruled
 1868: Pres. Johnson removed Edwin Stanton as Sec.
of War.
Radical Republicans looking for war to get Johnson out of
Charge Pres. with violation of Tenure of Office Act
House voted to impeach Johnson, but was not convicted of
crime, so remained in office
 Ulysses S. Grant wins presidency in 1868.
 15th Amendment: No one could be kept from voting based on
race, color, previous condition of servitude. Ratified in 1870.
Reconstructing Society
 After the war ends, Northerners begin to infiltrate
South left in ruins and needed to be rebuilt
Northerners take advantage of financial/political opportunity
Investment into rebuilding projects
 Republican government officials
Scalawags= white southerners who joined the Republican
Often seeking to improve life/economic conditions
 To stop wealthy planters from regaining power
 Usually did not share Republican commitment to civil rights for
Carpetbaggers= Northerners who moved south to take
advantage of economic opportunities
Owned very little, so fit everything into carpet bag
 Some came south to work in schools to education freedmen
A New Life for Former Slaves
 Many slaves illiterate, so educating freedmen becomes
Public schools open in southern states as part of Reconstruction
Churches serve as education centers
 Reconstruction brings in 16 African-Americans into
Hiram Revels is first. Black Senator from Mississippi
 Sharecropping:
 Freedmen and poor white farmers have little to no land, so no
way to make money or feed families.
 Landowners divide land and assign few acres to family. Supply
seed, tools for family to farm land for owner. Family can keep
a share of what is produced, but rest goes to owner.
 Tenant Farming:
 Man/Family able to rent a piece of land. Keep entire harvest.
Collapse of Reconstruction
 Vigilante Groups form as some Southerners unable
to accept changes from Reconstruction and with
Civil Rights
Used violence to intimidate blacks
 Ku Klux Klan: Confederate terrorist organization
 Founded in 1865, Pulaski, TN
 Began as social club for former Confederates
 Evolved into violent vigilante group
 First Grand Wizard was Nathan Bedford Forrest, a highly
successful Confederate General
Ku Klux Klan
 Goal to destroy Republican party, overthrow
Reconstruction governments in southern states, give
power back to planters, prevent blacks from
exercising political rights.
Often use violence to threaten, intimidate
Whites from all classes joined to preserve law & order in whitedominated society
Violence also against white Republican leaders
Mobs would go through black areas of town to cause riots,
would attack blacks at suffragist meetings, intimidate all who
try to vote Republican
Many Southern states fight back against KKK (TN, TX, NC,
SC),. Not much success stopping organization because many
local judges, policemen, mayors were Klansmen
KKK able to gain local power over state or federal authorities
Congressional Acts of 1870, 1871, 1872
 Enforcement Acts:
 1870- Provided that there be federal supervision of elections
 Also, gave President power to use federal troops in any area
where Klan was active
 Amnesty Act: 1872
 Returned rights to over 150,000 former confederates
 Right to vote, right to hold federal/state offices
 Same year (1872), Freedmen’s Bureau expired
 Both the Act and expiration of FB allowed Southern
Democrats able to regain political power
The Fall of Reconstruction
 National support for Reconstruction was fading
 Republican party divided over post-war issues
 Radical Republicans failing to convince others to let them keep
running the south
 Panic of 1873: Bank failures sent country into 5 year
 Policies and decisions of Fed. Gov. began to undo
social & political changes of radical Republicans
 Election of 1876: Samuel Tilden (D) v. Rutherford B.
Hayes (R)
Tilden won popular vote, but not electoral vote
Southern Democrats agree to accept Hayes IF the Republicans
would guarantee that federal troops would be withdraw from
the South
Republicans agree, Hayes becomes president, and
The Jim Crow South
 With end of Reconstruction, Southern Democrats
regain control in the South.
 For Southerners, this is redemption- ability to regain
control from Republicans
 Redeemer governments push Jim Crow laws
Jumping Jim Crow- song/dance performed in blackface,
popular in 1830s/1840s. “Jim Crow” synonymous with an
Used to describe the south and laws made to segregate whites
and blacks
Laws passed to restrict voting
Poll taxes, literacy and comprehension tests, residency/recordkeeping requirements, the Grandfather clause
 Reduced number of blacks and poor white voters in the South