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MT311 Java Application
Development and Programming
Li Tak Sing(李德成)
Implementing subprograms
When a subprogram is called, an activation
record instance (ARI) is created in the stack.
It is destroyed when the subprogram returns.
An ARI has a number of fields. Dynamic link
and static link are two of them. Both of them
are pointers pointing to the ARI of other
subprograms. The meaning of the names
reflects that the former needs information in
execution time and the latter only needs
information in compilation time.
Implementing subprograms
In fact, the dynamic link of a subprogram
always points to the ARI of the calling
subprogram. As a subprogram can be called
by different subprograms, to which ARI a
dynamic link will point is not known at
compile time. That is the reason why it is
called dynamic. On the other hand, the static
link of the ARI of a subprogram always points
to the ARI of the static parent.
Implementing subprograms
This information is known at compile time
and therefore is called static.
Other fields in ARI are parameters and local
So, consider the following subprogram:
procedure proc1(int i)
var j,k:integer;
The ARI would have the following fields:
The storage for the parameter i (assume that it is
passed by value)
The storage for local variables j and k.
The static link which points to the ARI of the static
parent of the procedure.
The dynamic link which points to the ARI of the
calling procedure.
return address
s t at ic link
dy namic link
ret urn addres s
point t o
t he s t at ic
point t o
t he c alling
s ubprogram
The ARI of the main program contains the
global variables
1. program A;
2. var a1: integer;
3. procedure B;
4. var b1: integer;
5. begin
8. procedure C;
9. var c1: integer;
10. procedure D;
11. var d1: integer;
12. begin
13. ...
14. end;
15. procedure E;
16. var e1: integer;
17. begin
18. C;
19. e1 := c1;
20. end;
21. begin
22. ...
23. end;
24. begin
25. ...
26. end;
Draw the ARIs if the at this moment we have
the following procedure call sequence:
A -> E ->C->D
Object Oriented Programming
the three fundamental concepts underlying
object-oriented programming:
data abstraction;
inheritance; and
Data abstraction and
The encapsulation of an object is the
representation of its most important features.
For example, the encapsulation of a car may
be a vehicle with four wheels. An abstract
data type is the encapsulation of an object
which includes all the subprograms that are
used to manipulate it.
Data abstraction and
If all users of the object were restricted from
manipulating it using these subprograms
only, then the users’ code would be
independent of the implementation of the
object. This has two advantages:
The implementation of the abstract data type can
be changed without affecting the users’ code.
Thus these changes would not propagate to other
parts of the system. This of course has one
condition, i.e., the interfaces of the subprograms
should remain unchanged.
The implementation of the object is naturally
separated from other parts of the system.
Therefore the object can be tested individually.
This would increase the reliability of the system.
Information hiding
In order to ensure that users of an abstract
data type manipulate it through a set of
subprograms only, we have to find a way to
prevent them from accessing the data
structure of the data type directly. This is
done by enforcing information hiding, i.e.,
removing the information concerning the
internal attributes of the data type from any
files released to the users.
Information hiding
In Java, this is done by access modifier.
Inheritance and polymorphism
Inheritance allows the programmer to inherit
or derive new classes from an existing one.
The new class may have additional attributes
and methods. A new method would override
an old one if the same name and parameter
list were used. Overriding an existing method
in a derived class is an important mechanism
in fine-tuning an existing code.
Inheritance and polymorphism
However, this mechanism would not be of
much use without polymorphism.
Polymorphism is the ability to invoke the
correct version of an overridden method
when the corresponding message is passed
to an object. Polymorphism is closely related
to dynamic binding.
Dynamic binding
Dynamic binding means that the binding of a
value to an item is to be done when a
program is run. In this case, when a method
of an object is invoked, the runtime
environment will first check the true type of
the object and then invoke the method that is
defined for this object type.
Inheritance and polymorphism
Inheritance and polymorphism are important
in making software reusable. Without them,
existing code could hardly be reusable
because situations change from project to
project. With inheritance and polymorphism,
we can fine-tune an existing code by deriving
new classes and add new attributes, new
methods and override existing methods in
the new classes.
Inheritance and polymorphism
Polymorphism would ensure that the
overridden methods would be invoked
Functional and logic programming
In procedural languages, we specify 'how' to
perform a task. In functional and logic
programming languages, we specify 'what' to
perform in a task.
Functional programming
In functional programming languages, a
program just consists of the definitions of a
number of functions. Each function is defined
more like a mathematical function than a C
function. A C function usually describes how
a value of the function can be calculated. A
mathematical function definition, on the other
hand, would contain the expressions that are
used to calculate the value of the function.
Functional programming
Thus, the most important action in a
functional programming language is the
evaluation of expressions, while the actions
in an imperative language are more
diversified, including transferring control to a
different place in the program, changing the
value of a variable, etc.
Functional programming
For example, let's consider the problem of
finding the sum of an array of integers. The C
implementation of the function sum is shown
int sum(int num[],int nopoint)
int tmp=0; int i;
for (i=0;i<nopoint;i++)
return tmp;
Functional programming
We can see that this definition describes how
the sum can be found by adding each
element of the array to a temporary variable.
At the end, this temporary variable would be
the required sum. Now let’s consider the
mathematical definition of the function. The
following definition is the sum function which
accepts a sequence of integers as
Functional programming
Functional languages
where car, cdr are pre-defined functions
which return the first element and the
remaining list with the first element removed
respectively. This mathematical definition is
readily translated into any functional
programming language. The following
fragment of code shows how this is done in
Scheme, a language we will talk about later.
Functional languages
Fundamentals of functional
programming languages
Purely functional programming languages
define the outputs of a program as a
mathematical function of the inputs. They
have a number of features:
Assignment of variables is prohibited within
function definitions. Therefore there is no side
effect in calling a function.
As only expressions are needed in defining a
function, there is no need to have loop constructs
in these languages.
Fundamentals of functional
programming languages
Still there is a need for selection constructs
because different expressions have to be
selected under different conditions.
Lists are important because they can easily be
manipulated by operating on their first element
and the remainder of the list.
Recursion is important because it is the only
means of doing operations repeatedly.
In Scheme, the most important data structure
is the list. The elements of a list can be
atoms or other lists. Atoms can be bound or
unbound. Bound atoms are those that have
been bound to a value either by the language
designer or by the programmer.
They include numbers, Boolean values, and
names that have been bound using the
DEFINE function. Unbound atoms are used
simply as literal constants. They mean
anything that the programmer wants them to
The Scheme interpreter will try to evaluate
every item it encounters unless it is told not
to do so.
 When the interpreter evaluates a list, it will
treat the list as a function so that the first
element of the list is the function name and
all other elements are parameters. It will
evaluate all the parameters first and then
pass the parameters to the function specified
by the first element of the list.
When the interpreter evaluates a bound
atom, its value will be returned. When the
interpreter evaluates an unbound atom, a run
time error will occur.
To tell the interpreter to leave an item alone,
we have to precede that item with a single
quote. Adding a single quote in front of an
item is equivalent to passing that item to the
primitive function quote. Thus the following
two statements are exactly the same:
‘(1 2 3)
(quote (1 2 3))
Both statements will be evaluated to the list
(1 2 3). If the single quote were not there,
then the interpreter would try to pass the two
parameters 2 and 3 to the function 1. This is
an error as 1 is not a function. Thus,
unbound atoms should either be preceded by
a single quote or be in a list that has been
left alone by the interpreter.
When a list is formed from some operations
or has been preceded by a single quote, it
will not be interpreted as a function. To
interpret the list as a function, we have to
pass the list to the eval function explicitly.
list is a primitive function which forms a list
from the given parameters. Thus, ‘(1 2 3) is
equivalent to (list 1 2 3). Both would produce
a list with three elements, 1, 2 and 3.
However, the two forms are not the same in
all cases. For example, consider the
following two statements:
‘(1 (+ 1 2) 3)
(list 1 (+ 1 2) 3)
The first statement would be evaluated to a
list with elements 1, (+ 1 2) and 3. The
second statement would be evaluated to a
list with elements 1, 3 and 3. This is because
the single quote in the first statement has
prevented the interpreter from evaluating any
element of the list, and thus the second
element is still a list. However, for the second
statement, all of its parameters would be
evaluated. The second element would be
evaluated to 3. Then the three parameters
would form a list.
If we want to form a list with three unbound
atoms, a, b and c, using the single quote
method, we can write it as ‘(a b c). However,
if we wanted to use the LIST function, we
would write it as (list ‘a ‘b ‘c).
Numerical operations
Scheme has primitive functions for the basic
numerical operations.
(= x1 x2 x3 …)
(< x1 x2 x3 …)
(> x1 x2 x3 …)
(<= x1 x2 x3 …)
(>= x1 x2 x3 …)
Numerical operations
These functions return #t if their arguments
are (respectively): equal, monotonically
increasing, monotonically decreasing,
monotonically nondecreasing, or
monotonically nonincreasing. For example,
Numerical operations
(= 1 1 1 1) ;returns #t
(> 4 4 2 1) ;returns ()
(>= 4 4 2 1) ;returns #t
(<= 1 2 2 4) ;returns #t
Numerical operations
The primitive functions:
(+ x ...)
(* x ...)
calculate the sum or product of their
arguments. For example:
Numerical operations
(+ 3 4.2) ;returns 7.2
(+) ;returns 0
(* 3 4.2) ;returns 12.6
(*) ;returns 1
With two or more arguments, the primitive functions:
(- x1 x2 ...)
(/ x1 x2 ...)
Numerical operations
return the difference or quotient of their
arguments, associating to the left. With one
argument, however, they return the additive
or multiplicative inverse of their argument.
For example,
(- 3 2) ;returns 1
(- 3 4 5) ;returns -6
(- 4) ;returns -4
Numerical operations
The functions:
(exp x) returns ex
(log x) returns ln(x)
(sin x) returns sin(x)
(cos x) returns cos(x)
(tan x) returns tan(x)
(asin x) returns sin-1(x)
Numerical operations
(sqrt x) returns x
(expt x1 x2) returns x1x2
are also available in Scheme.