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Role of Secondary
Nutrients in Banana
Role of Secondary Nutrients in Banana
Secondary Nutrients
 Calcium
 Magnesium
 Sulphur
Role of Secondary Nutrients in Banana
Role of Calcium
Level of calcium is quite high in plant tissues and it is involved
in many useful functions.
Timing at the rate of 6 kg per plant in a single year or spread
over 2 or 3 years did not affect yields, although that soil was
distinctly acid.
It is commonly a major caution of the middle lamella of cell walls
of which calcium pectate is a principal constituent.
The key function of calcium seems to be in maintaining is to be
considerable extent a matter of compartmentation membrane in
functional stable.
Role of Secondary Nutrients in Banana
Deficiency of Calcium
Calcium deficiency symptoms are characterized by narrow
bands of marginal chlorosis of lower leaves which gradually
turn in to necrotic hollows covering the entire margin and the
leaves becomes smaller with reduced fresh weight.
Dissolution of the cell wall occur resulting in the accumulation
of brown substance in inter-cellular space and vascular
tissues where they can affect transport mechanism.
Root growth is retarded; they become short, thick, crooked
and stubby.
Branches are malformed, multiple buds appear and there is a
premature leaf fall.
There is accumulation of carbohydrates by affecting
transportation and utilization (oxalic acid is the byproduct of
CHo and if not used by Ca).
Role of Secondary Nutrients in Banana
Role of Magnesium
It is needed by all green plants a constituent of chlorophyll, the only
mineral constituent of chlorophyll molecule.
Therefore it is important in photosynthesis in autotrophs.
It also seems to play an important role in the transport of phosphate in
plant and possible as a consequence of this, it accumulates in the seeds
of plant rich in oil, for the oil is also accompanied by an accumulation of
lecithin, a phosphate contains fat.
There is availability of phosphorous some times can simply be elevated by
mg application.
Role of Secondary Nutrients in Banana
Deficiency of Mg
Purple mottling of leaf petioles malformation of
leaves and sheaths and puckering and thickening of
the characteristic symptoms of magnesium deficiency
in banana.
 Leaf yellowing, retarded growth and reduced yield
in mg deficient plants.
Fruits of mg deficient plants do not ripen well and
are tasteless.
In magnesium deficient plants, the color of
leaves turned yellowish showing brown spots
on the leaf margin.
Interveinal chlorosis extending towards the
youngest leaves.
The height of the plant was inhibited.
Role of Secondary Nutrients in Banana
Role of Sulphur
Being a constituent of sulphur containing aminoacids like cystine and methionine, it is involved in the
synthesis of protein and enzymes and therefore
functionally important in plant growth.
It activates certain proteolitic enzymes such as
papain, bromelin and ficin and it is also a constituent
of certain vitamins of co-enzymes A and of
It is absorbed in plants almost entirely as the
sulphate (SO-4)ion and small amount as SO2 through
It is less mobile than N within plant and therefore,
symptoms first appear on younger leaves.
Role of Secondary Nutrients in Banana
Deficiency of Sulphur
• Plant growth rate reduced
• Plants become rigid and brittle
 Stem remains thin
• Chlorotic symptoms first appear on younger leaves
• light green to light yellow
• Inter-nodal length shortened
• S and N deficiency synonymous visually
• Leaf analysis essential
Role of Secondary Nutrients in Banana
Let Us sum up
The secondary nutrients also essential for
plant growth.
The deficiency symptoms occur first in
younger leaves than older leaves.
Calcium is essential for cell wall
development, when it decreased it causes
interveinal and marginal chlorosis.
photosynthesis, interveinal chlorosis and
reddening is a deficiency symptom of
Sulphur is constituent of sulphur containing
amino-acids like cystine and methionine, it is
involved in the synthesis of protein and
enzymes and therefore functionally important
in plant growth.
Papery white colour of leaves is main symptom
of sulphur.