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Plants use the Sun to make Food
• Photosynthesis: is the process by which
plant cells capture the sun’s energy and use it
to make food.
• To do this, plants convert CO2 (carbon dioxide)
and H2O (water) into O2 (oxygen) and sugars
A 2-Stage Process
• Stage 1: Chloroplasts in leaves capture
the sun’s energy. Pigments such as
chlorophyll (which gives chlorplasts their
green color) absorb the sunlight.
• Stage 2: The cell uses H2O and CO2 to
produce sugars. (More on this stage on the
next slide). ------>
2nd Stage (cont.)
• In this stage, H2O is absorbed through roots
and transported up to leaves.
• CO2 is absorbed through small openings on
leaves called stomata.
• Inside chloroplasts, the H2O and CO2
undergo chemical reactions powered by the
solar energy captured in stage 1. This
process produces O2 (oxygen) which plants
give off as a waste gas (lucky for us!) and
glucose (a sugar) which is used by plants
and other living things as a source of energy
The Photosynthesis
• 6 CO2 + 6 H2O light energy ===>
• C6H12O6 + 6 O2