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B1.7 Genetic variation and its control
GCSE items that can be used to define successful outcomes
for peer and self assessment activities
Assessment of practical work
Using Exam pro items to support successful outcomes
Learners will be able to test their progress against learning
outcomes using questions taken from past AQA GCSE
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B1.7 Genetic variation and its control June 2012
The drawing shows a potato plant producing new tubers
(potatoes). Buds on the stem of the parent plant produce stolons.
The new tubers are formed at the ends of the stolons (stems that
grow downwards).
(a) Explain why the new tubers are genetically identical to each
(2 marks)
(b) Some of the tubers are used to produce potato plants. These
new potato plants will not all grow to the same height
Give one reason why.
(1 mark)
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B1.7 Genetic variation and its control June 2012
(a) grow from parents,
by vegetative reproduction/asexual reproduction/
no sexual reproduction for 1 mark each
(2 marks)
(b) e.g. different environmental conditions/named condition
or 1 mark
(1 mark)
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B1.7 Genetic variation and its control June 2012 BL2HP
The photograph shows some cells in the root of an onion plant.
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B1.7 Genetic variation and its control June 2012 BL2HP
(a) Cells X and Y have just been produced by cell division.
4 (a) (i) Name the type of cell division that produced cells X and Y.
(1 mark)
4 (a) (ii) What happens to the genetic material before the cell divides?
(1 mark)
4 (b) A gardener wanted to produce a new variety of onion.
Explain why sexual reproduction could produce a new variety of onion.
(3 marks)
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B1.7 Genetic variation and its control June 2012 Mark Scheme
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Exampro Q08W.1H.08
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(a) (i) The herbicide-resistance gene is obtained from a herbicideresistant plant.
Which structure in a cell carries the genes?
(1 mark)
(ii) How is the herbicide-resistance gene cut out of this structure?
(1 mark)
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(c) Suggest one advantage to a farmer of growing herbicideresistant crops.
(d) Many people are opposed to the growing of herbicideresistant crops produced in this way.
Suggest one reason why.
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B1.7 Genetic variation and its control June 2012 BL1FP
The photograph shows a zorse.
A zorse is a cross between a male zebra and a female horse.
The zorse has characteristics of both parents.
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B1.7 Genetic variation and its control June 2012 BL1FP
(a) The zorse was produced by sexual reproduction
(a) (i) What is sexual reproduction?
(1 mark)
(a) (ii) The zorse has characteristics of a zebra and a horse.
(2 marks)
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B1.7 Genetic variation and its control June 2012 BL1FP
(b) Zorses are not able to breed.
Scientists could produce more zorses from this zorse by adult
cell cloning.
The diagram shows how the scientists might clone a zorse.
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B1.7 Genetic variation and its control June 2012 BL1FP
In this question you will be assessed on using good English,
information clearly and using specialist terms where appropriate.
Use information from the diagram and your own knowledge to
describe how adult cell cloning could be used to clone a zorse.
(6 marks)
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B1.7 Genetic variation and its control June 2012 Mark Scheme
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B1.7 Genetic variation and its control June 2012 Mark Scheme
Copyright © AQA and its
licensors. All rights reserved.