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By: Emily Evans, Spenser Clark, and
Maria Boff
What is this picture?
This is the human ear. It is made up of many
parts that work together allowing sound to process
through our brains.
Where to begin…
• 3 basic parts:
• the outer ear
• the middle ear
• the inner ear
• The outer ear collects the sound and sends it to
the middle ear.
• The middle ear takes the energy and turns them
into vibrations that are sent to the eardrum.
• When the vibrations gets to the inner ear it
vibrates nerve cells that send them to the brain
so we can understand what we are hearing.
The Parts of the Outer Ear Are…
Ear Flap
This is where the sound enters the ear. It is used to
protect the middle ear and the eardrum.
Ear Canal
The ear canal located in the outside part of the ear is
around 2 centimeters long. It is a vital part of the ear
because it amplifies sounds and frequencies of
approximately 3000 Hz. It caries the sound into the
middle part of the ear.
Middle Ear
The middle ear is made of the ear drum, hammer, anvil, stirrup, and the
Eustachian tube…
Eardrum: The eardrum is a very durable membrane which vibrates as
the incoming sound waves enter. Compressions and rarefactions vibrate
to give the eardrum the same frequency of the sound wave.
The movements of the eardrum make the hammer, anvil, and stirrup in
sync with each other with the frequency of the sound. The three bones
work together and…
– The stirrup is connected to the inner ear and the vibrations of the
stirrup are transmitted to the fluid of the inner ear
– Together the anvil, stirrup, and hammer work as levers to amplify
the vibrations of the sound wave
Eustachian Tubes…
Eustachian Tube
• Think of the Eustachian Tube as an air
conditioning system and a janitorial
staff connected to the nose. Its job is
to ventilate the middle ear and relieve it
of pressure. It also gets rid of bacteria
and fluid built up in the middle ear.
The parts of the inner ear
• The cochlea has many nerve cells.
These nerve cells are attached to nerve
fibers. The vibrations are then transmitted
through the auditory nerve to the brain
where they will be processed into sounds
we comprehend.
• The cochlea is similar to the retina of the
eye and the auditory nerve is like the
optic nerve.
Infections in the Ear
Mommy, why do
my ears hurt?
Sometimes our ears are very sensitive, and we may
even have an ear infection. These have many origins
including germs getting in your Eustachian tube.
Now for a special presentation…
O When the Sound Goes Marching In...
O when the sound (o when the sound)
Goes marching in (goes marching in)
O when the sound goes marching in
It travels to the canal and then to the eardrum
When the sound goes marching (it goes marching in)
The auditory nerve sends signals to the brain
When the sound goes marching (it goes marching in)
Lyrics Continued
O when the sound (o when the sound)
goes marching in (goes marching in)
O when the sound goes marching in
The eardrum vibrates and then makes sound
When the sound goes marching in (it goes
marching in)
Do you remember???
How many main parts of the ear are there?
Where does the sound enter?
Outer ear
What are the two parts of the outer ear?
Ear flap and ear canal
What is like a janitorial staff?
Eustachian Tube
Name at least 2 parts of the middle ear?
Ear drum, hammer, anvil, stirrup, and Eustachian tube
Created by…………………………Spenser, Maria, Emily
Song Written By ……………………Spenser Clark
Song Performed By …………………Spenser Clark
Back-up Singers ……………………..Emily Evans and Maria Boff