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Resource Binder
Brittany Melefsky
Current Research
“Auditory-Oral Education: Teaching
Deaf Children To Talk”
Positives of oral education as put out by
Healthy Hearing
◦ Friday, November 16th 2001
“A Phone-Assistive Device Based on
Bluetooth Technology for Cochlear
Implant Users”
Helping to further benefit people with
a hearing loss through technological
Word Learning Better in Deaf Children
Who Receive Cochlear Implants by
Age 13 Months
With a critical learning window of language, the sooner we implant
children the more effective they will be in learning and using spoken
language. Giving young children they tools that they need to
succeed in a oral education setting if this is the decision of the
Regeneration of Hair Cells in the Ear
Currently in the testing phases on animals
This is the first demonstration and still
very much in the beginning phases—is
this the future of hearing loss advances in
students with d/hh?
A longitudinal
research study that
Talks about the changes
in screening
newborns, mothers
and babies as well
As facts and figures
About deafness.
The world of Deaf Infants
Theory-of-mind development in oral deaf
children with cochlear implants or
conventional hearing aids
Talks about how implants can substantially increase auditory
accuracy, but there are often times still problems with
socializing with hearing peers
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 45:6 (2004), pp 1096–1106
Computer-Assisted Vocabulary
Acquisition: The CSLU Vocabulary
Tutor in Oral-Deaf Education
Technology used to assist in literacy scores amount
deaf and hard of hearing students to potentially
increase test scores
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 8:2 Spring 2003
Multiple Research Articles put out by the
UK to address hearing loss in babies and
young children
A great place to go for parents and educators that is accessible and helps
to clear up questions related to hearing loss in a clean to the point
articles. While it is put out by the UK the topics and information are still
very much relevant to the US
Detecting hearing impairment in premature babies
Possible link between hearing disorder and dyslexia or learning disability
Improving hearing aid fitting in children
Comparing the benefits of bilateral and unilateral cochlear implants in children
The optimum age for cochlear implantation in children
Diagnostic tests for children with auditory processing disorder
Understanding auditory learning disabilities
Central auditory processing and learning
Spatial listening with cochlear implants
Higher Education for Deaf Students:
Research Priorities in the New
Harry Lang-2002
An article about how students face
barriers when it comes to gaining
information within the classroom
setting, and how we can change this
as classroom teachers to be more
effective in enhancing academic
J. Deaf Stud. Deaf Educ. (2002) 7 (4): 267-280. doi:
A 3D computerized tutor
that helps profoundly deaf
children with
conversational skills,
it shows student
how to understand
AND produce speech
Books In Print
Oral Deaf-Living in the Mainstream of
9 book titles that are about or from oraldeaf adults
 Provides great oral-deaf role models for
Deaf Characters
 198 + books that have deaf characters
◦ Juvenile (early chapter books- some with illustrations)
◦ Middle (chapter books)
◦ Teen to Crossover (adult book content with young adult
◦ Graphic Novels & Comics
◦ All the books are color coded by title on the
Covers a wide variety of topics
including what is the best environment
for the home and school for a child
that is d/hh
•Mental health
•What is important to the child? To the
parents? And to the educators?
Working together to make the right
choice in a unique situation.
Raising and Educating a Deaf Child: A
Comprehensive Guide to the Choices,
Controversies, and Decisions Faced by Parents
and Educators
Deaf Literature
 From RIT libraries
 Numerous books (not all on oral
education) that show experience through
the eyes of people living with a hearing
 Different approaches and viewpoints on
life from a d/hh perspective
Children with Hearing Loss: Developing
Listening and Talking Birth to Six
Helping parents and educators prompt speaking and
listening in children during the critical years for
language development.
Product lines “at a glance”
Different manufactures and what
products they have, how they
function, the warranties provided on
the materials- A go to book when a
teacher is stumped on trouble
shooting, parts
Order online at Amazon for
approximately $30.00
Hearing Aid Handbook
Your Child's Hearing Loss: A Guide for
A great resource for parents-from a mother with a daughter
who has a hearing loss.
Everything a parent would
need to know from coping with
the idea of having a child with a
hearing loss to the technology
that is used for such children.
Very parent friendly and
accessible language.
Debby Waldman (Author), Jackson Roush (Author)
School Professionals Working With Children
With Cochlear Implants
14 chapters that take readers
from the initial implantation to
what is expected in the future for
students living and attending
school with the use of a cochlear
What kind of speech is expected?
What will a noisy classroom do to
the child when it comes to
Supporting communication with
Oral Deaf
14 different perspectives that show the
complexities of living with a hearing
loss—from a d/hh perspective in the
“mainstream setting”
Helping Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Students to Use Spoken Language: A
Guide for Educators and Families
Effective techniques for working with students with a hearing
loss in a manner that fits their unique needs and also allows the
teacher to succeed and make gains.
Web Resources
Guidelines for the Classroom Teacher
A nice printable flyer to help general
education understand the needs of
students with a hearing loss within the
classroom setting.
Cochlear Implants
A great website that really targets all
aspects of implants for educators, parents
and students
 Life
 Experiences
 Failures
 Options
Harris Communications
A magazine put out full or products and
resources for deaf and hard of hearing
 Hearing aid cleaning supplies
 Personal equipment
 Gifts
 Resources (books)
Hear it
A website that gets at daily life
You can test your own hearing
Facts and figures
Sound samples of hearing loss
A lot of really good really useful
information for parents, educators and
anyone working with students that have a
hearing loss
Listening For Life
A nice website that describes auditory therapy for
students that are d/hh
Provides many internet links for oral education
How do parents and educators need to be
involved and what can be expected from the
Hard of Hearing and Deaf Students:
A Resource Guide to Support
Classroom Teachers
Great tip, suggestions and strategies to working with
deaf and hard of hearing students in the classroom
setting—what can you expect!?
American Society for Deaf Children
Provides information for deaf camps that
children can attend
Provides a parents-helping-parents network
for support
Laws and how they apply to d/hh students
National Institute on Deafness and
other Communication Disorders
What exactly is speech and language and
how do you know if your child has a
hearing loss? Tons of great information to
provide for parents such as a checklist of
benchmarks with hearing, research for
educators and professionals
Hearing Loss Blog
 A website that allows people to connect
via forums
 External links to resources
 Deaf/ hard of hearing in the news
Speech Sound- A guide for parents and
A nice resource that is easy to read and targets the majority of common
speech sounds in children. An overview of speech sounds that integrates
audition, speech, language, literacy and cognition in children. The hand
out targets how to use speech sounds, what to expect form the child and
how to track progress.
 Lot of nice external links to help assist with the speech sound production
in d/hh students.
Educator Tools
Designed for children 5 years old and younger
Activities that can be used at home or school
such as books, puppets, games and iron on
transfers for objects such as pillows, and
Progresses in difficulty to meet the needs of the
Activities stimulate phonemic awareness and
speech recognition
Order online at
Games for listening, language and
Oral Education Resources
Can go on and order information that can
be presented as a packet to parents
 Can order as many as are needed for
FREE and are also provided in different
language to accommodate cultural
 Free shipping
Coloring Book for Kids
Uses the character of “Bionic Buddy” to
explain the process of getting a cochlear
implant. The testing, the surgery and the
implant its self—Very cute!
A 27 year old man
undergoes cochlear implant
surgery, watch for hand as
he experience sound for
the first time. Great
resource to share with
students or parents
From Silence to Sound
Reducing Noise in the Classroom
with new standards.
There is a link through research about
noise and poor academics in the
classroom—not only will this benefit
everyone but above all oral deaf children
learning to LISTEN.
Oral Education Resources Cont
The videos from the kits can be watched
online for free with out having to have
them sent to a home or school.
Hear and Now
After 65 years of silence a
deaf couple decides to get
cochlear implants. A great
way to understand the
emotions and decisions
attracted to the potentially life
changing event of getting a
cochlear implants. Follow the
couple with home videos and
behind the scenes in this
moving documentary. A great
learning tool for students as
well as educators to talk about
he decisions and the steps
that have to be taken before
and after the surgery.
Hearing Speech and Deafness Center
Resources for early childhood educations
as well ad d/hh services, audiology and
speech and language services.
 Ask an audiologist questions about
children's hearing loss as well as find out
physical referral information
Language activities for students ages 5
and up with cochlear implants
Cds allow for activities that can be
reproduced that can be printed in color—
also listening tasks
Placement test that allow the teacher/
therapist to follow the path that the student
needs to achieve at a level that just right
for them.
Order on-line at
Cochlear Implant Auditory
Training Guide with CDs
Cochlear Implant Support
Troubleshooting CI
CI support
Videos that can be bought as “workshops”
Learning tool for students to how
understand cochlear implants
comes with sound processors
(ear and body)
head piece
Order online at
Bionic Buddy Plush toy
Parent Friendly Resources
Equal Choice for Deaf Children
Step by step of the emotional effect of
accepting a hearing loss in children.
 Very user friendly, real, and to the point
Helpful hints for making the right choice
A short article that helps parents
understand how to sort through, and pick
out the right program form their young
child with a hearing loss—being pulled in
many directions can be a challenge and
parents may often times second guess
their choice.
Advantages & Disadvantages: Hearing Aids
vs. Cochlear Implants for Those with Severe
Hearing Loss
Allows parents to see the positives and negatives of
amplification in a unbiased fashion. Nice bulleted
fashion that is easy to read and accessible.
A nice list of books that parents can read
with their children
◦ All the characters have a hearing loss and
many of them have/get cochlear implants or
hearing aids
◦ Very printer friendly
Speaking for Myself: A Film About Deaf
Children Learning to Speak
A 10 minute video that shows how parents and
educators can work together to get deaf children
to speak through oral education.
Help Kids Hear
Facts and figures
“10 Reasons Why it can be Advantageous
to Have a Hearing Impaired Child”
And a section just for the KIDS!
Get the Facts
Fact about hearing loss ad put out by ear
Nose and Throat specialist. Targeting the
difficult questions that parents might have
such as “will my child live a normal life?”
Speech and Language at home
While not directly deaf and hard of hearing
specific, there are some great games,
ways to practices, and what to expect as
a parent while working on speech at
Hearing Evaluation In Children
A nice website all about kids health,
hearing and the first few years of life
when it comes to hearing. How to detect
a hearing loss, what are the different
types of hearing loss
Meeting the Needs of Families
Communication options
◦ Videos provided
◦ Laws
◦ Communication options
◦ Technology