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In Service Training
Teaching the Hearing Impaired
Janet Florian
Terms to Know
Hard of Hearing - “hearing
impairment, whether
permanent or fluctuating,
which adversely affects a
child’s educational
performance…” I(National
Association of State
Directors of Special
Education [NASOSE], 1994)
•About seven million
children have some form of
hearing loss
•Few people are totally deaf
Deaf - “means a hearing
impairment which adversely
affects educational
performance and which is so
severe that the child is
impaired in processing
linguistic information
through hearing, with or
without amplification.”
(NASOSE, 1994)
Anatomy of the Ear
Three parts to the ear (outer, middle and
Outer Ear
Look at diagram for a visual representation
• pinna or auricle - The part of the ear that is
visible. It captures sound to be transmitted
into the ear
• The ear canal or external auditory meatus is
the canal that connects the pinna to the ear
drum or tympanic membrane. It transfers
sound to the tympanic membrane.
Middle Ear
Look at diagram for a visual representation
• Eardrum or tympanic membrane vibrates when
sound hits it. The vibration causes the sound to be
carried through the middle ear.
• Ossicular Chain are three small bones (malleus,
incus and stapes) that help to carry the sound from
the tympanic membrane (ear drum) to the inner
• The ossicular chain vibrates as sound is passed
through the middle ear.
• When the ossicular chain vibrates it transfers the
sound to the inner ear by setting the fluid in the 6
inner ear in motion.
Inner Ear
Look at diagram for a visual representation
• The cochlea contains fluid. When the fluid
moves it stimulates hair cells, which in turn send
signals, perceived as sound, into the brain.
• The cochlea also contains the organ of corti or the
sensory organ of hearing.
• Organ of corti contains the sensory cells essential
to hearing. These cells move as the fluid is
traveling through the cochlea.
Types of Hearing Losses
• Hearing loss resulting in
poor sound transmission
from the outer ear to the
middle ear.
• Example: Otitis media
(ear infection), obstruction
in external auditory canal
• Combination of
conductive and
• Hearing loss due to a
problem in the inner ear
that could affect the
cochlea or the cranial
nerve going to the brain
• Example: absent cochlea,
high fever causing
permanent damage
Degree of Hearing Loss
See handout on Sound Pressure Level (p. 10)
dB stands for decibal and it implies the intensity
of sound present
Normal Hearing 0-15 dB
Mild Loss 26-40 dB
Moderate Loss 41-55 dB
Moderate to Severe Loss 56-70 dB
Severe Loss 71- 90 dB
Profound Loss - 91 dB and above
Communication Methods
Manual Approach
• The hearing impaired
person primarily uses
sign language to learn
and communicate with
people (ASL)
• Usually has an
interpreter to assist in
communicating with
non ASL speakers
Oral Approach
• The hearing impaired
person uses their residual
hearing to learn and
communicate with people
• Focuses on using verbal
language to communicate
Total Communication
• The hearing impaired
person communicates
through a combination of
sign language and verbal
• Hearing Aids
• Cochlear Implants
• Assistive Listening Devices (FM Systems)
Hearing Aids and Cochlear
Hearing Aid
• Many different sizes and
• Three components
(microphone, amplifier
and receiver)
• Amplifies sounds from the
environment, but does not
make speech clearer
Cochlear Implant
• Electrode(s) placed in the
inner ear
• Designed to directly
stimulate nerves in the
cochlea in an attempt to
send stronger signals to
the auditory nerve center
in the brain
FM Systems
• FM System consists of microphone placed close
to the sound source, the sound is transmitted to
the receiver in the hearing aid via FM radio waves
• In the classroom the teacher wears the
microphone that picks up his/her voice and sends
it to the student’s hearing aid receiver, which then
amplifies the sound
Advantage of FM System
• FM picks up sound source but not background
• FM System is portable
• Small unit
Cochlear Electrode
FM System
Communication Strategies for the
HI Student
• Face the student when
speaking to him/her
• Get the attention of the
student before speaking
• Do not turn away while
speaking to the student
• Do not stand in front of a
light source while
speaking to the student the glare will prevent the
student from reading your
• Repeat yourself if the
student did not understand
• Speak clearly
• Use facial expressions and
gestures to help convey
your message
• If the student has an
interpreter, do not speak
directly to the interpreter
but to the student
Teaching Strategies for
the HI Student
Use visual aids during instruction
Provide captioned media
Reduce difficult vocabulary load
Write out assignment requirements for the student
Help the student locate a note taker
Break up long, complex sentences
Provide the student with a list of new vocabulary
and concepts to be taught
• Check for understanding
Environmental Adaptations for
the HI Student
• Place the student in a quiet part of the classroom example: place them away from noisy machines
like the air conditioner
• Place the students desks in a circle so the HI
student can see all the students
• Try to reduce background noise
• Have only one student talk at once
• Develop a plan of action with the student in case
of an emergency
National Association of State Directors of Special
Education. (1994) Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Students; Educational Service Guidelines. VA.
Levenson, M. J. (2001) Cochlear Implants
Devices for Persons with Hearing Impairments.
Understanding Hearing Loss/facts about Hearing
Disorders. (2001).
Information About Hearing Impairments. (2001).
Strategies for Teaching Students with Hearing
Impairments. (2001).
Tell me About “Assistive Listening Devices”.
Zemlin, W. R. (1988). Speech and Hearing Science;
Anatomy & Physiology Third Edition. New
Jersey: Prentice Hall.