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The ear and causes of
hearing loss
Learning objectives
• to describe how the ear works
• to identify the different types of hearing loss
• To explain common causes of hearing loss
• Relevant for: Assignment 1a
(deadline 30th Nov 14)
City Lit
The ear
What is sound?
A vibrating source causes particles of air to vibrate in a
wave form
The sound wave varies in:
- frequency (pitch)
- amplitude/intensity (loudness)
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Sound waves
frequency (pitch)
amplitude (loudness)
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Outer, middle and inner ear
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Hair cells in the cochlea
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Damaged hair cells
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Hearing sound through air
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Hearing sound through the skull
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Types of hearing loss
Central processing
Non organic
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Conductive hearing loss
The journey of the sound waves from the outer
ear to the cochlea is impeded or obstructed
Can affect either the outer and/or the middle ear
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Types of hearing loss
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Sensori-neural hearing loss
Results from damage to the cochlea and/or the
auditory nerve
Affects the inner ear
Can affect how well a person discriminates and
understands speech sounds
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Damaged hair cells
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Sensori-neural hearing loss
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In groups/pairs:
How many different causes of hearing loss
can you think of?
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Some causes of conductive hearing loss
Wax or foreign bodies
Malformation or damage to outer or middle ear
Scarred or perforated eardrum
Eustachian Tube dysfunction
Otitis Externa and Otitis Media
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Some causes of
sensori-neural hearing loss
Noise induced (NIHL)
Mumps, Measles, Rubella
Ménière’s disease
Acoustic neuroma
Brain tumour
Neurofibromatosis (NF2)
Ototoxic drugs
(age –related ARHL)
City Lit
Causes of hearing loss
e.g. Ushers, Downs, Treacher Collins, Alports
Central processing disorders
e.g. auditory processing disorder (APD)
other cognitive difficulties
Non-organic hearing loss
e.g. malingering =deliberately faking a hearing loss
psychogenic = arising from psychological factors
City Lit
Explain to your partner
1. How do we hear (with normal hearing)?
2. What is a conductive hearing loss? What is a sensorineural loss?
3. Why will someone with a sensori-neural hearing loss
probably have difficulty distinguishing speech?
4. Draw lines on the diagram to separate the three parts of
the ear
City Lit
Useful sources
Action on Hearing Loss
Hearing Link
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