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By: Michala White
Grade History Lesson
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Deaf History
Deaf Culture
Deaf Education
Multiple Choice Question
Hearing Aids
Cochlear Implants
American Sign
• Between 345-350 A.D., early Christians believe
that deaf children are a sign of God's anger at
the sins of their parents.
• Oral Education started for deaf students in 1755.
• Charles Michel De L'Eppe tried to develop a
bridge between the deaf and hearing worlds
through a system of standardized signs and
finger spelling.
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In 1988, students and faculty at Gallaudet
University protest the selection of another hearing
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• Flashing lights, rather than chimes, alert deaf people to
visitors. Smoke detectors, phones and alarm clocks can
all be converted to feature deaf-friendly flashing lights
or very loud alarms, and even vibrating mechanisms
that shake the bed or buzz in the occupant's pocket.
• Deaf or hearing-impaired people can use a TTY or TTD
(telephone typewriter or telecommunications device).
• Closed captioning lets deaf television users decode a
special signal in program broadcasts that displays
dialogue text across the bottom of the screen.
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Many deaf drivers use special devices that let
them know when fire or ambulance sirens are
wailing or car horns are blaring.
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• Mainstream - a school where the Deaf student
goes to public school with a translator, most of
the other students aren't deaf.
• Residential - the Deaf student lives at the school
in a Dorm and goes home on the weekends.
• Day School - Deaf student goes to school
Monday-Friday and goes home afterward
everyday, like a normal school; all students are
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American School for the Deaf, founded by
William Stoke and Laurent Clerc, was the first
deaf school open in the United States (1800).
The school is located in Hartford, Connecticut.
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• Heredity
– Birth (may have been a problem with the pregnancy), sometimes
“runs in the family
• Diseases of the Ear
– Ear Infections
• Otosclerosis – portions of the middle or inner ear develop growths like bony sponges
• Meningitis – inflammation of the membrane that surrounds the brains and the spinal
• Injuries of the Ear
– Punctures of the Eardrum
• Hole in eardrum caused by an injury (Q-tip, hairpin, explosion, car wreck.. Etc.) or disease
– Nerve Damage
– Loud Noises
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There are 3 types of hearing loss:
1.) Conductive hearing loss occurs when sound vibrations don't go from the
air around a person to the moving bones of the inner ear as well as they
should. In other words, sounds are heard, but they are weak, muffled, and
2.) Neural hearing loss (Nerve deafness) occurs when the auditory nerve,
which goes from the inner ear to the brain, fails to carry the sound
information to the brain. Neural hearing loss can cause a loss of loudness or a
loss of clarity in sounds.
3.) Mixed hearing loss is a combination of conductive and neural hearing
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• There are different styles of hearing aids:
– In-the-Canal (ITC) and Completely-in-the-Canal (CIC) Aids, In-the-Ear
(ITE) Aids, Behind-the-Ear (BTE) Aids, Behind-the-Ear Aid: Open Fitting,
Receiver-in-Canal Aids, Extended Wear Hearing Aids, and Middle Ear
• Ways to take care of hearing aids:
Perform listening checks
Check batteries
Clean the hearing aids regularly with a soft, dry cloth
Minimize moisture in the hearing aids
Avoid feedback
• Features available hearing aids:
– Directional microphone
– Telephone (telecoil) switch
– Direct audio input
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Myth: Hearing aids restore hearing to normal just
as an eyeglass prescription can restore vision to
Fact: Hearing aids do not restore hearing to
“normal.” Hearing aids do not “cure” your hearing
loss, but they provide benefit and improvement in
communication. They can improve your hearing and
listening abilities, and they can substantially
improve your quality of life.
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• A small, complex electronic device that can
help to provide a sense of sound to a person
who is profoundly deaf or severely hard-ofhearing.
• They bypass damaged portions of the ear and
directly stimulate the auditory nerve.
• A cochlear implant takes surgery and therapy
to learn the sense of hearing.
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About 42,600 adults and 28,400 children have
received cochlear implants in the United States.
Adults who have lost their hearing in their late
years of life can benefit most from a cochlear
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Cochlear Implants
• ASL stands for American Sign Language.
• Instead of using the punctuations of the
English Language (.,?!), punctuation is
expressed through facial expression.
• The four characteristics of sign language are:
– Handshape (Ex: Open 5, Closed 5)
– Location (Where the sign is)
– Orientation (Positioning of the hand)
– Movement (Motion of the sign)
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Even though there are many different types of
sign language, American Sign Language (ASL) is
the true language of the Deaf community. There
is no written form of ASL and no words.
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• There are two forms of interpreting.
– Consecutive- The speaker stops every 1-5 minutes (usually at the end
of every "paragraph" or a complete thought) and the interpreter then
steps in to render what was said into the target language.
– Simultaneous- The interpreter can't start interpreting until she/he
understands the general meaning of the sentence.
• Qualifications of a good interpreter:
– Knowledge of the general subject of the speeches that are to be
– General erudition and intimate familiarity with both cultures.
– Extensive vocabulary in both languages.
– Ability to express thoughts clearly and concisely in both languages.
– Excellent note-taking technique for consecutive interpreting.
– At least 2-3 years of booth experience for simultaneous interpreting.
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The difference between an interpreter and a
translator is the interpreter translates orally,
while a translator interprets written text.
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Which are used to help the hearing of
people who are deaf or hard of
Interpreters and Cochlear Implants
Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implants
Cochlear Implants and ASL
Interpreters and ASL
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