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Introduction to Marine Science
The world's oceans cover more than 70
per cent of the planet's surface and
contain 80 per cent of all life on Earth,
yet humans have only ever explored
around 5 per cent of that space.
The ocean is the dominant physical feature on our planet
Ocean Literacy
The Earth has one big ocean with
many features
Science and Marine Biology
• Oceans cover nearly 71% of the earth’s
• Oceans drive the various weather patterns
• The oceans supply a significant amount of
food in the form of fish, shellfish, and
• The oceans supply resources such as gas
and oil
Study of the sea and its
• Oceanography
Marine Biology
• The study of the living organisms that
inhabit the seas and their interactions with
each other and their environment
Purpose of Marine Biology: to make intelligent decisions
about the ocean and the environment
The Scientific Method:
scientific process skills
Stating the problem
Gathering information on the problem
Forming a hypothesis
Performing experiments to test the
• Recording and analyzing data
• Stating a conclusion
• Repeating the work
Stating the problem
• Identify the problem (or question)
• Make observations
– Ex.: a lot of fish are found around artificial
– Ask a question about the observation.
– Ex.: Did the fish breed and grow on the
artificial reef or did they relocate there?
Gathering information on the problem
• Find facts based on prior research
Forming a hypothesis
• Once you have a question based on your
observations and research, you form a
possible answer to the question. This is
called a hypothesis
• The hypothesis is the best explanation you
can think of based on what you know so
far. It is based on previous observations
and tests.
Performing experiments to test the
• Test the hypothesis. The way to do this is
with an experiment or with a series of
Recording and analyzing data
• Organize your results.
• Analyze your results (data).
– You are trying to confirm whether your results
support your hypothesis.
– Data may support your hypothesis or the data
may refute your hypothesis.
Stating a conclusion
• Report results, procedures, and
conclusions. This is the most critical step
in the scientific method.
– It’s important because it allows other
scientists to verify your work and conclusions.
– It’s important because it allows other
scientists to build on what you have learned.
Hypothesis and Theories
• A hypothesis is sometimes called a
scientific guess.
– Based on observations and reasoning but has
little objective data to support it.
• A theory is a scientific explanation with
objective data that support the
– A hypothesis becomes a theory through
repeated experimentation and research.
History of Marine Biology
• Understanding the history of marine
science is part of understanding how
the oceans have shaped human society
and how they may shape the future.
Marine Science began with sea
Conquest and trade motivated early
explorers more than science or a desire for
History of marine science
Ancient uses and explorations:
earliest known long-distance, openvoyages (between 2000 and 500 BC
The Middle Ages:
The Chinese invented the
magnetic compass
First Scientific Explorations
• The first expeditions purely for science
took place during the 1800’s
Voyages of discovery:
The Wilkes Expedition; 1st expedition
launched by the United States
Darwin and the HMS Beagle
• 5 year voyage began in 1831
• Charles Darwin, naturalist
• Darwin spent the next 20 years examining the
data gathered on the expedition
• Darwin proposed the theories of natural
selection and the evolution of species based on
his examinations.
• He published his arguments, observations, and
conclusions in 1859 in the book The Origin of
Advances in Technology
• Marine science advanced with
advances in underwater technology in
the 20th century
Modern science
Relationship between Science and
• Science advances technology and
technology advances science
• Technology is a material system that
produces results.
Careers in Marine Biology
• Careers are built directly or indirectly on
science and technology.
– Do you have a passion for the ocean? Let your
passion set your direction. That’s how most people
get the most satisfaction from a career.
– Volunteer at Estuarium, zoos, not-for-profit
– Interests in fish, undersea technology may lead to a
degree in biology with a second degree in