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Guide to Programming with
Chapter Five
Lists and Dictionaries: The Hangman Game
Sequences so far
 Strings "", tuples ()
 General sequence functions/operators/methods
– len(seq)
– "w" in "word"
– seq[i] (indexing)
– seq[beg:end] (slicing)
– seq1 + seq2 (concatenation)
– "abc".index("a")
 for loops: iterates over a sequence
– for letter in "word":
– for idx in range(len("word")):
– while idx < len("word")
 Lists are similar to tuples in many senses
– Create, index, and slice a list (similarly to tutle)
 Lists are mutable sequences (tuples are
– Add and delete elements from a list
– Use list methods to append, sort, and reverse a list
 Use nested sequences to represent even more
complex information
– NumPy (
 Use dictionaries (not ordered!) to work with pairs
of data
– Add and delete dictionary items
Guide to Programming with Python
Lists are Similar to Tuples
 List: A mutable (changeable) sequence of any
 Creating List
inventory = []
inventory = ["sword", "armor", "shield",
"healing potion"]
Tuple: inventory = (“sword”, “armor”, “shield”, “healing potion”)
 Using len() function and in operator
if "healing potion" in inventory:
print "You will live to fight another day.”
 Indexing and slicing inventory[1],
lists list1 + list2
to Programming with Python
Understanding List Mutability
 Mutable: Changeable
 Lists are mutable
– Elements (or slices) can be added
– Elements (or slices) can be removed
Guide to Programming with Python
Assigning a New Element Or Slice
>>> inventory = ["sword", "armor", "shield",
"healing potion", "gold", "gems"]
>>> inventory[0] = "crossbow"
>>> print inventory
['crossbow', 'armor', 'shield', 'healing potion',
'gold', 'gems’]
>>> inventory[4:6] = ["orb of future telling"]
>>> print inventory
['crossbow', 'armor', 'shield', 'healing potion',
'orb of future telling']
(Replaces the two elements inventory[4] and
inventory[5] with "orb of future telling”)
Guide to Programming with Python
Deleting an Element or a Slice
>>> inventory = ["crossbow", "armor", "shield",
"healing potion",
"orb of future telling"]
>>> del inventory[2] Designate element to delete after del
>>> print inventory
['crossbow', 'armor', 'healing potion', 'orb of
future telling']
>>> del inventory[:2]
>>> print inventory
['healing potion', 'orb of future telling’]
Guide to Programming with Python
List Methods
ascending order by default
Table 5.1: Selected list methods
Guide to Programming with Python
When to Use Tuples Instead of Lists
 Tuples are faster than lists
 Tuples’ immutability makes them perfect for
creating constants because they can’t change
 Rule of thumb: Use lists over tuples in most cases
Guide to Programming with Python
Using Nested Sequences
 Nested Sequence: A sequence inside another
 A list can contain lists or tuples
 A tuple can contain tuples or lists
scores = [("Moe", 1000), ("Larry", 1500),
("Curly", 3000)]
scores[2] is the element of the list at position 2
scores[2][0] is the element at position 0 of scores[2]
multiple indexing
Guide to Programming with Python
Unpacking a Sequence
>>> name, score = ("Shemp", 175)
>>> print name
>>> print score
 Sequence unpacking: Automatically accessing
each element of a sequence
 The tuple is unpacked as result of assignment
Guide to Programming with Python
Accessing Elements of a Nested
scores[1][0] multiple indexing
scores = [("Moe", 1000), ("Larry", 1500)]
for entry in scores:
score, name = entry
print name, "\t", score
Sequence unpacking: Automatically accessing each
element of a sequence as a result of assignment statement
Guide to Programming with Python
Variable References
 A variable refers to a place in memory where the
value (or empty) is stored
language = “Python”
 Variable assignment can be
– initial (creates a new box in the computer’s memory
the first time a variable name is seen)
– shared (assign lists; default for mutable items)
• a = b = [] # both names will point to the same list
– copied (numbers, strings, tuples)
# All variables refer to same single list
Shared Reference – Changes Applied to All
Variables Sharing References
“red sweater”
mike[2] = “red sweater”
Then mr_dawson[2], and honey[2] => “red sweater”
Shared reference could cause serious problem if you are not
aware of this (see the Sodoku puzzle solver)
Guide to Programming with Python
Avoid Shared References
>>> mike = ["khakis", "dress shirt", "jacket"]
>>> honey = mike[:]
>>> honey[2] = "red sweater"
>>> print honey
['khakis', 'dress shirt', 'red sweater']
>>> print mike
['khakis', 'dress shirt', 'jacket’]
 List slicing can create a new copy of a list and
avoid shared references (but NOT for nested
a = [1, 2, [3, 4]]
b = a[:]
b[1] = "22”
b[2][0] = "33"
Guide to Programming with Python
Using copy.deepcopy()
 Module: copy
– ref:
import copy
b = copy.copy(a) #shallow copy, => b = a[:]
b = copy.deepcopy(a) #deep copy of an object
#A deep (shallow) copy constructs a new compound
object and then, recursively, inserts copies
(references) into it of the objects found in the
Example: sokodu1 = copy.deepcopy(sokodu)
NumPy for Arrays of Numeric Numbers
(instead of Using Nested Sequences)
 Initialize a 2D-array
a = [[0]*3]*3
a[1][1] = 1
# It has the “shared reference problem”
 Ref:
import numpy
numpy.zeros([3,3], int)
Guide to Programming with Python
Using Dictionaries
 Dictionary: A mutable collection of key-value
 Like tuple and list, dictionary is another built-in type
 Unlike tuples and lists, dictionaries don’t
organize data into sequences, but pairs
 Works like actual dictionary; look up one thing to
get another
 Look up a key to get a value
 The Geek Translator Program
Guide to Programming with Python
Creating Dictionaries
geek = {"404" : "clueless.",
"Uninstalled" : "being fired."}
 Creates new dictionary called geek
 geek has two entries or items
 Each item is made up of a key and a value
 404 is a key of one item; use it to look up value
 Create dictionary by pairing values with colon,
separated by commas, surrounded by curly braces
Guide to Programming with Python
Using a Key to Retrieve a Value
>>> geek["404"]
>>> geek["Uninstalled"]
'being fired.'
Use key as index to get value
Cannot use value as index to get key
Using non-existent key as index produces error
Dictionaries don't have position numbers – no order
Guide to Programming with Python
Testing for a Key with the in Operator
>>> if "Dancing Baloney" in geek:
print "I know what Dancing Baloney is."
print "I have no idea what Dancing Baloney is."
I have no idea what Dancing Baloney is.
 Use the in operator to test for key
 Condition is True if key exists in dictionary, False
 in operator can't be used to test for dictionary
Guide to Programming with Python
The Dictionary get() Method
>>> geek.get("404")
>>> geek.get("Dancing Baloney")
>>> geek.get("Dancing Baloney", "I have no idea.")
'I have no idea.'
 Used for retrieving value based on key
 Has built-in safety net for handling non-existent key
– If key exists, returns associated value
– If key doesn’t exist, returns a default value
Guide to Programming with Python
Adding a Key-Value Pair
geek["Link Rot"] = "process by which web page links
become obsolete."
 Dictionaries are mutable
 Add item by assigning value to dictionary indexed
by key
 Overwrites current entry if key already exists in
Guide to Programming with Python
Deleting a Key-Value Pair
del geek["404"]
 Removes key-value pair if key exists
 Generates error if key doesn’t exist
Guide to Programming with Python
Selected Dictionary Methods
Table 5.1: Selected dictionary methods
Guide to Programming with Python
Dictionary Requirements
 Keys
– Must be unique
– Must be immutable
 Values
– Can be mutable or immutable
– Don’t have to be unique
Guide to Programming with Python
The Hangman Game V2
Guide to Programming with Python
 A list is a mutable sequence of any type
 You can add or remove list elements or slices
 A nested sequence is a sequence inside another
sequence; access an element by using multiple
 Sequence unpacking is the process of
automatically accessing each element of a
 A shared reference is a reference to an object,
which has at least one other reference to it
Guide to Programming with Python
Summary (continued)
 A dictionary is a mutable collection of key-value
 In a dictionary, an item is a key-value pair
 In a dictionary, a key is an object used to look up
another object
 In a dictionary, a value is an object that is returned
when its corresponding key is looked up
 The in operator can be used to test if a dictionary
contains a specific key
Guide to Programming with Python
Summary (continued)
 A dictionary can’t contain multiple items with the
same key
 A dictionary can contain multiple items with the
same value
 Dictionary keys must be immutable
 Dictionary values can be mutable
Guide to Programming with Python