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CS 112: Computer Programming for CS January - May 2016
Final Project and Paper (15% of grade)
You must choose a scientific problem and solve it using Python programs. Once a problem has been
identified, you must have a plan of how to solve the problem, and must verify (either through email or in
person, and send confirmation via email by April 4th, 2016) that the project is up to standard. The problem
statement must be presented along with the results of your attempt at a solution (in Python and written
form). An accompanying paper detailing the entire project process is required and the general requirement
is as follows:
1) The project can be any problem of your choosing but should be solved using a Python program
(code). The code could contain, but is not limited to, the following:
a. Lists, strings, dictionaries, simultaneous assignments, string formatting, decision
structures, classes.
b. Graphics module, Turtle or any other Python Graphics Interface
c. Many functions (in one module for easier evaluation)
2) The final code and paper should be uploaded on Courseware by April 22nd for full grade
consideration. NO LATE WORK after a day past the deadline will be accepted. You will receive
a 25% penalty for late submission. Remember that this is your final assessment so it should be
taken seriously.
3) You will need to write original code in addition to any start up code from the book or any other
online resource. This start up code should be cited at the end of the document (use comments in the
Python code).
4) The final paper should have the following:
a. An abstract (summary of the entire paper) – 3 points
b. An introduction and background to the problem – 3 points
c. A summary of the process taken to solving the problem (methodology) – 4 points
d. A section explaining the results of a case study that is implemented using your python code.
A case study means that you will need to run your Python file and input your own
parameters. Therefore, if you have a function that outputs the positions of students based
on their scores in an exam, you will have to input your own parameters (possibly a
dictionary of their names and grades) and tell me what the results were. – 5 points
e. A concluding section – 2 points
5) You are allowed to use resources from the internet, however, you will need to cite the sources in
APA or IEEE style (will be discussed in class). – 2 points
6) Your working python code should also be included in an appendix at the end of the paper. – 1 point
The maximum possible grade for the entire project and paper is 60 points, and points will be allocated as
1) Having a clear problem statement – 5 points
2) Having a working python code that correctly solves the scientific problem chosen – 35 points
3) Well written and concise paper – 20 points
Remember that I will also be checking for the good writing skills and the use of correct language for this
type of paper (formal/technical language).
A good starting point for picking out a project is to look at some of the exercises in the book and expand
on it. You can combine problems, however, they MUST be related. If you’re unsure, verify that the ideas
have a relationship. You will not be allowed to work on a problem solved in class or on any of the answered
examples in the book.