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Cover Analysis
What can you see
in the background?
Where are these people at?
-Possibly a communications
room for the army, or society.
What are they doing?
What are the men in the
blue suits doing?
Why are the buildings in the background
It represents slavery; just like in the
Bible, where the Jews were slaves to the
Egyptians and built pyramids and
monuments for them.
On the pyramid it says: Ignorance is
Strength, Freedom is Slavery, War is
Why does the woman have an anti sex
emblem/pin and wears dress so open?
The illustration has many contradictions
What is the man in the black clothing
He is either breaking the wall or
building; another contradiction.
Symbolizes Berlin wall
Building it represents totalitarian control
Destroying it represents free will
Main Characters are usually on the front
cover. Man behind the woman and the
woman possibly main charaters
What does the eye symbolize?
Biblical view: Hamsa that has the eye of Miriam Judaism; each finger is one of the five books of the
torah, or eye of Fatima, Fatima is daughter Muhammad; the five fingers represent the five Pillars of
Islam. Hamsa main purpose is to protect people from the evil eye, which is like bad karma.
Natural view: The eye means that some one or something is watching you.
What or Whom do you think Big Brother is?
What do you see in this picture?
The eye, the colors and stars of the Soviet Union Flag
Represents the Totalitarian government or authority in the novel.
Soviet Communism, Fascism, and Nazism are Totalitarian movements
What do you see on this cover?
- Red, White and Blue; colors of the American flag.
What do these colors make you think about the book?
- Freedom, democracy, unification of nationalities.