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When the parts of the
endocrine system shut
Remember that the endocrine
system regulates…
* body energy levels
* reproduction
* growth and development
* internal balance of body systems,
called homeostasis
* responses to surroundings, stress
and injury
• Endocrine system diseases and
disorders happen when one or more of
the endocrine systems in your body are
not working well.
• These irregularities are also called a
hormone imbalance.
– not be enough receptors, or binding sites,
– regulating the hormones in the blood
– the body may have difficulty controlling
hormone levels because of problems
clearing hormones from the blood
• Too much sugar (glucose) in the blood stream
• occurs when the pancreas does not produce
the hormone insulin
• Insulin is necessary in carrying the sugar to
the cells for cellular respiration
– If insulin is not present, sugar not converted into
energy, thus metabolism cannot occu
• Symptoms of diabetes include fatigue, weight
loss, blurred vision, excessive thirst, and
excessive urination.
Growth disorders
• Growth and development controlled by the
pituitary gland
• Growth Hormone (somatotropin) is release
by the pituitary and controlled by the
• Bones, muscles, and other tissues are
affected by GH
– In children: stimulates linear growth, or height
• development of muscle and bone
• distribution of body fat throughout the body
– In adults: affects energy, muscle strength, bone
health, and psychological well being
Growth disorders continued…
• too much GH = acromegaly (adults)
– caused by a non-cancerous pituitary gland tumor
of the pituitary gland
– too much GH in children causes gigantism.
– Rare
• growth hormone deficiency (GHD)
– A child can be born with GHD.
– The condition also may arise because of damage
to the hypothalamus or pituitary gland as a child or
adult because of a tumor, an infection, or radiation
to the brain — usually for the treatment of a tumor.
– A deficiency in GH may also have an undefined
growth hormone deficiency
• Children
– grow less than two inches per year
– have extra fat in the abdomen and face
– blood sugar levels also may be low
– may experience emotional distress
• Adults
– acquired the deficiency after reaching maturity
– Increased body fat (particularly at the waist and in
the face)
– Decreased muscle and bone mass
– Thinning skin with fine wrinkles
– Poor sweating or impaired temperature regulation
– Reduced strength and endurance
– Low energy level
– Decreased well-being (moodiness, mild
– Loss of interest in sex
– Poor sleep
– Higher cholesterol levels, especially LDL (“bad”)
– Overproduction of insulin
• Menopause - the ability to become pregnant
• May take 10 years to complete
• Average age range 47-55
• Estrogen levels drop, egg release halts
• May be caused earlier due to
Removal of ovaries
Gland disorders
Severe illness
• a progressive condition in which bones
become structurally weak and are more likely
to fracture or break
• Bones in the hip, spine, and wrist are
especially prone to fragility fractures
• Hormones that affect bone loss:
Estrogen= protects bone
Loss of testosterone
excess cortisol = produced in the adrenal gland
too much of the hormone prolactin
high doses of thyroid hormone also have a higher
pituitary gland
• pituitary tumors
• can interfere with the normal formation and
release of hormones.
• Two types of tumors exist - secretory and nonsecretory
– Hypersecretion = too much hormone secreted
– Hyposecretion = too little hormone secreted
– Tumor mass effects = tumor presses against pituitary
• Headaches, hyposecretion related problems
• Caused by major head trauma or medications
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
• Ovaries produce small amounts of
androgens to control egg release
• PCOS = too much of any type of
androgen is produced
• Cysts (follicles), contain eggs and build
up in the ovaries
• leading cause of infertility
• is likely that it is a genetic disorder
Thyroid Disorders
• Thyroid hormones regulate how the
body breaks down food and either uses
that energy immediately or stores it for
the future
• Thyroid hormones influence virtually
every organ system in the body.
• also regulate the consumption of
oxygen and the production of heat
• Too much thyroid hormone from an
overactive thyroid gland
• speeds up the body's metabolism
• 1% of women get it, more common in
women than men
• Affects women between 20-40
Muscle weakness
Trembling hands
Rapid heartbeat
Weight loss
Diarrhea or frequent bowel movements
Irritability and anxiety
Vision problems (irritated eyes or difficulty seeing)
Menstrual irregularities
Intolerance to heat and increased sweating
• Too little thyroid hormone from an underactive
thyroid gland
• body's metabolism is slowed
• Maybe a result of the pituitary gland not
producing Thyroid homone Releasing
• causing many physical and mental processes
to become sluggish
• body consumes less oxygen and produces
less body heat
Mental depression
Feeling cold
Weight gain
Dry skin and hair
Menstrual irregularities
Thyroid Nodules
• small swelling or lump in the thyroid gland
• nodules represent either a growth of thyroid
tissue or a fluid-filled cyst
• most nodules are not cancerous
• some thyroid nodules may produce too much
thyroid hormone or become too large,
interfering with an individual's breathing or
swallowing or may cause neck discomfort.