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Energy Jeopardy
Fill in the
Kinetic and
Energy Forms Etc. 100
• What is the most common form of energy
that releases heat?
Energy Forms Etc. Answer
• Chemical Energy
Energy Forms Etc. 200
• As the mass of an object increases, what
two forms of energy increase as well?
Energy Forms Etc. Answer
• Kinetic and Potential Energy
Energy Forms Etc. 300
• What does the g represent in the PE
equation and what are the units used to
identify that variable?
Energy Forms Etc. Answer
• Gravity m/s2
Energy Forms Etc. 400
• What two specific forms of energy are
classified as Radiant Energy?
Energy Forms Etc. Answer
• Solar Energy and Light Energy
Energy Forms Etc. 500
• An object that possesses mechanical
energy is able to do what?
Energy Forms Etc. Answer
Fill in the Blank 100
• Energy can be ______________ from one
form to another.
Fill in the Blank Answer
• Changed, converted or transferred
Fill in the Blank 200
• _________ percent of the energy in our
body is turned into heat energy.
Fill in the Blank Answer
• 60%
Fill in the Blank 300
• When chemicals are broken apart and
________ chemicals are formed, some of
this energy is released.
Fill in the Blank Answer
• New
Fill in the Blank 400
• ___________ releases nuclear energy by
combining the nuclei of two or more
Fill in the Blank Answer
• Fusion
Fill in the Blank 500
• Mechanical energy enables that object to
apply a ________ to another object in
order for it to be displaced.
Fill in the Blank Answer
• Force
KE and PE 100
• What are two variables that affect
Potential Energy?
KE and PE Answer
• Mass and Height
KE and PE 200
• What is the formula used to find Kinetic
Energy? You must know what each
constant stands for.
KE and PE Answer
• KE = ½ mv2
½ (mass) x (velocity)2
KE and PE 300
• Explain how a rollercoaster uses PE and
KE to work?
KE and PE Answer
• The hills produce a large amount of PE
which turns into a large amount of KE
allowing the coaster to move forward.
Smaller hills throughout the coaster create
more PE that will be converted into KE.
KE and PE 400
• What is the PE of a 5 kg jar of peanut
butter on a shelf with a height of 3 m?
KE and PE Answer
• 150 J
KE and PE 500
• What is the kinetic energy of a 3 kg soccer
ball moving at a speed of 10 m/s?
KE and PE Answer
• 150 J
Purely Definitions 100
• State the Law of Conservation of Energy.
Purely Definitions Answer
• Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it
just changes forms.
Purely Definitions 200
• What is the definition of radiant energy?
Purely Definitions Answer
• Energy carried through electromagnetic
Purely Definitions 300
• What is the definition of electrical energy?
Purely Definitions Answer
• Energy carried by electric currents.
Purely Definitions 400
• What is the definition of nuclear energy?
Purely Definitions Answer
• Energy stored in the nucleus of atoms.
Purely Definitions 500
• What is the definition of energy?
Purely Definitions Answer
• The ability to produce change or the ability
to do work.