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Blood Vessels
Arteries carry blood away from heart
 Ventral aorta
 Dorsal aorta
 Aortic arches between the two
Key Points
There are 7 visceral arches and yet the
previous slide only showed 6 aortic arches,
Ventral aorta & Aortic Arches
 Afferent branchial artery
 Gill capillaries
 Efferent branchial artery
 Teleosts – 1 & 2 are gone
 Lungfish – Pulmonary artery is branch from
6th aortic arch – efferent region
Tetrapod Ventral Aorta & Aortic
General pattern
 6 arches in embryo
 1 & 2 rapidly regress
 Internal carotid artery is formed from arch 3
plus paired dorsal aortae
 Fifth aortic arch is gone in most
Tetrapod Ventral aorta & Aortic
Pulmonary artery is a branch from arch 6
 Common carotid artery is from ventral aorta
 External carotid artery is from common
carotid artery
Amphibian Ventral Aorta & Aortic
Urodeles have ductus caroticus present
meaning blood in arch three can go cranial
or caudal
 Anurans have no ductus caroticus, so that
blood in third aortic arch can only go
towards the head
Reptile Ventral Aorta & Aortic
Two aortic trunks from conus arteriosus –
sends blood to arch 3 and 4
 One pulmonary trunk from conus arteriosus
– sends blood to 6th aortic arch
 Otherwise similar to amphibians
Birds & Mammals Ventral Aorta &
Aortic Arches
One aortic trunk that sends blood to arches
3 and 4
 One pulmonary trunk sends blood to arch 6
 Fourth Aortic Arch
– Right side stays in birds
– Left side stays in mammals
– Right side of 4th arch becomes subclavian A. in
Bird & Mammal Ventral Aorta &
Aortic Arches
Ductus arteriosus is in fetus only. It is a
bypass of blood from the pulmonary trunk
to the aorta
 Carotids have same general pattern
Key Points
Why would the mammalian fetus need a
bypass from the pulmonary trunk to the
Dorsal Aorta
General Pattern
 Paired in head & pharynx in embryo and
stays paired in adult as internal carotid
 Single in trunk
 Becomes the caudal artery
Key Points
Where do you find the caudal artery in the
shark? Compare its location with the
notochord and the nerve cord.
Dorsal Aorta
Ventral Visceral branches
– Celiac A. supplies stomach, pancreas, liver
– Mesenteric A. supplies intestine (may be more
than one)
Dorsal Aorta
Lateral visceral branches
– Urogenital
Dorsal Aorta
Somatic branches to skin, spine, muscles
 Subclavian A  Brachial A. supplies arm
 Iliac A  Femoral A. supplies leg
Veins start as capillaries and carry blood
towards the heart
Key Points
Define artery
 Define capillary
 Define vein
 Define trunk
 Define sinus
Cardinal Stream
– Common Cardinal Vein
– Anterior cardinal vein – drains head
– Posterior cardinal vein drains kidney, body
wall, gonads, and most of body except digestive
Key Points
Trace the blood flow from the shark’s
kidney to its ventral aorta.
Cardinal Stream
– Most of postcardinal disappears in anurans, but
persists in urodeles
Cardinal Stream
– Postcava (=inferior vena cava = caudal vena
– Takes the place of the Posterior Cardinal Vein
– Drains some of hindlimbs in crocodiles, all of
hindlimbs in mammals and eventually drains
most of trunk and tail, in addition to hind limbs
Cardinal Stream in Amniotes
 From R. Posterior Cardinal V.
 Provides alternate route from structures
caudal to diaphragm
 Mammals only
Cardinal Stream in Amniotes
Precava (= superior vena cava = cranial
vena cava)
 From Common Cardinal Vein
 In cats and humans, Right Precava persists
and lose most of left.
Cardinal Stream in Amniotes
Internal Jugular Vein
 Drains brain
 From the Anterior Cardinal Vein
Key Points
Trace the blood flow from the brain of a
crocodile to the sinus venosus.
Renal Portal Stream
A Portal is a vein that begins and ends in a
capillary bed
 Fish – drains tail to kidney
 Amphibians – drains hindlimbs to kidneys
 Reptiles and birds – bypasses kidneys and
goes to postcava
 Mammals –not present
Key Points
Where are the capillary beds for the Renal
Portal Veins in the shark?
Abdominal Stream
– Lateral abdominal Veins are paired
– Iliac V. from pelvic fins
– Subclavian V from pectoral fins eventually to
common cardinal V.
Key Points
Trace the blood flow from the shark’s
pectoral fin back to the sinus venosus of the
Abdominal Stream
 Ventral – single vessel, not paired as in fish
 No connection to forelimbs
Abdominal Stream
 Paired abdominal V
 No connection to forelimbs
Abdominal Stream
 In fetus only
 Umbilical Vein becomes the round ligament
of the liver in the adult
 Ductus venosus is a bypass of the liver and
becomes the ligament venosum as a
remnant in the adult
Key Points
Summarize the evolutionary trend for
venous drainage of the forelimb.
– Shark
– Anurans
– Amniotes
Key Points
Summarize the evolutionary trend of venous
drainage of the hindlimbs
– Fish
– Amphibians
– Reptiles
– Mammals
Hepatic Portal Stream & Hepatic
All vertebrates have this
 Similar in all
 What is a sinus?
Hepatic Portal Stream & Hepatic
Vitelline V. from yolk sac to heart early in
 Subintestinal Vein from digestive visceral
to vitelline Vein
Hepatic Portal Stream & Hepatic
Hepatic Portal System – develops from one
Vitelline V. and Subintestinal V.
 Hepatic Sinuses – develop within liver from
vitelline veins
Mammalian Fetal Circulation
Ductus venosus is bypass of liver
 Ductus arteriosus and foramen ovale of
interatrial septum are bypasses of lungs
Key Points
Why is there a liver bypass in mammal
 Why is there a lung bypass in mammal