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Muscles of girdles and appendages
 Innervated by ventral ramus of spinal
Key Point
What is a girdle?
 What is a ramus/rami?
Appendicular Muscles - fish
Originated as extensions of hypaxials of
body wall
 Paired fins are appendicular (from
 Median dorsal fins are NOT appendicular,
from myotome of epaxials
 Median ventral fins are NOT appendicular,
from myotome of hypaxials
Osteichthyes skeleton
Dorsal fins
Caudal fin
Pectoral fin
Anal fin
Pelvic fin
Appendicular Muscles - fish
Dorsal mass on paired fins are extensors or
 Ventral mass on paired fins are flexors or
Appendicular Muscles
 Pectoral Limb
Pectoral Limb Muscles
Deltoid – arm abductor
 Latissimus dorsi – limb retractor
 Teres Major
 Subcoracoscapularis >>Subscapularis
Pectoral Limb Muscles
Triceps – forearm extensor
 Forearm & hand extensors – LATERAL
 Cutaneous trunci = Cutaneous maximus
Key Points
What is the function of cutaneous
maximus? Do humans have this muscle?
Pectoral Limb Muscles
Pectoralis – Humerus adductor, largest
flight muscle that lowers wing
 Supracoracoideus – Elevates wing
– Supraspinatus
– Infraspinatus
Wing elevator muscle
(Supracoracoideus muscle)
Wing depressor muscle
(Pectoralis muscle)
Sternal keel
Pectoral Limb Muscles
Coracobrachialis – Arm flexor
Pectoral Limb Muscles
Biceps brachii – forearm flexor
 Brachialis – forearm flexor
 Wrist and Digit Flexors - MEDIAL
Pectoral Limb Muscles
See Vertebrate Muscle page
Key Points
What are the most important flight muscles &
what are their functions?
 Wrist & digit flexors are found on what side of the
forearm? What about the extensors?
 Latissimus dorsi is similar among tetrapods.
Where is it & what does it do?
 Deltoids are similar among tetrapods. What does
it do? Name the three deltoids in the cat.
Pelvic Limb Muscles
(Iliofemoralis) and Iliofibularis – thigh
 Become Gluteus and Tensor fasciae latae in
Key Points
These muscles function as thigh (femur)
abductors. What is thigh abduction?
Pelvic Limb Muscles
Iliotibialis, (femorotibialis), Ambiens
 Extend tibia, protract thigh
 Quadriceps
 Sartorius from Ambiens in reptiles
Key Points
Name the quadriceps femoris muscles.
Pelvic Limb Muscles
Puboischiofemoralis Internus – limb
 Iliacus, Psoas major in mammals
 Pectineus in mammals
Pelvic Limb Muscles
Ankle and foot extensors course
Pelvic Limb Muscles
Puboischiotibialis – thigh retractor, knee
 Gracilis in mammals
Pelvic Limb Muscles
Pubotibialis and (Flexor Tibialis) – Thigh
retractor and knee flexor
 Hamstrings
– Semimembranosus
– Semitendinosus
– Biceps femoris
Adductor longus
Pelvic Limb Muscles
Adductor femoris in reptiles & mammals
 Ankle & foot flexors course MEDIALLY
Pelvic Limb Muscles
See Vertebrate Muscles page
Key Points
What is the action of Adductor femoris,
based on its position?
 Which muscles are antagonists (works
opposite) to the quadriceps?
 Based on its action, which muscle is a
synergist (works similar) with the
 Name the hamstrings.
Branchiomeric Muscles
These muscles operate the pharyngeal
 Visceral in origin, not somatic, from
 Striated, voluntary
 Innervated by cranial nerves. What does
innervate mean?
Key Points
What is a cranial nerve?
Visceral Arch I
Adductor mandibulae
 Closes jaw
 Temporalis
 Masseter
Visceral Arch I
 Raises floor of mouth
 Mylohyoid
 Anterior part of Digastric
 (Tensor tympani)
Visceral Arch I
Look at Vertebrate Muscles page
Key Points
What do you recall about Visceral Arch I
that will make it easier to remember the
muscles adductor mandibulae &
Visceral Arch II
Levator hyomandibulae
 Raises upper jaw in hyostylic suspension
 Stapedius
Visceral Arch II
Dorsal hyoid constrictor = Levator hyoideus
 Constricts pharyngeal cavity
 Stylohoid, which is deep to mylohyoid
Visceral Arch II
Interhyoideus = ventral hyoid constrictor
 Depressor mandibulae in all but mammals
 Digastric (posterior belly)
 Sphincter colli and Platysma in mammals
Visceral Arch II
Look at Vertebrate Muscles page
Key Points
What do you recall about Visceral Arch II
that will make it easier to remember the
muscles Levator hyomandibulae, Levator
hyoideus, Interhyoideus.
Visceral Arch III
Constrictors – compress pharynx
 Levators – lift gills
 Adductors – close internal angles of gills
 Interarcuals – expands pharynx
 Swallowing muscles in tetrapods
Key Points
What does the root arc- mean?
Visceral Arch IV - VI
 Levators
 Adductors
 Interarcuals
 Breathing & swallowing muscles
Visceral Arch IV - VI
Cucullaris – raises posterior gill
 Trapezius
 Sternomastoid
 Cleidomastoid
Key Points
What does the root cleido- mean?
 To what does the term mastoid refer?
Key Points
There are three parts to the trapezius in cats.
Name them in order from anterior to
Visceral Arches
See Vertebrate Muscles page
Key Points
Use the following list to categorize the list of
muscles on the next slide
Extrinsic Eye Muscle
Hypobranchial/Tongue Muscle
Epaxial Muscle
Hypaxial Muscle
Pectoral Muscle
Pelvic Muscle
Branchiomeric Muscle
Categorize these muscles
Superior oblique
Dorsalis trunci
Biceps femoris
Biceps brachii
Teres major
Rectus abdominis
Medial rectus
Electric Organs
Incidence – found in more than 500 species
 Derivation is primarily from muscle cells
Electric Organs
 Communication
 Orientation with objects in environment
 Detection of prey
 Offense & defense
Electric Organs
ELECTROPLAX is functional unit
 It is a modified muscle cell
 It is multinucleate with numerous associated
nerves & mitochondria
 It forms columns which together comprise
the electric organ
Electric Organs
Salt water eel can emit up to 50 V
 Fresh water eel can emit up to 500 V
Key Points
Are salt water eels safer to touch than fresh
water eels?
 Think about conduction of electricity in
fresh vs. salt water