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Bone Histology and Skeletal Structure
What is bone?
Bone is living tissue that makes up the body's
skeleton. There are three types of bone
tissue, including the following:
Compact (dense) bone tissue
the harder, outer tissue of bones; made up
of precise arrangements of microscopic
cylindrical structures called osteons. The
matrix and osteocytes of osteon are laid
down in concentric rings around a central
(Haversian) canal which contains blood
vessels and nerves.
If you look at compact bone tissue with naked eye, it
look very dense: you cannot see any cavities in it.
Spongy (cancellous) bone tissue
the sponge-like tissue inside bones. In
contrast, made up of irregular latticework
of thin blades of bone called trabeculae.
The spaces between the trabeculae contain
blood vessels and red marrow which
produces blood cells.
The spaces between the trabeculae can be seen with
naked eye and give spongy bone tissue its "spongy"
subchondral tissue
the smooth tissue at the ends of bones,
which is covered with another type of tissue
called cartilage. Cartilage is the
specialized, gristly connective tissue that is
present in adults, and the tissue from which
most bones develop in children.
What are the different types of bone cells?
The different types of bone cells include the following:
osteoblast - found within the bone, its function is
to form the tissue and minerals that give bone its
osteoclast - a very large cell formed in bone
marrow, its function is to absorb and remove
unwanted tissue; remodeling
osteocyte - found within the bone, its function is
to help maintain bone as living tissue.
Fat cells and hematopoietic cells are
found within the bone marrow.
Hematopoietic cells
are those that produce
blood cells.
Bone's function?
shape, support, and protect body structures; aid
in body movement
serve as a site for development and storage of
blood cells disorders and diseases that can affect
serves as a storage site for minerals; provides
the medium - marrow - for the development and
storage of blood cells.
But How?
bones of the leg, pelvic, and vertebral column hold up the
the mandible supports the teeth
provide support for muscles and other soft organs
bones enclose and protect the brain, spinal chord, lungs,
heart, pelvic viscera, and bone marrow
of course, to walk, reach, touch (limb leverage)
lung ventilation depends on by movement of ribs by skeletal
But How?
Blood Formation
red bone marrow is major producer of blood cells
 Electrolyte Balance
the skeleton is the body’s main mineral reservoir; it
sores calcium and phosphates and releases them
according to physiological needs of the body
 Acid-base balance
bone buffers the blood against excessive pH
changes by absorbing/releasing alkaline mineral
Types of Bone
Long Bone
Example: Femur
Short Bone
Example: Carpal
Flat Bone
Example: Pelvic
Irregular Bone
Example: facial
Sesamoid Bone
Example: Patella
Skeletal Structure Tissue
osseous tissue
bone marrow
The Skull
Anterior View of Skull
Right Lateral Aspect of Skull
Posterior View of Skull
Midsagittal View of Skull
Inferior Superficial View of Skull
Superior View of Cranial Cavity
Nasal Cavity
Vertebrae, Ribs, and Sternum
How many bones are there in the
vertebral column?
How regions are there in the vertebral
column and what are their names?
5 regions: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral,
What are the name of
the first two bones of
the vertebral column
and their functions?
Atlas and Axis the support and movement
of the skull
What type of vertebrae is this picture?
Cervical vertebrae
What are these three sections of the
cervical vertebrae?
1) Spinous Process
2) Superior Articular
3) Body
What type of vertebrae is this picture?
Thoracic Vertebrae
What are these three sections of the
thoracic vertebrae?
1) Superior Costal Facet
2) Lamina
3) Vertebral Foramen
How many pair’s
ribs does the human
body have?
12 pairs
What are the names
of the types of ribs?
True and False Ribs
What is the difference
between True and
False Ribs?
True ribs are attached to the sternum.
What bone is this?
What are the names of theses sections
of the Sternum?
1) Manubrium
2) Body
3)Xiphoid Process
The Pectoral Girdle and Superior
Pectoral girdles are responsible for
attaching the superior appendages (the
arms, forearms, wrists, and hands) to
the axial skeleton.
On each side of the body the pectoral girdle
consists of two bones: the scapula and the
The scapula is also known as the shoulder blade.
It is connected to the humerus by a ball and
socket joint.
It is an irregular bone.
is an irregular bone
The humerus is a long
It connects to the ulna
by the elbow which is
a hinge joint.
Ulna and Radius
Are both long bones
Most of these bones
are long bones.
Pelvic Girdle and Inferior Appendages
The hip bone is composed of three
Which also fuse at the acetabulum (the
socket of the hip joint).
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Comparison of Male and Female
Pelvic Structure
Comparison of Male and Female
Pelvic Structure
Female pelvis
 Tilted forward,
adapted for
 True pelvis defines
birth canal
 Cavity of the true
pelvis is broad,
shallow, and has
greater capacity
Male pelvis
 Tilted less forward
 Adapted for support of
heavier male build and
stronger muscles
 Cavity of true pelvis is
narrow and deep
Thigh, Leg and Foot