Download Our Solar System Mercury, the Fastest Planet

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the Fastest Planet
• closest planet from Sun
• Small, rocky planet
• Fastest planet – 50km/sec (88 days = 1
• Temperatures 467* C to -183* C
• Very little atmosphere
Venus, Earth’s Twin
Earth’s twin (~same size, mass,
composition, and distance from sun)
Thick atmosphere that traps heat
Hottest planet (450*C) (hot enough to melt lead)
Intense pressure
Winds faster that hurricane force winds
Day longer than year
Rotates backwards (sun rises in west, sets in
Earth, the Planet with Life
• Has life
• 3rd planet from
• 5th largest planet
• Tilted axis gives
us seasons
the Red Planet
• Red planet
• Small and rocky
• Has volcanoes, impacts, tectonics, dust
storms, polar ice caps
• Great dust storms engulf entire planet
creating giant dunes, wind streaks, wind
carved features
• Highest mountains and deepest canyons
the Largest Planet
• Biggest planet
• Like a mini solar system with
63 moons and rings
• Composition resembles a small star
• Jupiter’s moon Io is the most volcanically
active body in the solar system
• Large red spot (a hurricane)
the Ringed
• A gas giant with
• Mostly made of hydrogen and helium
• Volume 755 times that of Earth’s
• Winds reach 500m/s (Earth’s strongest
hurricane winds are 110m/s)
• Fast winds and heat from interior cause yellow
and gold bands in atmosphere
the Sideways Planet
• Has some of the brightest
• 11 rings
• Blue-green color from methane gas
• 7th planet, it takes 84 years to orbit Sun
• No solid surface – a gas giant
• Liquid core
Neptune, the Windy Planet
• 8th planet – orbits Sun
in 165 years
• Farthest planet from
Sun for 20 year
period out of every
248 Earth years.
• Large dark spot (a
• Has rings like all the
gas giants
the Icy Dwarf Planet
• Small, cold dwarf planet (It is
not a planet anymore. Scientist
changed the classification of planets. Pluto
did not change.)
• Takes 248 years to orbit Sun
• 2/3’s the diameter of Earth’s Moon
• Rocky core surrounded by water ice
• Pluto and its moon Charon share the same
• Rocky fragments
• Asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter
• Millions from ¼ size of the moon to less
than a kilometer across
• Mars’s moons may be captured asteroids
• Bits of material hurling through space
• Meteors or “shooting stars” are these
materials as they fall through Earth’s
atmosphere. Air friction causes them to
heat up and shine like stars.
• Meteorites are when these bits of
materials reach the earth’s surface.
• Dirty ice leftovers
• The tails always point away from the
The solar wind blows the particles that make
up the tail away.