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The Moon
Nearest Neighbor
• The Moon is the closest
large object to Earth.
– 364,000 km away
– 1738 km radius
• The Moon rotates very
slowly compared to Earth.
– 29.5 day period
– 27.3 day sidereal period
– Matches Earth orbit
Earth-Moon from 10 million km (NASA)
• The surface of the Moon
is different than Earth’s.
– No atmosphere or oceans
– Flat dark lava flows –
– Cratered highlands
Earth side
• The two sides are different
from each other.
far side
Ejecting a Moon
• George Darwin (1878) suggested that the early Earth
ejected a blob as it spins.
• If this were true the earth and moon would spin four times
faster - the problem is angular momentum.
Accreting a Moon
• Accretion explains the planets, but can it
explain the moon?
• The earth and moon should have the
same composition.
– Matching surface rocks
– Unknown interior
• If this were true the Moon would have
65% more mass – the problem is density.
Mineral survey in
false color
Capturing a Moon
• The Moon could form elsewhere with lower density.
• The orbit could bring it near the Earth where it would be
• If this were true, it would be more likely to hit the Earth –
the problem is the large size of the Moon.
Catastropic Impact
• The best theory is that an object larger than the moon
collided with the earth (1984).
• The collision left a cloud of dust that became the moon.
Impact Simulation
• Computer simulations study collisions at different angles.
– Glancing blow required
– Amount of ejected material and temperature
F Zavatti
Accretion Simulation
• Simulations study
formation from cloud.
Initial disk
Spiral structure
Lunar seed
Accreted Moon
• Time is about 100 years.
 The giant impact
hypothesis explains:
Large Earth iron core
Small Moon core
Similar rocks on surface
Lack of water and air on
– Lack of thick atmosphere
on Earth
– Cratering on the Moon
• There are still unanswered
– Why are the deep Earth
and old Earth minerals
the same as the Moon?
– Why doesn’t the surface
of Earth show the signs
of complete melting?