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Our Solar System
Chapter 28
Formation of the Solar System
Stars and planets form from interstellar
They appear dark because of dust blocking out
the light
The light can cause it to glow, or even become
Starts and solar systems are “born” this way
Collapse accelerates
The collapse of this cloud is slow, but it
accelerates and becomes denser at the center
This collapse and spin results in a flattening at the
equatorial plane
Matter condenses
Our solar system may hav eformed this way when
temperature and pressure cause hydrogen to fuse into
The temperature differential allowed for different
elements to concentrate in different areas around the
This is why the inner planets are rocky and have a higher
melting point
Outer ones are less dense and made of ice and gas
 Much
like coalescence, the
planetesimals combined to get larger in
many cases to become the known
 Gas giants form
Jupiter was the first to form
 Icy planetesimals combined to form it
 Its mass (gravity) caused it to collect much of
the debris
 The others formed the same way, but Jupiter
took most of the extraneous material
 Terrestrial
planets form
the merging of planetesimals in the inner portion of
the disk
 Made of materials that resist vaporization
 Most of the gaseous material and “smaller stuff”
consumed by the sun, hence fewer satellites.
 Debris
All of the “junk” left over
 Some became comets
 Some ejected from solar system or destroyed in
 The asteroid belt between mars and Jupiter is the
 Initially
the geocentric theory stated
that everything moved around the
 Retrograde motion led astronomers to
find a different explanation
 The heliocentric model (Copernicus)
put the sun at the center and planets in
orbit around it.
Proximity to the sun caused planets to move
at different speeds
 This explained retrograde
 Kepler’s
1st law is that planets move in elliptical orbits
 The sun was at 1 focus
 The semi-major axis (half the length of the major
axis) is where we get the AU (astronomical unit)
distance many distances are measured in
This is more math that I want to get into!
The eccentricity of the orbit is how “squashed” the
orbit is
 2nd law is an equal area is swept out in equal
amounts of time (although the orbital distance may
be different)
 3rd law he defined the size of the ellipse and the
orbital period (year)
Gravity is the attractive force between 2
It is affected by mass and distance
Gravity is what determines the orbit planets
 Newton’s explanation of gravity supported
Kepler’s laws of planetary motion.
The Inner Planets
 these
are the 4 inner planets
 similar densities to Earth
 solid rocky surfaces
 closest
to the sun
 1/3 Earth’s size
 no moons
 2 Mercury Years is 3 Mercury days
 Atmosphere
O2 and Sodium
replenished daily by the sun
 Surface
covered with craters and plains
the plains formed much like the maria on the moon
the craters are smaller with less ejecta
 Interior
the density suggests a dense core similar to the Earth
the magnetic field suggests its partially molten
 Has
no moons
 the brightest planet because of proximity
and albedo 75%
 Thick atmosphere doesn’t allow for direct
 probes and satellites have provided radar
images of 98% of the surface
 These
planets include: Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus and Neptune
 All larger than Earth by 15-300 times
 The
largest planet 1/10 of the sun and 11X
 Better than 70% of the planetary mass of the
solar system
 52% albedo
 Has a banded appearance
 “the great spot” is a storm that has lasted
for better than 300 years
 Density
is relatively low for its size
The is because of it composition (H and He in gas or
liquid form.
 Rotation
Shortest day in the solar system about 10hrs
This fast spin distorts the shape
This also contributes to its banded appearance
 Belts are low lying dark-colored clouds
 Zones are high light-colored clouds
 Moons
More than 60, but some are very small
Mostly composed of ice and rock
 Gravity
 Second
largest planet in the solar system
 Atmosphere and interior
Slightly smaller than Jupiter
Density less than water… it would float!
 Rings
Much broader and brighter than other planets’
7 major rings made up of ringlets
Gravity keeps the rings in place
 Moons
55 moons
Titan, the largest is bigger than Mercury
Odd among moons because of content with dense atmosphere
and methane’s existence in 3 states
 4x
larger and 15Xmass of the Earth
 Atmosphere
Bluish appearance cause by methane gas
Clouds are similar in appearance to the surface
Liquid surface with a small solid core
 Moons
and Rings
At least 27 moons and faint rings
The rings are dark and almost not observed
 Rotation
Almost a top to bottom rotation
Poles vacillate between 42 years of darkness and light
 Atmosphere
Smaller and denser than Uranus but 4XEarth
Similar in color to Uranus (twins??) but does have some
color variation on surface
Belts and zones give it texture
 Moons
and Rings
13 moons Triton being the largest
Triton has retrograde orbit
Also has nitrogen geysers when heated by the sun
Rings are invisible from Earth but exist