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Astronomy 2
Most of human
history, people
thought sun burned
some type of fuel to
make energy
Not until the 21st
century did scientists
figure out where sun’s
energy comes from
Electromagnetic energy is a
type of energy that can travel
through space an example is
visible light
Light travels in wavelengths
There are many things that
travel in wavelengths (radio
waves, microwaves,
ultraviolet rays, x-rays)
The electromagnetic
spectrum breaks visible light
down into the colors that
make it up
When you shine light
through a prism you can see
the different colors of visible
Visible light is
composed of red,
orange, yellow, green,
blue and violet – like a
Inner zones
Inner zones and atmosphere divided into more
Continuous – gradual change between layers
Makes up 10% of sun’s
Diameter = 1,300,000 km
Temp at core is 15,000,000
No liquid or solid can
exist – entirely plasma
Sun’s mass 300,000 times
bigger than Earth’s mass
So, gravity is greater
Center of sun – 10 times
more dense than iron
Pressure and heat of
sun change structure of
atoms in core
Most atoms are nucleus
surrounded by electrons
Heat and pressure of
sun strips electrons
from nuclei  plasma
Nuclei can be changed
by nuclear reactions
Hydrogen fused into
Nuclei of hydrogen
atoms are primary
elements in fusion of
Hydrogen made of 1
proton, 1 electron
Electron ripped off, so
only protons remain
Two hydrogen nuclei
(protons) collide and fuse
One of the protons changes
to neutron
Another proton combines
with proton-neutron pair
making a nucleus of 2
Two of these nuclei collide
and fuse
Resulting group throws off
two protons
Remaining combination
of 2 protons and 2
neutrons is nucleus of
helium atom
During each step,
energy given off
Helium nucleus has
about 0.7% less mass
than hydrogen nuclei
that combined to form it
Loss in mass converted
to energy
Hoover Dam provides
energy to most of
Western US
2,080 megawatts
380 billion billion megawatts
Before reaching sun’s
atmosphere, energy made
in core moves through
two inner zones
Radiative zone 
surrounds core
Temp is about 2,500,000℃
Energy moves from atom
to atom as radiation
Electromagnetic radiation
transfers energy through
Convective zone 
around radiative zone
Temp about
Energy made in core
moves by convection
 transfer of energy by
moving liquids or gases
Hot gases carry heat
energy to sun’s
As atoms of hot gases move out and expand, they
radiate and lose heat
Cooling gases become denser than other gases
Sink to bottom of convection zone
There, cooled gases heated by radiative zone and
rise again
Heat transferred to surface as gases rise and sink
Surrounds convective zone
Atmosphere  uppermost area of solar gases
Has 3 layers
Photosphere 
innermost layer of solar
Made of gases bubbling
up from convective
Temp about 6,000℃
Layer has grainy
appearance called
Results from gases
rising and sinking
Much of energy given
off is as visible light
It’s what we see from
So, photosphere is
considered “surface”
of the sun
“color sphere”
above photosphere
Thin layer of gases
that glows with
reddish light
Temp ranges from
Gases of chromosphere
move away from and
toward photosphere
In upward movement,
they sometimes form
narrow jets of hot gas
that shoot out from
chromosphere then fade
Sometimes these jets
reach 16,000 km high
Corona “crown”  outermost layer of sun’s
Huge cloud of gas heated by sun’s magnetic field
to temp of about 2,000,000℃
Relatively thin
Prevents most atomic particles from sun’s surface
from escaping into space
Some electrically charged
particles (ions) leak into
space through holes in
Particles are called solar
Chromosphere and corona
not seen from earth b/c of
brightness of blue sky
during the day
During solar eclipse –
moon blocks sun – can see
Solar Activity
Gases of inner zones and atmosphere are in
constant motion
Energy made in sun’s core and force of gravity
combine to cause rising and falling of gases
Gases also move because sun rotates on its axis
Because the sun is
plasma/gas, not solid,
different parts rotate at
different speeds
Closest to sun’s equator
take only 25.3 earth
days to make one
Points near poles take
33 earth days
Average = 27 earth days
Combination of up-anddown movement of gases in
convective zone and
movement of sun’s rotation
produces magnetic fields
These fields slow down
activity in convective zone
Slower convection means
less gas is transferring heat
from core to photosphere
So, regions of photosphere
near strong magnetic fields
are up to 3,000℃ cooler than
surrounding areas
Cooler areas appear
darker than areas
around them
Sunspots  cool, dark
areas of gas within
photosphere that are
caused by magnetic
Large sunspots can be more than 100,000 km in
diameter (several times the size of earth)
Astronomers found that
sunspots first appear in groups
midway between sun’s equator
and poles
As they disappear, new ones
seems to appear near sun’s
Shift of sunspots was one of first
indications that sun rotates
Number of sunspots also
changes according to average
11-year cycle called the sunspot
Sunspot cycle begins when
number of sunspots is very
low but is starting to increase
May not see any for several
Gradually see more and
Increases over next few years
until it reaches a peak
At peak, 100 or more
sunspots may be visible
After, they decrease
Cycle begins when more
sunspots begin to appear
Magnetic fields also create other disturbances
Prominences  great clouds of glowing gases
Form huge arches that reach above sun’s
Each solar prominence follows curved lines of
magnetic force from one sunspot area to
Some may last for several weeks or a year
One violent solar disturbance is solar flare 
sudden outward eruption of electrically charged
atomic particles
May extend upward
several thousand km
within minutes
Few last more than 1
Usually occur near
During peak in sunspot
cycle, 5-10 solar flares
can be seen each day
Some particles from solar
flare flung out so
forcefully they escape into
These particles increase
strength of solar wind
As they enter atmosphere
of earth, they produce
sudden disturbance in
earth’s magnetic field 
magnetic storm
Interfere with
communications on earth
Auroras  effect of
magnetic storm appears in
sky as bands of light
When ions of solar wind
approach earth, they are
guided toward
magnetic poles of earth
by earth’s magnetosphere
contains the magnetic
field of earth
The ions hit the gas
molecules in upper
atmosphere, and
produces green, red,
blue or violet lights
Usually seen near
Also called northern
lights or southern lights
Auroras usually happen
100 and 1,000 km above
earth’s surface
Most frequent just after
peak in sunspot cycle,
especially after solar
Visible about 5 times a
Formation of the Solar System
Includes sun and bodies revolving around the
1600-1700s scientists thought sun formed first,
then threw off materials that later formed the
planets  8 major bodies revolving around the sun
1796 – Marquis Pierre Simon de
Laplace had a new idea
The sun and planets made from
same spinning nebula
The entire solar system formed at
about the same time
Nebular theory
From big bang, some
matter gathered into
clouds of dust and
Cloud of gas and
dust that developed
into our solar system
is called the solar
Larger than our solar
system now
About 4-5 billion years ago, shock waves from
nearby supernova or some other force caused
cloud of gas and dust to contract, forming solar
A star (the sun) started to form in center
When temp high enough, fusion began
About 99% of matter in solar nebula became
part of the sun
Planets formed in outer regions of
solar nebula
Small bodies of matter in solar
nebula called planetesimals
joined together through collisions
Formed larger bodies called
Gravity of protoplanets acted like
magnets, pulling in other
planetesimals from solar nebula
condensed into
existing planets
and moons
Moons 
smaller bodies
that orbit the
Both planets
and moons are
smaller and
denser than
Distance between protoplanet and developing sun
influenced the composition of the planet that
formed from the protoplanet
Four protoplanets closest to sun became Mercury,
Venus, Earth and Mars
Contained large amounts of heavier elements like
Next four protoplanets became Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, and Neptune
These formed in the cold areas of solar nebula
Icy material of outer protoplanets made of helium
and hydrogen and frozen gases (water, methane,
Inner planets probably
could not build up
gases b/c gravity is
Solar wind may have
stripped away early
atmosphere of lighter
b/c outer planets further away from sun and
have HUGE gravity, they kept most of their
original gases
Called the gas giants
When first formed, it was very hot
3 things contributed to heat
Earth kept a lot of heat made when it collided
with planetesimals
Increasing weight of outer layers pressed on
inner layers, making more heat
Radioactive materials (radiate heat) were
plenty when earth first formed
Temp on young earth enough to melt iron
Gravity pulled molten iron to center
Denser materials flowed to center
Less dense materials forced to outer layers
Earth eventually separated into 3 layers
 Mantle
 Core
The protoplanet that became earth could not
hold gases b/c gravity was too weak
Collisions added more mass to protoplanet,
gravity increased
Eventually it captured some hydrogen and
helium that were in solar nebula
By the time earth was formed, the atmosphere
was mostly hydrogen and helium
Today these two found mostly in upper
Much of earth’s first atmosphere was probably
lost as result of solar explosion or solar wind
Earth’s second atmosphere results from
explosions within earth about 3 billion years
Heat in interior caused
volcanoes to form
Volcanic eruptions
released large amounts of
Mostly water and carbon
These formed new
Sunlight probably caused ammonia and some
water in atmosphere to form nitrogen,
hydrogen and a little oxygen
Most of hydrogen escaped to outer space (too
light to be held by gravity)
Early green plants – photosynthesis – increase
levels of oxygen
Some oxygen formed ozone (in upper
Shielded earth from UV radiation from sun
As atmosphere was developing, earth was
cooling enough for liquid water to form
Between 3-3.5 billion years ago water vapor
started to condense
Fell as rain and formed oceans in lower surface
Ocean water absorbed carbon dioxide from
By 1.5 billion years ago, atmosphere similar to
what it is today