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Ch 28-31
Earth’s Role as a Body in Space
Earth’s Motion through
How is Earth’s motion related to
the origin of the galaxy and its
solar system?
The Origin of Our Expanding
The Big Bang
– universe began
as a point & has
been expanding
ever since
The Origin of the Milky Way
Astronomers hypothesize that
the galaxy began as…
A rotating, spherical
cloud in space …
Our solar system
continues to orbit the
center of the Milky Way
because… it
developed in the
plane of the disk
that orbited the
central nuclear
bulge of stars
The Origin of the Solar System
Our solar system began when…
…a rotating, interstellar cloud of gases
(nebula) collapsed (due to gravity) &
formed a sun & orbiting planets
Earth orbits the Sun because
… it was located outside the center of
the spinning nebula
Earth’s Position in Space
What is Earth’s position within the
hierarchy of the universe?
A. Earth’s Position in the Universe
Earth’s Position in the Universe…
Earth 
 Solar System (3rd planet from Sun) 
 Milky Way Galaxy (the Orion Arm) 
 Local Group (about 40 galaxies)
 Supercluster (Virgo)
 Universe!
Focus Question
How do Kepler’s laws
describe Earth’s orbit?
1. Kepler’s First Law…
The Law of Orbits: All planets move in elliptical orbits,
with the sun at 1 focus.
An ellipse is … oval shape centered on 2 points
instead of 1 point.
The orbital period of a planet is … how long it takes
for it to travel a complete orbit around the Sun.
We call this a year!
2. Kepler’s Second Law…
The Law of Areas: A line that connects a planet to the Sun
sweeps out equal (=) areas in equal (=) times.
Earth sweeps out a longer path when it is closer to the
Earth moves fastest when it is closest to the Sun.
3. Kepler’s Third Law…
The Law of Periods: The square of the orbital
period of any planet is proportional to the
cube of the semi major axis of its orbit.
P² = a³ (P = orbital period = unit of time in Earth yrs,
a = length of the semi major axis)
If you know the distance of a planet to the Sun, you
would be able to figure out its… orbital period.
Basically… The closer a planet is to the Sun, the
shorter its orbital period is.
Barycenter and Earth’s Orbit…
Barycenter is …the center of mass between a
planet and the Sun.
The law of universal gravitation states that…
every pair of bodies in the universe attracts
each other with a force related to…
 …mass (the more mass they have, the stronger
the pull) AND
 …distance (the farther apart they are, the
weaker the pull)
Focus Questions…
What causes the day and
night cycle?
What motion and force
causes Earth’s slightly
squished shape?
Earth’s Rotation Causes Day and Night
Earth’s axis is…
… the imaginary line
that goes through
the N & S poles.
Day and night are
caused by…
… the rotation of
Earth on its axis spinning towards &
away from the Sun.
(23.9345 hrs)
Earth’s Rotation Causes Its
Slightly-squished Shape…
What motion causes
Earth to take the
shape of an oblate
Earth’s rotation
What force causes the
Earth’s mass to move
outward from its
center at the equator
as Earth rotates?
centrifugal force
Focus Question (and Answer!)…
What causes the seasons?
The tilt of the Earth on its axis
as it revolves around (orbits)
the Sun.
Earth’s Orbit and the Seasons!
What causes summer in the
northern and southern
 when the hemisphere is
tilted toward the Sun
during Earth’s orbit
Orbit and thewhen
Fall occurs when a hemisphere is starting
tilt away from the Sun.
starting to tilt
away from the
Earth’s Orbit and the Seasons!
What causes winter in
the northern and
the hemisphere is
tilted away from the Sun
during Earth’s orbit
An Owl in Springtime! Spring occurs
when the hemisphere is starting to tilt
towards the Sun.
Earth’s Orbit and Seasons…
The seasons in the northern and southern
hemispheres are opposite each other
When 1 hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun,
the other is tilted away from it
Think About It…
What would happen to the
average temperatures during
our winter if Earth was tilted
MORE on its axis ?
Focus Question…
What circumstances can
bring about a long term
change in the seasons?
Precession is…
 the wobble in Earth’s
rotational axis.
One full cycle of
precession takes…
 26,000 years!
The force that causes
precession is…
 the sideways pull of
the Moon & Sun on
the Earth’s bulging
Nutation is…
… a change in the
angle of tilt of Earth’s
Present tilt of Earth’s
axis is 23.5°.
The tilt can vary from
22.1° to 24.5 °.
If the angle of tilt
decreased to 22.1…
there would be less of a
temperature difference
b/tw seasons.
If the angle of the tilt of
Earth’s axis increased
to 24.5…
there would be more of a
temperature difference
b/tw seasons.
Focus Question…
What forces and heavenly
bodies cause the tides?
Tides are caused by…
gravitational attraction
among Earth, the Moon,
and the Sun.
What forces & heavenly
bodies cause the tides?
gravitational pull of
Moon on oceans
facing it causes high
“centrifugal swish”
oceans facing away
from Moon experience
less of a pull (high tide)
The sides of Earth NOT
directly facing toward or
away from the Moon
experience low tide.
The Cause of
The Cause of Tides…
What motion causes tides at location to
change every 6 hours?
 Earth’s rotation on it’s axis
Spring Tide…
Twice a month, the Earth, Moon, & Sun
align (line up) causes the Moon & Sun to
pull together on Earth’s oceans.
 Higher high tides / lower low tides
Neap Tide…
Twice a month,
the Earth, Moon,
& Sun will form
a right angle
which causes
the Moon & Sun
to pull from
directions on
Earth’s oceans.
 Evens the tides
Fusion is…
– the fusing of smaller, lighter hydrogen atoms to
form a larger, heavier helium atom (which
releases energy)
Fusion occurs in the stars! (our Sun)
Or in Iron Man’s chest…
Fission is…
– splitting of bigger, heavy atoms (like uranium
or plutonium) into smaller, lighter atoms
Fission Differs From Fusion…
Fission differs from fusion
in that…
Fission is SPLITTING
atoms, not FUSING
The Radioactive Boy Scout
is a warning about
investigating fission in your
backyard shed!
Fission is used on
Earth …
– in nuclear
power plants
& submarines
(to generate
Fusion and Fission: Nuclear Reactions
Fusion and fission are nuclear reactions
 …the nuclei of atoms are fusing (in fusion) OR
splitting (in fission). (Remember… That’s the
center part of the atom where protons and
neutrons are located)
 New atoms are made in both types of reactions.
Combustion is… burning of a fuel in presence of
O2 (oxygen) to produce energy (heat & light)
a. It is a chemical reaction which recombines atoms.
Combustion used in…
Power Plants
(Belews Creek)
Think About It…
How does the Sun harm
living things?
(What types of energy
from the Sun are
Focus Question…
How are the harmful forms of
radiation from the Sun
deflected away or filtered so
that they don’t reach living
The Sun’s Energy…
1. Electromagnetic radiation consists of …
 … electric & magnetic disturbances that
travel through space as waves.
2. The electromagnetic spectrum…
 …organizes forms of EM energy by
3. The Sun produces electromagnetic radiation
across the spectrum…
 radio waves, microwaves, infrared energy
(heat), visible light, ultraviolet radiation, xrays, & gamma rays
The Electromagnetic Spectrum…
4. The shorter the wavelength, the more harmful
the energy!
The Ozone Layer…
5. Which gas blocks
ultraviolet radiation
from the Sun?
 Ozone (O3)
a. It is found in the
b. Chlorofluorocarbons
(CFCs) damage O3.
c. These are found in
aerosols, coolants, &
Solar Wind and Earth’s Magnetic Field
1. Solar wind is…
 …a supersonic plasma (Remember,
that’s charged particles or ions) that
flows outward from Sun at high speeds
 …bathes planets in a flood of highenergy particles. (Which isn’t very good
for us!)
Solar Wind and Earth’s
Magnetic Field…
2. Earth’s magnetic field protects us from the
solar wind by…
deflecting these particles and trapping them in
two huge rings (Van Allen belts)
Focus Question…
How does the Sun’s energy
warm Earth’s surface and
Energy For Earth…
1. Radiation is …
transfer of
energy through
space by EM
waves (visible
light, ultraviolet
radiation, &
Energy For Earth…
1a. The Sun’s energy reaches Earth by the
process of radiation.
1b. About 50 % of the Sun’s energy is
absorbed by Earth’s surface.
1c. Remember –
ozone blocks
most of the UV
Differential Heating…
1d. Which heats up and cools down
more slowly – water or land?
 This is called differential heating.
 This is what moderates the climate
in coastal areas.
 In winter, the ocean acts like a
giant heater and in summer, the
ocean acts like a giant air
Differential Heating and North
Our moderate coast – The Outer Banks!
2. Conduction is…
the transfer of energy
that occurs when
molecules collide
a. Air molecules just
above Earth’s
surface are warmed
by conduction.
b. Energy moves from
your hand to your
desk. Why?
Energy for
Heat waves over hot sand!
Energy for Earth…
3. Convection is…
the transfer of
energy by the flow of
a heated substance
Warm air will rise.
When the warm air
gets high enough, it
cools and sinks.
This creates a
convection current.
Energy for Photosynthesis…
During photosynthesis,
solar energy is
transformed into
chemical energy (food).
This occurs in plants,
algae & some bacteria.
For this to occur, there
must be water, CO2,
Energy source: sunlight.
In plants, this occurs in