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Hinduism and Buddhism
Hinduism’s Basic Tenets
• Hinduism believes in only one God but allows
its followers to worship the God in many
forms such as nature (including trees, sun,
idols, animals, etc.) and persons (Lord Krishna,
Lord Rama, Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu,
etc.). These persons are called devas (deities)
and are often confused by calling Gods.
• Vedas and Bhagvad Gita are considered as
most sacred scriptures of Hinduism.
Hindu Beliefs
Belief in soul (also called as “aatma”):
This is one of the major and most important beliefs of Hinduism. What Hinduism believes is each living creature
on this planet has a soul, and all these souls are the part of a Supreme Soul called “Parmatma.” Therefore each
animal in the universe has the same soul as a human being has. Therefore, the ultimate aim of human life should
be to be one with the Supreme Souls, Parmatma. This is called as Nirvana or Moksha.
Before entering a human body, the soul travels through 84 million species and then is able to gain the human
body. So, we should always strive in our human life to attend Nirvana or Moksha. We should not waste our life in
collecting earthly things.
After death, our soul enters a new body depending on our Karma of past life. This process continues until we
become one with the Supreme Soul.
Belief in Karma:
Hinduism believes that what we are now is the result of our Karma in the past life. The Karma is what we do in
our life. The good things we do is called good Karma and the bad things we do is called as bad Karma or sin. Those
who do bad Karma, suffer in their present life as well as their coming life until they get punished for their bad
Karma. So, as a human being we should always do good Karma, so that our present life and coming life be happy.
Depending on our past life Karma, our soul enters the body of the human being or another species like animals,
birds, etc.
Belief in reincarnation:
Not only Hinduism but also other major religions like Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism also believe in concept of
reincarnation. What it is that the soul is immortal and the death is that of the body only. As we change our
clothes, the soul changes body and is reborn again. It travels from one body to another body until it becomes one
with the Supreme Soul. Thousands of proofs are available now on the internet that reincarnation is the truth.
Belief in multiples paths to reach the God:
Hinduism does not believe in only one path to reach the God. You can do it by multiple ways. That is what makes
Hinduism a different religion.
Buddhism Basic Tenets
The Four Noble Truths taught by the Buddha
Dukkha: Suffering exists
Samudaya: There is a cause for suffering.
Nirodha: There is an end to suffering
Magga: In order to end suffering, you must follow the Eightfold Path.
The Eight-Fold Path taught by the Buddha
Right Views – Seeing the world through the Four Noble Truths.
Right Resolve – Wanting to behave correctly and justly.
Right Speech – Telling the truth, speaking kindly.
Right Conduct – Being good.
Right Livelihood – Having a job that supports a moral life.
Right Effort – Trying to keep your mind focused on the good.
Right Mindfulness – Paying attention to what you think and feel.
Right Concentration – Meditating as Buddha did to reach nirvana.