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Chapter 2
Wrap Up
2/18/16 & 2/22/16
Review for Exam I
More Style Conventions
Debugging using eclipse
The Java API
Exam I
Next week
Th, 2/25/16
M, 2/29/16
Over Chapter 1, 2.1-2.6, 4.1 and 4.3, eclipse and linux
Review material on my website
Class DecimalFormat
Class DecimalFormat enables control of output
In java.text package.
Specify a string pattern to describe desired format
double val = 1.23;
DecimalFormat formatter =
new DecimalFormat("0.000");
Imagine! Java: Programming Concepts in Context by Frank M. Carrano, (c) Pearson Education - Prentice Hall, 2010
Class DecimalFormat
0 – digit, leading and trailing zeros
# -- digit, no leading and trailing zeros
% -- percentage
$ -- at beginning displays dollar sign
Imagine! Java: Programming Concepts in Context by Frank M. Carrano, (c) Pearson Education - Prentice Hall, 2010
Class DecimalFormat
Figure 4-7 Examples of
patterns used with class
Imagine! Java: Programming Concepts in Context by Frank M. Carrano, (c) Pearson Education - Prentice Hall, 2010
Previous Style Conventions
Class names begin with upper case
Method names and variable names begin with lower
eclipse puts open brace on the line with the heading
Line up indentation of the closing brace with whatever it is
End brace commented(optional)
Lines within braces indented
Skip lines for readability (white space)
More Conventions from 2.10
Each statement on its own line.
A blank line can separate groups of statements, but related
statements usually have no blank lines between them.
Arithmetic operators and = separate by one space. No
space precedes an ending semicolon or ( ).
Variable/parameter names are descriptive, use at least two
exceptions for loop indices (i, j), or math items like point
coordinates (x, y).
More Conventions from 2.10
Constants use upper case and underscores (and at least two
Variables usually defined early (not within code), and initialized
to be safe (if practical).
Lines of code are typically less than 100 characters wide.
Look at
In the following program give an example of something
that is not properly named.
Give an example of bad indentation.
What is wrong with the println statement?
Copy This Program and Fix the Style
public class ShippingCalculator {
public static void main (String [] args) {
int shipWeightPounds = 10;
int shipCostCents;
final int FLAT_FEE_CENTS = 75 ;final int centsPerPound=25 ;
shipCostCents = FLAT_FEE_CENTS + shipWeightPounds * centsPerPound;
System.out.println("Weight(lb): " + shipWeightPounds + ", Flat fee(cents): " + FLAT_FEE_CENTS + ",
Cents per pound: " + centsPerPound + ", Shipping cost(cents): " + shipCostCents);
Debugging in Eclipse 2.8
Syntax Errors
Caught by the Editor.
Logic Errors
Bad Results
Can use diagnostic prints to examine variables
In eclipse you can exam the contents of variable
Debugging in Eclipse
OuncesToGrams Example, 1.5 oz → 42.52 g
1)Set a break point in the program near a possible bug.
Right click in margin left of code
Can right click again to untoggle
2)Run the program with “Debug as”
Click yes when dialog box appears
 Gets you into Debug mode
3)Use box in upper right to examine variables.
Debugging in Eclipse
4)Use buttons to execute one statement at a time.
Step-over for java methods
5)Click “Java” on top tool bar to get back to normal mode.
How do you toggle a breakpoint in eclipse?
How do you get into Debug mode?
Why would you want to examine a variable's contents?
What is the difference between step-into and step-over?
Java API 2.7
Google “Java API”
Oracle owns the language.
Use API to look up a class.
e.g. Scanner
Can see what methods it has.
Copy the program on slide #12 into eclipse.
Fix style problems in the program.
Set a break point in the above program. Use the debugger
to examine the shipCostCents variable's contents while the
program is executing.
Get into a web browser and find the Java API.
Find the method in the String class that lets you
know the length of a String.
Exam Next Week
Don't forget your notes!
Good Luck!