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Introduction to Mobility Java
Mobile and Wireless Networks
Overview of Wireless Communications
• wireless communications can be split into
two types:
– Local areaAll of these devices operate over
short distances, typically just a few meters. A
local device is similar to a key fob with a
button that unlocks a car, a 900 MHz cordless
phone, a radio control toy, or a Bluetooth
– Wide areaWide area wireless devices operate
effectively over a much greater area. A pager
or mobile phone is a good example
Overview of the Java 2 Platform
• The Java 2 Platform comprises three elements:
– The Java programming language
– A virtual machine forms the foundation of the Java platform.
– an extensive set of standard application programming interfaces
(APIs) rounds out the Java platform.
• The Java Community Process (JCP)
– Specifications for J2SE, J2EE, and J2ME are developed under
the aegis of the Java Community Process (JCP). A specification
begins life as a Java Specification Request (JSR). An expert
group consisting of representatives from interested companies is
formed to create the specification. The JSR then passes through
various stages in the JCP before it is finished. Every JSR is
assigned a number. J2ME specifications are commonly referred
to by their JSR number.
Overview of the Java 2 Platform
• the Java platform comes in three flavors:
– Java 2, Standard Edition (J2SE) is designed for
desktop computers. Most often it runs on top of OS X,
Linux, Solaris, or Microsoft Windows
– Java 2, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) is a comprehensive
platform for multiuser, enterprise-wide applications. It
is based on J2SE and adds APIs for server-side
– Java 2, Micro Edition (J2ME) is a set of technologies
and specifications developed for small devices like
pagers, mobile phones, and set-top boxes. J2ME
uses subsets of J2SE components, such as smaller
virtual machines and leaner APIs.
Overview of J2ME
J2ME is a platform, a collection of technologies and specifications that are
designed for different parts of the small device market. J2ME, therefore, is
divided into configurations, profiles, and optional packages.
– Configurations are specifications that detail a virtual machine and a base set of
APIs that can be used with a certain class of device. A configuration, for
example, might be designed for devices that have less than 512 KB of memory
and an intermittent network connection. The virtual machine is either a full Java
Virtual Machine (as described in the specification) or some subset of the full
JVM. The set of APIs is customarily a subset of the J2SE APIs.
– A profile builds on a configuration but adds more specific APIs to make a
complete environment for building applications. While a configuration describes a
JVM and a basic set of APIs, it does not by itself specify enough detail to enable
you to build complete applications. Profiles usually include APIs for application
life cycle, user interface, and persistent storage.
– An optional package provides functionality that may not be associated with a
specific configuration or profile. One example of an optional package is the
Bluetooth API (JSR 82), which provides a standardized API for using Bluetooth
networking. This optional package could be implemented alongside virtually any
combination of configurations and profiles.
The J2ME Universe Today
The J2ME Universe Today
• J2ME has two main branches. The first is based on the Connected,
Limited Device Configuration (CLDC). This configuration is for small
wireless devices with intermittent network connections, like pagers,
mobile phones, and Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs). The Mobile
Information Device Profile (MIDP), which is based on CLDC, was
the first finished profile and thus the first finished J2ME application
environment. MIDP-compliant devices are widely available.
• The other major branch of the J2ME tree is based on the Connected
Device Configuration (CDC). This configuration is for larger devices
(in terms of memory and processing power) with robust network
connections. Set-top boxes and internet appliances are good
examples of CDC devices, although high-end PDAs like the Sharp
Zaurus also fit this configuration well. The Foundation Profile
extends CDC and serves as the basis for several other profiles. It
provides fundamental APIs gleaned from J2SE, including classes
and interfaces from java.lang,,, java.util, and
more. For a list of J2ME terms and definitions, see our glossary.
About Stacks and JSR 185
Devices implement a complete software stack, which usually consists of a
configuration, a profile, and optional APIs.
JSR 185, Java Technology for the Wireless Industry, addresses this
question by assembling other building blocks into a complete application
environment. JSR 185 mandates CLDC 1.0 or 1.1, MIDP 2.0, and WMA.
Support for MMAPI is optional. This helps nail things down for developers;
on a JTWI device, the developer has a clear understanding of what APIs
will be available. The following figure shows a JSR 185 stack:
The Scope of Wireless Java
That said, some common misconceptions about wireless Java technology
need clearing up:
Wireless Java technology and J2ME are not the same thing. On the one
hand, J2ME encompasses more than just wireless devices. While some
parts of J2ME are expressly designed for wireless devices, other parts are
not--CDC devices are likely to have standard Ethernet connections. On the
flip side, wireless Java technology is not confined to J2ME alone. You could
have a laptop or palmtop computer running J2SE applications, connecting
to other computers via an 802.11 LAN.
MIDP is not all of J2ME. MIDP is the first finished profile and has the first
installed base of devices out in the world, so people sometimes assume that
you are talking about MIDP whenever you talk about J2ME. As you can see
from the diagram above, though, J2ME has many facets; MIDP just
happened to cross the finish line first.
MIDP is not all of wireless Java technology. The Java platform offers plenty
of choices for wireless programming: Personal Profile, J2SE
Why Use the Java Platform for
Wireless Development?
The Java platform is safe. Java code always executes within the confines of the Java
Virtual Machine1, which provides a safe environment for executing downloaded code.
A binary application could freeze a device or crash it (imagine a blue screen on your
mobile phone!) By contrast, at worst a Java applications can bring down only the
Virtual Machine, not the device itself.
The Java language encourages robust programming. The garbage collector saves
programmers countless hours of hunting down memory leaks. Likewise, the Java
language's exception mechanisms encourage programmers to create robust
Portability is a big win for wireless Java technology. A single executable can run on
multiple devices. For example, when you write a MIDlet (a MIDP application) it will
run on any device that implements the MIDP specification. Given the dizzying
profusion of wireless devices, not having to maintain a plethora of implementations is
a big advantage. Even if a Java application makes use of vendor specific APIs,
applications written using the Java programming language are inherently easier to
modify for another device than applications written in C or C++.
A second benefit of portability is the ease of delivering applications to a device over
the wireless network (sometimes called Over-the-air, or OTA, provisioning). Binary
applications can be moved from a server onto a device, too, but not safely. Because
Java code runs inside the Java Virtual Machine1, code that is downloaded from the
network can be run safely. Binary code cannot be contained at execution time and is
much less safe.
What You Need
• MIDP development tools are widely
available for Windows, Linux, OS X, and
Solaris. In this article, you'll assemble a
development environment based on three
pieces of software: Local area
– Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) SDK version
1.3 or higher.
– J2ME Wireless Toolkit. This is a package of
tools for building and testing MIDlets.
– Text editor. This can be something as
rudimentary as Notepad (on Windows) or
something more elaborate like jEdit.
Installing the J2SE SDK
• You can download the current version from The current
version is 1.4.2. The J2SE SDK is
available for Linux, Solaris, and Windows.
• How does the J2SE SDK help you
develop wireless applications? First, it
provides the Java platform upon which the
J2ME Wireless Toolkit runs. Second, it
includes a Java compiler and other tools
that the toolkit uses to build your projects.
Installing the J2SE SDK
• Once you've finished downloading the J2SE
SDK, you'll need to install it. In Windows, run the
file you just downloaded. The installer asks you
some questions and installs the software. If you
accept the defaults, J2SE is installed in a
directory like c:\j2sdk1.4.2. You should add the
bin subdirectory to your path, either in your
autoexec.bat file (Windows 95/98) or in the
System Properties (Windows NT/2000).
• To test your installation, open up a command
prompt. Type java -version and see what
happens. Here's the output on my computer:
Overview of Wireless Communications
• wireless communications can be split into
two types:
– Local area: All of these devices operate over
short distances, typically just a few meters. A
local device is similar to a key fob with a
button that unlocks a car, a 900 MHz cordless
phone, a radio control toy, or a Bluetooth
– Wide area: Wide area wireless devices operate
effectively over a much greater area. A pager
or mobile phone is a good example
Installing the J2ME Wireless Toolkit
• The next step is to install the J2ME Wireless Toolkit, a
set of tools that make it easy to build and test MIDP
applications. (You can think of the toolkit as a miniature
IDE; it automates several of the tasks related to building
MIDP applications.)
• Begin by downloading the J2ME Wireless Toolkit from . Execute the
installation file. The installer tries to locate your J2SE
SDK; if it's having trouble, make sure you are pointing it
to the directory where you installed the J2SE SDK. You
will also need to specify whether the toolkit will run by
itself (standalone) or be integrated with an IDE. This
article assumes you will be running the toolkit in
standalone mode. The files for the toolkit will go into
c:\WTK20 unless you specify a different directory, and
the installer creates shortcuts for various parts of the
Installing the J2ME Wireless Toolkit
• To run the toolkit itself, select the KToolbar
shortcut. You should see the following screen.
Installing the J2ME Wireless Toolkit
• The J2ME Wireless Toolkit works with projects, where the end result
of each project is one MIDlet suite. The toolkit works with one project
at a time. You can change properties of the current project, build the
project, and run the project in a device emulator. Several example
projects come installed with the toolkit; we'll look at these later.
• Let's jump right in the water by creating a new project. Click on New
Project in the button bar. The toolkit prompts you for a project name
and the name of a MIDlet class in the project. Fill in HelloSuite and
HelloMIDlet as shown below.
Create a MIDlet
mport javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
public class HelloMIDlet
extends MIDlet
implements CommandListener {
private Form mMainForm;
public HelloMIDlet() {
mMainForm = new Form("HelloMIDlet");
mMainForm.append(new StringItem(null, "Hello, MIDP!"));
mMainForm.addCommand(new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 0));
public void startApp() {
public void pauseApp() {}
public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) {}
public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable s) {
Create a MIDlet
• Save this code as in the src
directory of your project. On my computer, this
file is saved in
• Next, press the Build button in KToolbar. The
toolkit will attempt to compile your project. If
there are any compiler errors, you'll see them in
the text output area of KToolbar. Fix the errors
until the project builds successfully.
• Now you're ready to test your MIDlet suite. Click
on the Run button. You should see a mobile
phone emulator pop up:
Create a MIDlet
Create a MIDlet
The emulator is showing a list of MIDlets in the MIDlet suite. This example shows only one
MIDlet. Although the name you see here is HelloSuite, the class that will be run is
HelloMIDlet. To see where this mapping occurs, go to KToolbar and select Settings.... Then
click on the MIDlets tab to see a list of the MIDlets in the project.
Back in the emulator, click on the soft button below Launch to start up the MIDlet. It will
display a simple screen like the one below. Click on Exit to leave the MIDlet. Close the
emulator window or hit the Escape key to end the emulator session.