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WHII Review #1
• Identify the numbered locations on the map.
WHII Review #2
• Identify the numbered locations on the
WHII Review #3
• Identify the numbered locations on the
WHII Review #4
• What does Renaissance mean?
• The Renaissance spread from Italy to where?
• What is the philosophy which emphasized
classical knowledge and a worldly life
• What marks the beginning of the modern world?
• Who were the main painters of the Renaissance?
• What knowledge was “reborn” during the
• Who wrote sonnets and plays during the
WHII Review #5
Who helped to spread the idea of humanism?
Where did the Renaissance begin?
What are the 5 major world religions?
In what hemisphere did they begin?
Where was Judaism concentrated?
Where was Christianity concentrated?
Where was Islam concentrated?
Where was Hinduism concentrated?
Where was Buddhism concentrated?
WHII Review #6
• By 1500, trade linked what continents?
• What was the trade route between Asia and the
Mediterranean Basin?
• What was the trade route across North Africa?
• Why were these trade routes important?
• Name 3 products from China.
• Name 2 advancements from India and the Middle
• What scientific advancements were transferred
along the trade routes?
WHII Review #7
• What was the main Christian church in Europe in
• Which Christian church refused to change
bringing on the Reformation?
• The practice of lending money at a high rate of
interest is called what?
• The nobles of what 2 countries disliked Italian
domination of the Church?
• The Church had not only religious power, but also
_?_ power.
WHII Review #8
• Name 2 problems in the Catholic Church which
helped to cause the Reformation.
• What was sold by the Catholic Church to release
a soul from Purgatory?
• Who began the Lutheran Church?
• Name 2 beliefs of the Lutheran church.
• Whose actions began the Reformation?
• These were posted on the door of the church at
WHII Review #9
• Name 2 beliefs of John Calvin.
• This is the belief that God knows who will be
saved and who will not.
• Who expanded the Protestant Movement?
• Who began the Anglican Church in England?
• Who broke with the Catholic Church because he
wanted a divorce/
• (True)(False) The Reformation led to political and
economic changes in Europe.
• What is a Protestant?
WHII Review #10
• Name 2 actions of Henry VIII against the
Catholic Church.
• What was the ruling dynasty of the Holy Roman
• What church did they support?
• In what area of Germany did the princes support
the Reformation?
• Why did they do this?
• The conflict in Germany between the Catholics
and Protestants became what war?
WHII Review #11
• What is the national church of England?
• Under whose reign did this occur?
• The Reformation contributed to the rise of what
economic system?
• What religion were the French kings?
• A French Protestant is called what?
• The Edict of Nantes granted what?
• A series of reforms in the Catholic Church is
known as what?
• The Society of Jesus is also known as what?
WHII Review #12
• Who changed the focus of the Thirty Years War
from religious to political?
• What was the purpose of the Society of Jesus?
• What was established to reinforce Catholic doctrine?
• T/F The Reformation only changed religious beliefs
in Europe.
• The movement to enjoy life on earth and its rewards
is called what?
• The movement which believes every person is
important is called what?
WHII Review #13
• This invention spread the ideas of the
Renaissance and Reformation.
• What did Johannes Gutenberg invent?
• Literacy was stimulated by what invention?
• Was there always religious toleration in Europe?
• Who had the power in most European states?
• The Bible was first printed in what 3 languages?
• The loss of what city in 1453 encouraged the
search for new trade routes?
• Name 2 Spanish explorers.
WHII Review #14
• What goods were in high demand in Europe in
the mid 15th century?
• Who was the first European to “discover” the
Western Hemisphere?
• (True/False) New navigational inventions helped
fuel the Age of Exploration.
• What was the role of Prince Henry the Navigator?
• Who was the first Englishman to sail around the
• What were the 3 motives for exploration?
WHII Review #15
• What was the first religion spread to the Western
• Native Americans of the Western Hemisphere are
often called _?_ people.
• What religion was spread to Latin America and
• Whose expedition was the first to circumnavigate
the world?
• What Portuguese explorer was the first to reach
India by way of Africa?
WHII Review #16
• Who were the European missionaries trying to
• What Spanish explorer conquered the Aztecs?
• What Spanish explorer conquered the Incas?
• What explorer explored the St. Lawrence River
and claimed Canada for France?
• A major motive for exploration was to spread _?_.
• What did colonists bring to the Americas?
• Name 3 empires destroyed by the Spanish.
• Name 2 legacies of Spanish rule in Latin America.
WHII Review #17
• T/F Most colonies took on the social and cultural
patterns of their parent country.
• What racial group was forced into slavery?
• Name 3 nations which established empires in the
Western Hemisphere.
• Europeans set up what on the coast of Africa?
• What did Europeans want from Africa?
• Throughout the world, what did Europeans want
from their colonies?
• What is another name for American Indians?
WHII Review #18
• The Portuguese, Dutch and British all set up what
to gain wealth in their colonies?
• What was one of the first groups to colonize an
• Where did this occur?
• What was the exchange of products and resources
between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres?
• What did the Western Hemisphere “give” to
• What was the result of these products?
• What does indigenous mean?
WHII Review #19
• What killed many American Indians?
• What was the result of a labor shortage in the
Western Hemisphere?
• What European animals changed the lives of
American Indians?
• Where was the plantation system strongest?
• What were 2 results of the plantation system?
• Why were large numbers of laborers needed in the
• Western Hemisphere slavery was based on what?
WHII Review #20
Who was the triangular trade between?
What products were involved?
Where did the gold and silver of the Americas go?
What was the result of this trade?
What empire conquered Constantinople?
What areas did they conquer?
Where was the Ottoman Empire originally
• What was Constantinople renamed?
WHII Review #21
• What was the unifying forcein the Ottoman
• (True/False) The Ottoman Empire did not accept
other monotheistic religions.
• What were 2 trade items of the Ottoman Empire?
• Where was the Mughal Empire located?
• What religion did the Mughals spread to India?
• What is the architectural gem of Mughal India?
• During the Mughal Empire, who arrived and set
up trading posts in India?
WHII Review #22
• How did Indian textiles affect the British textile
• What 3 European nations traded in India?
• What 2 nations tried to limit the influence of
European merchants?
• What country established foreign enclaves to
control trade?
• What Chinese goods were in high demand in
• The military leader of Japan was the_?_.
WHII Review #23
• What Chinese leader tried to limit foreign
influences and trade?
• What country used isolationism to limit foreign
• How much power did the Japanese emperor have?
• Who really had the power in Japan?
• What were the main African exports in the 1600’s?
• What did Africa import from Europe?
• What were 2 new foods imported into Africa from
WHII Review #24
• What theory stated that colonies existed for the
benefit of the mother country?
• An economic practice adopted by European
colonial powers was_?_.
• What does maritime mean?
• Name 2 things European maritime nations were
competing for.
• A new economic system which included new
money and banking systems was the what?
• Who developed the heliocentric theory?
WHII Review #25
• The economic needs of the mother country
limited the success of what?.
• Why did the European colonial powers adopt
• Who discovered planetary motion?
• (True/False) The Scientific Revolution changed
how people saw the world and their place in it.
• Who used a telescope to prove the heliocentric
• Who discovered the Laws of Gravity?
• Who discovered circulation of the blood?
WHII Review #26
• What theory states the earth revolves around the
• The Scientific Revolution was based on what?
• What research method was developed during the
Scientific Revolution?
• During this Age, European monarchs increased
the power of their central gov’t.
• Name 2 characteristics of absolute monarchs.
• Who was the king of France who built Versailles?
WHII Review #27
• What is the theory that a ruler’s power comes
directly from God and is only accountable to
• What French palace became a symbol of royal
• Who was the absolute ruler of Prussia?
• Who was the absolute ruler of Russia?
• How did Prussia’s rulers enforce its absolutism?
• Democracy rests on the principle that power
comes from where?
WHII Review #28
• What did Peter the Great do for Russia?
• Name 2 foundations of English democracy.
• Name 2 events which furthered the development
of English democracy.
• Who led the Roundheads during the English Civil
• Who was the king during the English Civil War?
• What happened to the king during the English
Civil War?
• Who became king after Oliver Cromwell died?
WHII Review #29
• Who became the rulers of England during the
Glorious Revolution?
• There was a shift in power during the Glorious
Revolution. Who was it between?
• What document was the result of the Glorious
• What developed after the English Civil War to
express political beliefs?
• What document signed by William and Mary
restricted royal power?
WHII Review #30
• What movement believed progress was possible
through the application of scientific knowledge
& reason to human problems?
• Who wrote The Leviathan?
• Who wrote Two Treatises on Government?
• What movement helped spread democratic
revolutions throughout the world?
• What ideas influenced the American Revolution
and Declaration of Independence?
• Who wrote The Spirit of Laws?
WHII Review #31
• What movement applied reason to the human
world, not just the natural world?
• What philosopher believed the state must have
central authority to manage behavior?
• What philosopher believed the people are
sovereign and rulers are not chosen by God?
• What movement encouraged religious tolerance?
• What influenced the people of Latin America to
establish independent nations?
• Who wrote The Social Contract?
WHII Review #32
• What philosopher believed the best form of
government includes separation of powers?
• What philosopher believed government is a
contract between rulers and the people?
• What 3 American documents were influenced by
Enlightenment beliefs?
• What event influenced the French people to view
their govt in new ways?
• What were the 2 causes of the French
WHII Review #33
• What American incorporated Enlightenment
beliefs into the Declaration of Independence?
• Who was the king at the beginning of the French
• What fortress was attacked marking the official
beginning of the French Revolution?
• The most extreme period of the French Revln
when thousands were executed was what?
• What were 2 results of the French Revolution?
• Who led the rebellion in Haiti?
WHII Review #34
• The Latin American colonies of what 3 nations
rebelled as a result of the American and French
• Who led the revolutions in South America?
• What is another name for the Enlightenment?
• Name 2 composers of the period after the
• Who was a painter of the period after the
• Name 3 subjects of art after the Enlightenment.
WHII Review #35
• What philosophe believed in religious toleration
and separation of church and state?
• What new technology improved year round
transportation and trade?
• New designs in what increased agricultural
• Improvements in what lowered the cost of
overseas transport?
• What influenced artists of the Enlightenment?
• Who wrote Don Quixote?
WHII Review #36
• What new form of literature appeared after the
• Name 2 legacies of the French Revolution.
• Who tried to unify Europe but was unsuccessful?
• Who developed the law code on which many
European law codes are based?
• What event awakened feelings of national pride
and the growth of nationalism?
• What is the political philosophy that promotes
social change and individual freedoms?
WHII Review #37
• What is the political philosophy wants to keep
things the way they are and not change?
• What was the meeting which attempted to restore
Europe to what it had been before the French
Revolution and Napoleon?
• What is the belief that no one country should be
more powerful than others?
• Name 2 influences on the growth of nationalism.
• What event led to political discontent in Europe
in the 1800’s?
WHII Review #38
• What was the most important force behind
European politics in the 1800’s?
• What group tried to redraw the map of Europe
after the French Revolution?
• There were unsuccessful revolutions in Europe in
what year?
• What was the result of these revolutions?
• What 2 actions occurred in Great Britain in the
• What 2 areas became nations much later than the
rest of Europe?
WHII Review #39
• Who unified northern Italy?
• Who joined southern Italy to northern Italy?
• What was the last area to unify with the rest of
• Who led the unification of Germany?
• What state did Otto von Bismarck lead?
• How did Bismarck achieve Germany’s
• What philosophy justifies using all means to
achieve and hold power?
WHII Review #40
What war led to the creation of the German state?
Where did the Industrial Revolution begin?
Why did it begin here?
Name 2 resources of England.
What invention helped begin the Industrial
• Where did the Industrial Revolution spread first?
• Name2 industries which were important during
the Industrial Revolution?
WHII Review #41
• What product was needed from the Americas,
Asia and Africa?
• What system began during the Industrial
• What system ended because of the Industrial
• How did the British Enclosure movement
influence the Industrial Revolution?
• What did industrial nations want to control
WHII Review #42
Who invented the steam engine?
Who invented the cotton gin?
Who invented a new process for making steel?
Who developed the vaccine for smallpox?
Who discovered bacteria?
What is the term for the growth of cities?
Name 3 positive impacts of the Ind. Revln on
industrialized nations.
• Name 2 negative impact of the Ind Revln on
industrialized nations.
WHII Review #43
• Who wrote Wealth of Nations?
• What class grew because of the Industrial
• Why did the standard of living increase for many
• What is the economic philosophy which believes
in a free market economy, profit motive, and the
ability of entrepreneurs?
• Was there an equal distribution of wealth during
the Industrial Revolution?
WHII Review #44
• What is an entrepreneur?
• What class was dissatisfied with the Industrial
• Who wrote The Communist Manifesto?
• Who wrote Das Kapital?
• What economic philosophy believed in a classless
society with no private property?
• What philosophy believes that society as a whole
should control the means of production?
• Agricultural economies were based on what unit?
WHII Review #45
• What do communists believe should happen to
unequal distribution of wealth?
• What philosophy developed because of the
injustices of capitalism?
• What groups competed with men for jobs during
the Industrial Revln?
• What organization fought for improved working
conditions and workers’ rights?
• What were working conditions like during the
Industrial Revolution?
WHII Review #46
• Whose labor helped to keep profits high and cost
of production low?
• Who controlled the lives of factory and mine
• What invention increased the demand for slave
labor in America?
• What 2 countries outlawed the slave trade and later
• Who were seen as cheap labor during the Industrial
• What does suffrage mean?
WHII Review #47
• Because women worked, they increased their
demand for what?
• Name 3 effects of the Industrial Revolution on
• Reforms were made to end the labor of whom?
• Why did workers strike?
• The dialogue between labor and management to
prevent a strike is called what?
• Labor unions wanted laws to improve what?
• To exert influence on lawmakers is to …..
WHII Review #48
• The industrialized nations of Europe needed what
to expand their economies?
• What continents did Europe want to control?
• The policy of building an empire to extend a
nation’s power and territory is called what?
• What motivated European nations to compete for
• What policy spread the economic, political and
social philosophies of Europe throughout the
WHII Review #49
• How did Europe force their colonies to trade with
• What did Europe trade with their colonies?
• What effect did this trade have?
• What is a settlement of people outside their
homeland, linked with the parent country by trade
and direct govt control?
• A country whose policies are guided by a foreign
nation is called a what?
• An area in a country where a foreign power has
exclusive rights to trade or invest is called a what?
WHII Review #50
• Did European conflicts carry over to their
• Name an area which had spheres of influence.
• What nation opened Japan to trade?
• What Company dominated India?
• What effect did the efforts of Christian
missionaries have on imperialism?
• The Chinese revolted against western imperialism
in what rebellion?
WHII Review #51
• When was the first Indian nationalist party
• The British built a link between the
Mediterranean Sea and India called what?
• What response did colonized people have to
• What were the dates of WWI?
• Name 4 causes of WWI.
• A national policy based on military strength and
glorification of war is called what?
WHII Review #52
• What event began WWI?
• Who was the heir to the throne of Austria
• What event was the turning point of WWI?
• Who was president of the U.S. during WWI?
• Who was the leader of Germany during WWI?
• Name 3 results of WWI.
• What country left WWI because of the terrible
conditions at home?
• Name 3 terms in the Treaty of Versailles.
WHII Review #53
• Who participated in the war and increased their
demands for independence?
• What did WWI “cost”?
• What treaty ended WWI?
• Name 3 empires which ended because of WWI.
• What was the title of the leader of Russia?
• What kind of monarchy did Russia have in 1914?
• What were Russia’s social classes in 1914?
• Who was the tsar of Russia in 1914?
• Russia lost its war with whom in 1905?
WHII Review #54
Name 3 causes of the 1917 Revolution.
How many revolutions were there in Russia?
What revolution created the communist state?
Who led the Bolshevik Revolution?
What was Lenin’s economic policy called?
Who was Lenin’s successor?
What international organization was started after
• Name 2 goals of the League of Nations.
WHII Review #55
• What system was created to administer the
colonies of defeated WWI powers on a temporary
• What major nation was not a member of the
League of Nations?
• Why was the League a failure?
• Who were the main powers in the Middle East
mandate system?
• What were characteristics of the 1920’s?
• What characterized the 1930’s?
WHII Review #56
• Name 4 causes of the worldwide depression in
the 1930’s.
• What event occurred in 1929 causing a
worldwide depression?
• Name 3 impacts of the worldwide depression of
the 1930’s.
• What helped totalitarian governments gain power
in the 1930’s?
• In the 1930’s what political party was gaining
importance in Germany?
• What was the Great Purge?
WHII Review #57
• In the 1930’s, who was the communist leader of
• What was the official name of communist
• What kind of government did Lenin and Stalin
• What country became a world power after WWI?
• In what nations did dictators rise between the
• Name 3 policies of Stalin.
WHII Review #58
• Who was blamed for Germany’s economic
collapse in the 1930’s?
• Who led Germany in the 1930’s?
• (True/False) At the end of the 1930’s, Germany
began to take over other European nations.
• This term means hatred of Jews.
• What is another name for National Socialism in
• Name 4 characteristics of Germany between the
WHII Review #59
• Who led Italy during the Interwar Period?
• What is the political philosophy based on
nationalism and an all powerful state?
• What was Mussolini’s goal for Italy?
• What country did Italy first invade?
• Who was the emperor of Japan in the 1930’s?
• Who held the power in Japan in the 1930’s?
• Why did Japan want to invade other countries?
• Who led the U.S. during WWII?.
WHII Review #60
• What philosophy guided Japanese politics before
• Name 3 countries invaded by Japan before WWII
• What were the 3 totalitarian powers before
• Name 5 causes of WWII.
• The policy of granting concessions to a potential
enemy in order to maintain peace is called what?
• The policy to have peace at all costs is what?
WHII Review #61
• What treaty failed to solve the problems of
Europe between the wars?
• What event began WWII?
• Victory in this aerial battle saved Britain from
German invasion.
• The continent of Europe was controlled by
Germany after the fall of this nation.
• This was the turning point in the European
theater of WWII.
• This caused the U.S. to enter WWII,.
WHII Review #62
• On June 6, 1944, the Allies invaded Europe. This
was called what?
• Atomic bombs were dropped on these 2 Japanese
• What was the result of this?
• Who led the U.S. at the end of WWII?
• Who was the leading U.S. general in the Pacific?
• Who was the leading U.S. general in Europe?
• Who was the British prime minister during WWII?
WHII Review #63
• Who led the U.S. military from Washington,
• Who was the Soviet dictator of the USSR during
• Who was the Nazi dictator of Germany?
• Who was the head of the Japanese military during
• Who was the emperor of Japan during WWII?
• Hitler believed all Germans were members of
WHII Review #64
• The systematic and purposeful destruction of a
racial, political, religious, or cultural group is
called what?
• What did Hitler blame on Germany’s Jews?
• What was the Final Solution?
• Name 4 steps which led to the Holocaust.
• Who attempted to exterminate the Armenians?
• Who did Stalin attempt to exterminate?
• Who did Pol Pot attempt to exterminate in
WHII Review #65
• Who did the Hutu try to exterminate in Rwanda?
• Who did the Bosnian Serbs try to exterminate in
the former Yugoslavia?
• Name 4 results of WWII.
• What nations became superpowers after WWII?
• What happened to those accused of war crimes
after WWII?
• What did the “Iron Curtain” represent?
• This was established by the U.S. to help Europe
recover after WWII.
WHII Review #66
• What was international organization was
established after WWII?
• What was its purpose?
• What alliance was established after WWII between
the democratic nations of western Europe?
• What alliance was established after WWII between
the communist nations of eastern Europe?
• What part of Germany became democratic?
• Between whom was Germany divided?
• What happened to Berlin after WWII?
WHII Review #67
• West Germany gained what kind of power after
• Who administered the govt in Japan after WWII?
• What kind of govt was started in Japan after
• Who guarantees Japan’s security even today?
• What happened to Japan’s military capabilities
after WWII?
• The competition between what 2 nations began
the Cold War?
WHII Review #68
• Japan gained what kind of power after WWII?
• The presence of what weapons influenced
national policies during the Cold War?
• What conference gave the Soviet Union control
of Eastern Europe?
• What were the 2 opposing economic
philosophies of the Cold War?
• The US policy to prevent the spread of
communism was called what?
• When did the Cold War begin?
WHII Review #69
• Who was the president that developed the policy
of containment?
• What were the 2 opposing political philosophies
of the Cold War?
• The first armed conflict of the Cold War was
• The Cold War armed conflict fought in Southeast
Asia was in what country?
• Who won these 2 armed conflicts?
WHII Review #70
• What 2 alliances opposed each other during the
Cold War?
• In what years was the Cold War?
• What economic system has failed throughout the
• What was the significance of the Berlin Wall?
• President Kennedy confronted the Soviet Union
over missiles where?
• Name 3 causes for the collapse of the Soviet
WHII Review #71
• When did the Soviet Union collapse and the Cold
War end?
• The occupation of Asian countries by what nation
increased demands for independence after WWII?
• What country developed regional alliances to stop
communist aggression?
• After WWI, China divided into what 2 nations?
• Who led nationalist China?
• Where was nationalist China located?
WHII Review #72
• Who led communist China?
• Where was communist China located?
• In the 1950’s, in what war did Communist China
• Who controlled Vietnam before WWII?
• After gaining their independence, what happened
to Vietnam?
• Who led the conflict against the French and US in
WHII Review #73
What happened to Vietnam after the Vietnam War?
What nation controlled India before WWII?
What was the previous name of Pakistan?
What was the previous name of Bangladesh?
What was the previous name of Sri Lanka?
Who led the Indian independence movement?
What 2 policies were used to gain independence in
• Who fought a war for independence from France?
WHII Review #74
• What 2 religions came into conflict in India?
• What was the result of this conflict?
• The right of a people to decide their own political
status or govt is called what?
• Where was this guaranteed?
• What was the last continent to gain independence
from European imperialism?
• What European nation controlled Kenya?
• Who led Kenya’s independence struggle?
WHII Review #75
• Name 3 characteristics of the independence
movement in Africa.
• Many nations in this part of Africa gained their
independence peacefully.
• Name 4 countries who lost their colonies in
• The official policy of strict racial separation and
discrimination practiced in South Africa was
called what?
• Name 3 monotheistic religions
WHII Review #76
• Where was the mandate system most active after
• What happened to the League of Nations mandates
after WWII?
• Conflicts in the Middle East are often based on
• What 2 countries were French mandates after
• What 2 countries were British mandates after
WHII Review #77
• Palestine became a part of what country in 1948?
• What are the 5 main world religions?
• What is the moral and religious code of conduct
for Judaism?
• What is the written record and beliefs of Hebrews
• What 2 religions are based on Judaism?
• How do Christians view Jesus?
• What tells of the life and teachings of Jesus?
WHII Review #78
Who established early Christian doctrine?
Who began the religion of Islam?
Who is The Prophet?
What is the holy book of Islam?
What are the basic beliefs of Islam?
Who founded Buddhism?
What are the 2 basic guiding principles of
• What do Buddhists hope to achieve?
• Who was Buddha?
WHII Review #79
Who sent missionaries to spread Buddhism?
Where did these missionaries spread Buddhism?
What is the national religion of India?
What was the social system of India called?
The rebirth of the soul or spirit in different
bodies is called what?
• The belief that future reincarnation is based on
present behavior is called what?
• What religion believes in many forms of one
WHII Review #80
Where is Judaism concentrated today?
Where is Christianity concentrated today?
Where is Islam concentrated today?
Where is Hinduism concentrated today?
Where is Buddhism concentrated today?
Name 3 places where there are ethnic and
religious conflicts today.
• (True/False) The plight of refugees is not
important in international conflicts today.
WHII Review #81
• A highly industrialized nation is often called what
kind of nation?
• A nation which had little industry and a
traditional economy is often seen as what kind of
• What group is migrating to European cities
• What is widening the gap between developed and
developing nations today?
• Name 3 distinguishing features between
developed and developing nations today.
WHII Review #82
• Name 2 things impacting the world’s envitonment.
• Name 3 differences between developed and
developing nations.
• Name 2 environmental challenges in the world
• Name 3 social challenges in the world today.
• (True/False) There is no relationship between
economic and political freedom.
• Why are countries of the world today becoming
more interdependent?
WHII Review #83
• Name a country where political freedom has
produced a rising standard of living and strong
middle class.
• What is an example of regional interaction in
• What does NAFTA stand for?
• What does it do?
• What does WTO stand for?
• Name 2 international organizations.