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Allison Fish
Steam Engine
A machine that turns the energy released by burning fuel into
motion. Thomas Newcomen built the first crude but
workable version in 1712. James Watt vastly improved his
device in the 1760s and 177s. This technology was later
applied to moving machinery in factories and to powering
ships and locomotives.
Opium War
When China refused to trade with other countries, Britain
decided to expose them to Opium and get them addicted;
they profited greatly from the amount of opium sold. When
the Chinese government tried to outlaw it, Britain went to
war against them with help from France.
Opened China up for Foreign Trading
Tea and Silk Industry flourished
Rapid increase of Trade
Crimean War
A Conflict between the Russian and Ottoman Empires, that
was fought primarily in the Crimean Peninsula. To prevent
Russian expansion, Britain and France sent troops to
support the Ottomans.
Muhammad Ali
Muhammad was the leader of Egyptian modernization early
during the 19th century. He ruled Egypt as an Ottoman
governor but had imperial ambitions. His descendants ruled
Egypt until overthrown in 1952.
Simion Bolivar
The most important military leader in the struggle for
independence in South America.
Born in Venezuela
He led military forces there and in Columbia, Ecuador,
Peru, and Bolivia.
Francois Dominique Toussaint
Leader of the Haitian Revolution. He freed the slaves and
gained effective independence for Haiti despite military
intervention by the British and French. He later was
decieved and thrown in prison, where he died.
General who overthrew the French Directory in 1799 and
became emperor of the French in 1804. Napoleon was
taking over many countries, and it was called the
Napoleonic Wars. He failed to defeat Great Britain and
abdicated in 1814, then returned to power briefly in 1815 but
was defeated and died in exile.
Berlin Conference
A meeting where all the European countries and the U.S. split
up Africa to take over,
Boxer Rebellion
The boxer rebellion was caused by foriegn countries
dominating and humiliating China. The boxer's were
chinese, who were killing all of the foriegners. This was
aimed at ending foreign influence in the country.
Congress of Vienna
The Congress of Vienna was a conference of ambassadors of
the major powers of Europe.
Its purpose was to decide about the political situation after
Napoleon was defeated.
French Revolution
A conflict for liberty and equality in which the monarchy,
Marie Antoinette and Louis XIV were beheaded.
1st estate- clergy 2%tax
2nd estate- nobles took 0% tax
3rd estate- Three groups, 50% tax
Bourgeoisic, Workers, and Peasants
New Ideas about gov.t
Economic problems
Weak indecisive leadership
Indian National Congress
British approved political party that called for greater
participation in government and state affairs of Black
Karl Marx
(1818-1883) He was the founder of modern communism.
*wrote the Communist Manifesto with Engles in 1848;
*wrote Das Kapital in 1867
Meiji Restoration
Political program that followed after the fall of the Tokugawa
This program changed Japanese government and
incorporated European practices into their government,
education, and economy; and also led to Westernization.
Monreo Doctorine
An American policy opposing interference in the Western
hemisphere from outside powers.
Otto von Bismark
German leader who provoked wars to create a sense of
Prime Minister of Prussia (largest state in Northern
*worked to establish peace in germany
* viewed France as his greatest threat
Sepoy Rebellion
The revolt of Indian soldiers against insulting practices by
the British; included using cow fat to wrap bullets, a Hindu
This was the most serious threat to the British ruling India.
Self Strengthing Movement
The Self-Strengthening Movement was a movement
organised during the late Qing Dynasty. The movement's
intent was the modernization of China as a result of many
military defeats it had faced at the hands of the West. It
could be divided into three phases the first phase (1861 1872), the second phase (1872 - 1885) and the third phase
(1885 - 1895).
Social Darwinism
Survival of the fittest
This was an idea propose by Charlse Darwin, a scientist
who study evolution. Evolution is the evolving of a species
over time. He believed that only that of the species that
were the strongest would live or those who would learn to
adapt to its surroundings.
Economic theory that promotes govt. intervention and
participation in business
Karl Marx was the first person to introduce the idea of
Socialism, by writing the Communist Manifesto with
Friedrich Engels.
Love of a country and willingness to sacrifice for it.
Nationalism was one of the main causes of the
reunification of Germany.
Industrial Revolution
Origins: The Industrial Revolution, which took place from the
18th to 19th centuries, was a period during which predominantly
agrarian, rural societies in Europe and America became
industrial and urban. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, which
began in Britain in the late 1700s, manufacturing was often
done in people’s homes, using hand tools or basic machines.
Industrialization marked a shift to powered, special-purpose
machinery, factories and mass production. The iron and textile
industries, along with the development of the steam engine,
played central roles in the Industrial Revolution, which also saw
improved systems of transportation, communication and banking.
While industrialization brought about an increased volume and
variety of manufactured goods and an improved standard of living
for some, it also resulted in often grim employment and living
conditions for the poor and working classes.
Industrial Revolution
New Machines: The telegraph, which was
invented by William Cooke and Charles
Wheatstone, was very helpful in improving
communication. The steam engine was also
invented in this time period, it allowed for
easier transportation. Railroads were also
used to help with transporting goods, and
people. Other inventions that were created
were the spinning weave loom for cotton, the
flying shuttle, and the spinning jenny.
Industrial Revolution
The effects: The Industrial revolution for the
most part raise the human quality of life with
all of the changes that took place, except for
the lower class. They had to bare life with
lower wages, the children were preforming
hazardous task such as cleaning machinery,
and overcrowding was getting more and
more. Pollution began to become a real big
Industrial Revolution
Political and Economic effects: The political
effect was that the number of male votes
increased prefuciously from before and during
the industrial revolution. The economy during
the revolution was at its best, being that the
inventions that were created help shorten the
time of certain jobs that needed to be done.
Industrial Revolution
The factory system (political and social effects):
The factory system took everything by storm.
It started to take over the small businesses and
produced for efficient products in small amounts
of time. During this time period women had
gained more “freedom” than they had ever
had before. With the coming of the industrial
revolution women held jobs, children were put in
school, and man and animal power were replace
with machines. Some women would work in the
factories, and others would work at other small
American Revolution
The causes and effects:
The American revolution came about by many acts and feelings towards
Britain and their ruling over the colonies. The French and Indian War lead
to the start of taxing the colonist to help pay for fiscal losses from the war.
The Stamp Act and the Townshend Act both had to due with taxing the
colonist as well. The Boston Tea Party was a revolt to so the opposed of
the taxing of tea, and the Boston Massacre was another revolt against the
red coats in which four lives were lost. All of these events lead up to the
American Revolution.
The effects:
The Declaration of Independence
The Treaty of Paris
The Articles of Confederation
The Bill of Rights
The main effect of the American Revolution was the independence of the American
Colonies from Great Britian.
French Revolution
• The cause of the French Revolution was the
major gap between the classes of the French
society. This caused resentment that lead to
the beginning of the French Revolution.
Developed in the 1830s and 1840s by Samuel Morse (1791-1872)
and other inventors, the telegraph revolutionized long-distance
communication. It worked by transmitting electrical signals over a wire
laid between stations. In addition to helping invent the telegraph, Samuel
Morse developed a code (bearing his name) that assigned a set of dots
and dashes to each letter of the English alphabet and allowed for the
simple transmission of complex messages across telegraph lines.
It also made railroads more safe and more efficient. Submarine telegraphs made
the world smaller; communication wasn't limited to the speed of a ship
Cotton Gin
• A young white man named Eli Whitney
invented the cotton gin. It was a lot
like the old churka, but it had steel teeth that
caught the cotton fibers, and a system of
pulleys to pull harder. This was apart of industrialization. It
helped with the production of cotton to make it more
efficent and to make more in less time.
Interchangeable Parts
During the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century, machines took over most of the
manufacturing work from men, and factories replaced craftsmen's workshops. The event that
laid the groundwork for this monumental change was the introduction of interchangeable
parts, or pre-manufactured parts that were for all practical purposes identical, into the firearms
industry. Interchangeable parts, popularized in America when Eli Whitney used them to assemble
muskets in the first years of the 19th century, allowed relatively unskilled workers to produce
large numbers of weapons quickly and at lower cost, and made repair and replacement of parts
infinitely easier.
The Impact of Interchangeable Parts
Whitney proved to be an effective businessman and manager, dividing labor efficiently among
his largely unskilled work force and building precision equipment that enabled the production
of large numbers of identical parts quickly and at a relatively low cost. The last of the 10,000
muskets that Whitney had promised in his original contract came in eight years late, but were
judged to be of superior quality, and he produced 15,000 more within the next four years.
By the time the War of 1812 broke out between the United States and Great Britain, leading
weapons producers like Colt and Smith & Wesson had made the doctrine of interchangeable
parts established practice in the American gun industry. The U.S. introduced the first large-scale
assembly of weapons with its adoption of the Model 1842 musket, and the new arms industry
would produce hundreds of thousands of rifles for Civil War soldiers, all from interchangeable
parts. By the 1850s, arms makers around the world were following what had become known
as the American System of Manufacture, which had helped the United States out-produce
traditional industrial powers such as Great Britain and Germany. The impact of this new system
spread quickly to other industries and other products, from sewing machines and typewriters to
the first automobiles.
National Assembly
The national assembly was a type of legislature in multiple
country during the 19th century. France is the most well
know form their National Assembly after the French
French Revolution: Convention to
Tne convention abolished the monarchy.
Committee on Public Safety was created, and everyone was
killed.1799 coup d'état was done by Napoleon Bonaparte,
which is the overthrowning of a head or state and/or head
of government. Napoleon later became emperor, and ruled
until 1814.
Latin American Independence
19 century- the 20th
Causes-Enlightenment Ideas, French and American
Revolutions, and Napoleonic Wars.
Effects- New Leaders, Free Nations, New Governments,
Poverty, Fueds among leaders, and geographic barriers.
Hatian Revolution
The enslaved Africans
Toussaint L'ouverture led a revolt to win their freedom.
They fought with the French aganist the royalist.
Dessalines pronounces them an independent nation and
himself emporer.
Importance: The revolution in Haiti was the first slave
rebellion, which was led by L'Ouverture. It was only one of
two successful revolts against European countries before
the 19th century.
Conservatism in Europe
Sought to return things to pre-revolutionary Europe.
Liberalism in Europe
Individuals possess certain rights such as
liberty and equality and the purpose of
government is to protect these rights.
Unification of Germany
The unification of Germany began many years earlier, during
the Napoleonic Wars. At the Battle of Leipzig in 1813, which
is also called the Battle of Nations, many of the German
states joined with Russia, Sweden, and Austria to defeat
Napoleon's army. In the subsequent Peace of Vienna in 1815,
which ended the Napoleonic Wars, Austria remained the
most powerful of the German states, in terms of political
power. Prussia emerged as Austria's political and diplomatic
Unification took place on 18 January 1871. At the conclusion of
the Franco-Prussian War, the German princes proclaimed
the German nation inVersailles, France, at the Hall of
Mirrors. Unification joined together the many independent
German states. These states became the German Empire.
Italian Unification
 The movement truly began in 1848, when there were
many revolts occurring throughout Italy after
Klemens Wenzel von Metternich lost his office of
Austrian Chancellor.The movement for independence
succeeded in 1859 through the efforts of Count
Cavour, the Piedmontese prime minister, as well as
Giuseppe Garibaldi. - an Italian national hero, who
united the South, thus allowing King Victor Emmanuel
to become the first King of Italy.
The nationalist movement with the stated goal to establish
Jewish state in Palestine; Theodore Herzl lead this
Emancipation of Serfs in Russia
The Serfs in Russia were peseants. In Russian society they had
a set of rules that kept them on their farms, they were not
allowed to own land, and could not marry just anyone. With
the emancipation of them, changed these laws. They could
free from farming, could marry whoever they pleased, and
could own land and vote.
New Imperialism
modern, industrial nations sought economic control over
weaker nations
New Imperialism was the era where European Nations were
able to take over other nations. This was when Europe went
through industrialization, th population expanded, better
guns were being produced in factories; these factors made
it easier to take over other nations with ease.
White man's burden
A White Man's Burden was a poem writen by Rudyard Kipling.
It is urging the United States to take on the burden of
becoming an empire.
Direct vs. Indirect control (of
colonial possessions)
As European nations tries to extend their authority over
weaker lands, they needed to determine if their rule was
direct or indirect. Direct: the colony is under control by
the mother country as a result of conquest. Indirect: the
colony was given a degree of autonomy (independence)
King Leopold
King of Belgium
Established lucrative Congo Free State
Propelled European nations to seek colonies
Led to Berlin Conference
Taiping Rebellion (1850's and 1860's)
The taiping rebellion was a civil war in China. Hong Xiuquan
the leader believed he was Gods second son. He created a
cult because the Christian missionaries told him he was
wrong. He also believe that he was supposed to take domn
the government the Manchus. Him and his cult did this. They
concord all of southern China and threated to take the Qing
Empire.(rebellions of religion and millenarianism) It is the
world's bloodies civil war. The British and French intervene.
Spheres of influence
Spheres of Influence is where a foreign power or powers
exert a form or influence such as military, economic, and/or
This allowed countries to have specific trading privileges with
Spanish-American War
The Spanish-American War was caused by the fact of multiple
countries wanted Cuba to become independent.When Spain
lost the Sea War, they had to give up all of its colonies in
Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines. Everyone of
these countries expect Cuba became a U.S. territory.
U.S. Open Door Policy
This was a policy that was between the United States, China
and several other countries. It allowed China the ability to
trade with each of these nations, because prior to that China
was a "closed" country.
Opening of Japan
Sakoku was the policy for japan which stated that no one
could enter or leave Japan under penalty of death. Until
Commodore Perry came and demanded Japan open trade
with the west in 1853, but wasn't until the next year that he
force the shogun to sign the Treaty of Peace and Amity. This
established formal diplomatic relations with Japan and the
Sino- Japanese War
China v. Japan for Korea; Japan crushed, showed imperial
1sta war over control with Japan
The Qing Dynasty and aganist the Empire of Japan, later
won the war with the Treaty of Shimonoseki.
2ndWas apart of World War II
Decline of Ottoman Empire
Causes for the decline of the Ottoman empire: territorial
threats from Russia and Austria; rise of independence
movements; shift from land to sea routes, Europe and Asia
cut out middleman.