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World History: Connection to Today
Chapter 25, Section
Chapter 24
The New Imperialism
Copyright © 2003 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
World History: Connection to Today
Chapter 25, Section
Chapter 24: The New Imperialism (1800–1914)
Section 1: A Western-Dominated World
Section 2: The Partition of Africa
Section 3: European Challenges to the
Muslim World
Section 4: The British Take Over India
Section 5: China and the New Imperialism
Copyright © 2003 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Chapter 25, Section 1
A Western-Dominated World
• What were the causes of the “new imperialism”?
• Why was western imperialism so successful?
• How did governments rule their empires?
Chapter 25, Section 1
The New Imperialism
Imperialism is the domination by one country of the political,
economic, or cultural life of another country or region.
Between 1500 and 1800, European states won empires
around the world. However, Europe had little influence on the
lives of the people of these conquered lands.
By the 1800s, Europe had gained considerable power.
Encouraged by their new economic and military strength,
Europeans embarked on a path of aggressive expansion that
today’s historians call the “new imperialism.”
Chapter 25, Section 1
Causes of Imperialism
Manufacturers wanted access to
natural resources.
Manufacturers hoped for new markets
for factory goods.
Colonies offered a valuable outlet for
Europe’s growing population.
Many westerners felt concern for their
“little brothers” overseas.
Missionaries, doctors, and colonial
officials believed they had a duty to
spread western civilization.
Merchant ships and naval vessels
needed bases around the world.
Western leaders were motivated by
Many westerners viewed European
races as superior to all others.
They saw imperial conquest as nature’s
way of improving the human species.
Chapter 25, Section 1
The Successes of Imperialism
In just a few decades, imperialist nations gained control over much
of the world. Western imperialism succeeded for a number of
While European nations had grown stronger in the 1800s,
several older civilizations were in decline.
Europeans had the advantages of strong economies, wellorganized governments, and powerful armies and navies.
Europeans had superior technology and medical
Chapter 25, Section 1
Forms of Imperial Rule
The new imperialism took several forms.
The French practiced direct
rule, sending officials to
administer their colonies.
In a protectorate, local rulers
were left in place but were
expected to follow the advice
of European advisers.
The British practiced on
indirect rule, using local rulers A protectorate cost less to run
than a colony and usually did
to govern their colonies.
not require a large military
A sphere of influence is
an area in which an outside
power claimed exclusive
investment or trading
The United States claimed
Latin America as its sphere
of influence.
Chapter 25, Section 1
Section 1 Assessment
The European belief that conquest was a way of improving the human
species was an example of
a) colonization.
b) imperialism.
c) Social Darwinism.
d) nationalism.
The United States claimed Latin America as
a) its colony.
b) its sphere of influence.
c) its protectorate.
d) part of its territory.
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Chapter 25, Section 1
Section 1 Assessment
The European belief that conquest was a way of improving the human
species was an example of
a) colonization.
b) imperialism.
c) Social Darwinism.
d) nationalism.
The United States claimed Latin America as
a) its colony.
b) its sphere of influence.
c) its protectorate.
d) part of its territory.
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Chapter 25, Section 2
The Partition of Africa
• What forces were shaping Africa in the early 1800s?
• How did European contact with Africa increase?
• How did Leopold II start a scramble for colonies?
• How did Africans resist imperialism?
Chapter 25, Section 2
Africa in the Early 1800s
To understand the impact of European domination, we must look at
Africa in the early 1800s, before the scramble for colonies began.
Since long before 1800, the region had
close ties to the Muslim world.
In the early 1800s, much of the region
remained under the rule of the declining
Ottoman empire.
On the grasslands, Islamic leaders preached
jihad, a holy struggle, to revive and purify
In the forest regions, the Asante controlled
smaller states. These smaller tributary states
were ready to turn to Europeans to help them
defeat their Asante rulers.
Zulu aggression caused mass migrations
and wars and created chaos across much
of the region.
Islam had long influenced the coast, where a
profitable slave trade was carried on.
Chapter 25, Section 2
European Contacts Increased
From the 1500s through the 1700s, difficult geography and disease
prevented European traders from reaching the interior of Africa.
Medical advances and river steamships changed all that in the
Explorers were
fascinated by African
geography but had little
understanding of the
people they met.
Catholic and Protestant
missionaries sought to
win people to Christianity.
Most took a paternalistic
view of Africans. They
urged Africans to reject
their own traditions in
favor of western civilization.
Chapter 25, Section 2
A Scramble for Colonies
King Leopold II of Belgium sent explorers to the Congo
River basin to arrange trade treaties with African leaders.
King Leopold’s activities in the Congo set off a scramble
among other European nations. Before long, Britain, France,
and Germany were pressing for rival claims to the region.
At the Berlin Conference, European powers agreed on how they
could claim African territory without fighting amongst themselves.
European powers partitioned almost the entire African continent.
Chapter 25, Section 2
Imperialism in Africa to 1914
Chapter 25, Section 2
African Resistance
Europeans met armed resistance across the continent.
• Algerians battled the French for years.
• The Zulus in southern Africa and the Asante in
West Africa battled the British.
• East Africans fought wars against the Germans.
• In Ethiopia, King Menelik II modernized his
country. When Italy invaded, Ethiopia was
prepared. Ethiopia was the only nation, aside
from Liberia, to preserve its independence.
Chapter 25, Section 2
Section 2 Assessment
European missionaries urged Africans to
a) reject their own traditions.
b) strengthen their ties with the Muslim world.
c) seek independence.
d) attend the Berlin Conference.
Which of the following African nations was able to preserve its
a) Congo
b) Algeria
c) Egypt
d) Ethiopia
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Chapter 25, Section 2
Section 2 Assessment
European missionaries urged Africans to
a) reject their own traditions.
b) strengthen their ties with the Muslim world.
c) seek independence.
d) attend the Berlin Conference.
Which of the following African nations was able to preserve its
a) Congo
b) Algeria
c) Egypt
d) Ethiopia
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Chapter 25, Section 3
European Challenges to the Muslim World
• What were sources of stress in the Muslim
• What problems did the Ottoman empire
• How did Egypt seek to modernize?
• Why were European powers interested in
Chapter 25, Section 3
What Were Sources of Stress in the Muslim World?
• By the 1700s, all three Muslim empires were in
• In the 1700s and early 1800s, reform movements
sprang up across the Muslim world. Most stressed
religious piety and strict rules of behavior.
• The old Muslim empires faced western imperialism.
Chapter 25, Section 3
The Ottoman Empire
By the early 1800s, the Ottoman empire faced serious challenges.
Ambitious pashas, or provincial rulers, had increased their
As ideas of nationalism spread from Western Europe, internal
revolts weakened the multiethnic Ottoman empire.
European states sought to benefit from the weakening of the
Ottoman empire by claiming lands under Ottoman control.
Attempts at westernization by several Ottoman rulers increased
tensions. Many officials objected to changes that were inspired
by foreign cultures.
A reform group called the Young Turks overthrew the sultan.
Nationalist tensions triggered a brutal genocide of the
Armenians, a Christian people in the eastern mountains of the
Chapter 25, Section 3
The Modernization of Egypt
Called the “father of modern Egypt,” Muhammad Ali introduced
political and economic reforms. Before he died in 1849, he had
set Egypt on the road to becoming a major Middle Eastern power.
During his reign, Muhammad Ali:
• improved tax collection
• reorganized the landholding system
• backed large irrigation projects to increase farm
• expanded cotton production and encouraged local
industry, thereby increasing Egyptian participation in
world trade
• brought in western military experts to modernize the
• conquered Arabia, Syria, and Sudan
Chapter 25, Section 3
Iran and the European Powers
Russia wanted to protect its southern frontier and expand into
Central Asia.
Britain was concerned about protecting its interests in India.
For a time, Russia and Britain each set up their own spheres of
influence, Russia in the north and Britain in the south.
The discovery of oil in the region in the early 1900s heightened
foreign interest in the region.
Russia and Britain persuaded the Iranian government to grant them
concessions, or special economic rights given to foreign powers.
Chapter 25, Section 3
Section 3 Assessment
The Suez Canal linked
a) the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.
b) the Red Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
c) the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
d) the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea.
Which nations set up spheres of influence in Iran?
a) Britain and France
b) France and the United States
c) Britain and Russia
d) Russia and Germany
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Chapter 25, Section 3
Section 3 Assessment
The Suez Canal linked
a) the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.
b) the Red Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
c) the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
d) the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea.
Which nations set up spheres of influence in Iran?
a) Britain and France
b) France and the United States
c) Britain and Russia
d) Russia and Germany
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Chapter 25, Section 4
The British Take Over India
• What were the causes and effects of the Sepoy
• How did British rule affect India?
• How did Indians view western culture?
• What were the origins of Indian nationalism?
Chapter 25, Section 4
The Sepoy Rebellion: Causes and Effects
The British East India Company:
required sepoys, or Indian
soldiers in its service, to
serve anywhere, including
overseas, which violated
Hindu religious law
passed a law allowing Hindu
widows to marry, which
undermined Hindu beliefs
ordered the sepoys to bite off
cartridges made of animal fat
when loading their rifles,
which violated both Hindu
and Muslim religious law
The sepoys brutally
massacred British men,
women, and children.
The British took terrible
revenge, slaughtering
thousands of unarmed
Both sides were left with a
bitter legacy of fear, hatred,
and mistrust.
The British put India directly
under British rule, sent more
troops to India, and taxed
Indians to pay for the cost of
the occupying forces.
Chapter 25, Section 4
British Colonial Rule
After 1858, Parliament set up a system of colonial rule in
The British built roads and an impressive railroad network.
The British flooded India with machine-made textiles,
ruining India’s once-prosperous hand-weaving industry.
Britain transformed Indian agriculture.
Better health care and increased food production led to
rapid population growth. Over-population led to terrible
The British revised the Indian legal system.
British rule brought peace and order to the countryside.
Upper-class Indians sent their sons to British schools.
Chapter 25, Section 4
Imperialism in India to 1858
Chapter 25, Section 4
Different Views on Culture
During the Age of Imperialism, Indians and British
developed different views of each other’s culture.
Some educated Indians were
impressed by British power and
technology and urged India to
follow a western model of
Other Indians felt the answer to
change lay with their own Hindu
or Muslim cultures.
Most British knew little about Indian
achievements and dismissed Indian
culture with contempt.
A few British admired Indian
theology and philosophy and
respected India’s ancient heritage.
Chapter 25, Section 4
Indian Nationalism
The British believed that western-educated Indians would form an
elite class which would bolster British rule.
As it turned out, exposure to European ideas had the opposite
effect. By the late 1800s, western-educated Indians were
spearheading a nationalist movement.
In 1885, nationalist leaders organized the Indian National
Congress. Its members looked forward to eventual self-rule, but
supported western-style modernization.
In 1906, Muslims formed the Muslim League to pursue their own
goals, including a separate Muslim state.
Chapter 25, Section 4
Section 4 Assessment
In response to the Sepoy Rebellion, the British did all of the following
a) place India directly under British rule.
b) send more troops to India.
c) give into Indian demands for greater self-rule.
d) tax Indians to pay for an increased British military
Which of the following is true of the Indian National Congress?
a) Its members wanted to establish a separate Muslim
b) Its members favored continued British rule.
c) Its members supported western-style modernization.
d) Its members favored immediate overthrow of the
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Chapter 25, Section 4
Section 4 Assessment
In response to the Sepoy Rebellion, the British did all of the following
a) place India directly under British rule.
b) send more troops to India.
c) give into Indian demands for greater self-rule.
d) tax Indians to pay for an increased British military
Which of the following is true of the Indian National Congress?
a) Its members wanted to establish a separate Muslim
b) Its members favored continued British rule.
c) Its members supported western-style modernization.
d) Its members favored immediate overthrow of the
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Chapter 25, Section 5
China and the New Imperialism
• What trade rights did westerners seek in China?
• What internal problems did Chinese reformers try to
• How did the Qing dynasty come to an end?
Chapter 25, Section 5
The Trade Issue
Prior to the 1800s, Chinese rulers placed strict limits on foreign
China enjoyed a trade surplus, exporting more than it imported.
Westerners had a trade deficit with China, buying more from the
Chinese than they sold to them.
In 1842, Britain made China accept the Treaty of Nanjing, the first
in a series of “unequal treaties” that forced China to make
concessions to western powers.
China paid a huge indemnity to Britain.
The British gained the island of Hong Kong.
China had to open five ports to foreign trade and grant British
citizens in China extraterritoriality.
Chapter 25, Section 5
Internal Problems
By the 1800s, the Qing dynasty was in decline.
Irrigation systems and canals were poorly maintained,
leading to massive flooding of the Huang He valley.
The population explosion that had begun a century
earlier created a terrible hardship for China’s peasants.
An extravagant court, tax evasion by the rich, and
widespread official corruption added to the peasants’
The civil service system was rocked by bribery scandals.
Between 1850 and 1864, peasants took part in the
Taiping Rebellion, the most devastating revolt in history.
Chapter 25, Section 5
Reform Efforts
In the 1860s, reformers launched the “self-strengthening
movement” in an effort to westernize and modernize China.
The movement made limited progress because the
government did not rally behind it.
After China was defeated in the Sino-Japanese War,
Emperor Guang Xu launched the Hundred Days of Reform.
Conservatives soon rallied against the reform effort and the
emperor was imprisoned.
Chapter 25, Section 5
Imperialism in China to 1914
Chapter 25, Section 5
Fall of the Qing Dynasty
As the century ended, anger grew against foreigners in China.
In the Boxer Rebellion, angry Chinese attacked foreigners across China. In
response, western powers and Japan crushed the Boxers.
Defeat at the hands of foreigners led China to embark on a rush of reforms.
Chinese nationalists called for a constitutional monarchy or a republic.
When Empress Ci Xi died in 1908, China slipped into chaos.
In 1911, the Qing dynasty was toppled.
Sun Yixian was named president of the new Chinese republic. Sun wanted to
rebuild China on “Three Principles of the People”: nationalism, democracy, and
economic security for all Chinese.
Chapter 25, Section 5
Section 5 Assessment
Which of the following is not true of Chinese trade relations with the
a) Before the 1800s, China enjoyed a trade surplus.
b) Before the 1800s, China had a trade deficit with the
c) In 1842, China was forced to open up five ports to
foreign trade.
d) Before the 1800s, China strictly limited foreign trade.
What happened in the Boxer Rebellion?
a) Angry Chinese attacked foreigners in China.
b) The Chinese started a war with Japan.
c) Western imperialists attacked Chinese peasants.
d) Chinese peasants rose up against the government.
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Chapter 25, Section 5
Section 5 Assessment
Which of the following is not true of Chinese trade relations with the
a) Before the 1800s, China enjoyed a trade surplus.
b) Before the 1800s, China had a trade deficit with the
c) In 1842, China was forced to open up five ports to
foreign trade.
d) Before the 1800s, China strictly limited foreign trade.
What happened in the Boxer Rebellion?
a) Angry Chinese attacked foreigners in China.
b) The Chinese started a war with Japan.
c) Western imperialists attacked Chinese peasants.
d) Chinese peasants rose up against the government.
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