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Topography of the Brain
James Everhart, Robert Schenken, Erik Magoon
Sulcri and Gyri
Sulcus(fissure)-a depression or groove in the
cerebral cortex
Gyrus-a ridge in the cerebral cortex
Corpus Callosum
The corpus callosum is a
wide, flat bundle of neuron
fibers that connect the left
and right cerebral
hemispheres and also
makes interhemispheric
communication possible.
Temporal Lobe
Kaleb Korynta
Lydia Isaacs
• Bottom middle part of cortex, right behind the temples.
• Hearing
– Receives sensory information (sounds and speech)
from the ears.
• Cortex – the outer
layer of the cerebrum.
– Key to being able to understand meaningful speech. • Hippocampus –
– Makes sense of all the different sound and pitches
being transmitted from the sensory receptors of the information from
short-term memory to
Visual Memories
– Contains the hippocampus and plays a key role in the • Amygdala – two
formation of explicit long-term memory modulated by almond-shaped groups
the amygdala.
of nuclei located deep
and medialy within the
• Selective Listening
Problem Solving
Social Behavior
Primary Motor Function
Ability to consciously move
● Larger in humans
● Criss Crossed
Parts of Speech:
● Expressive (Broca’s
● Receptive
(Wernicke’s Area)
Damage can result in
changes in
personality, loss of
judgement, and
Occipital Lobe
Denna Fox
The occipital lobe is one of the four major lobes of the cerebral cortex in the
The two occipital lobes are the smallest of four paired lobes in the human
cerebral cortex. Located in the rearmost portion of the skull, the occipital lobes
are part of the forebrain.
The occipital lobe houses the primary visual cortices. These are the portions
of the cerebrum that receive visual information from the eyes and the optic
nerve and organize it into images that the brain can recognize.
the occipital lobe makes sense of visual information so that we are able to
understand it. If our occipital lobe was impaired, or injured we would not be able
to correctly process visual signals.
The Parietal Lobe
Location: above the occipital lobe and behind the
frontal lobe
○ Processes sensory information
■ taste, temperature, and touch
○ Also involves spatial information
the ability to judge size, distance, and
Interprets sensory information such as letting you
know the location of parts of your body and aiding in
physical navigation.
○ Ex. your parietal lobe automatically tells you
where your tongue is as you chew to keep you
from biting it.
Parietal association cortex: gives us the ability to
understand written language and solve mathematical
Parietal Lobe Fun Facts
The left hemisphere of the parietal lobe is often stronger in right-handed person
Handling the symbolism of letters and numbers becomes easier
The right hemisphere is more dominant in left-handed people
Images and spatial distances involved in them, such as reading maps become easier
Damage to the left parietal lobe:
"Gerstmann's Syndrome"
right-left confusion
difficulty with writing and mathematics
disorders of language
inability to perceive objects normally
Damage to the right parietal lobe:
neglecting part of the body or space
impairs self-care skills: dressing and washing
can cause difficulty in making things
affects drawing ability
Bilateral damage:
"Balint's Syndrome"
a visual attention and motor syndrome
inability to integrate components of a visual scene
inability to accurately reach for an object with visual guidance
part of the limbic system
it is located in the temporal medial lobe
essential for memory function
* short term memory
# duration is about15-30s
* long term memory
# duration is unlimited
- one of the few areas that of the brain that is capable of actually growing new
- alzheimer's disease is one of the many condition associated with the hippocampus
Anie Britton, Aine Stecher, Amelia Welmaker
Wernicke’s Area
Located in posterior section of left hemisphere
Contains motor neurons
Involved in the comprehension of speech
Has a role in processing subordinate words with similar
meanings “river” given “bank”
Processes dominant word meanings “teller” given “bank”
Important in understanding jokes
Damage to this area can lead to language disorders
Wernicke Aphasia- difficulty understanding language
The Brocas Area
By Abraham Lincoln’s ghost, Kassya Gomez, and Sophia Gilmour
Broca’s Area
• Located in the frontal lobe of one hemisphere
• Its function is speech production, facial neuron control, and
language processing
• Damage to the frontal lobe could lead to a language disorder
known as Brocaphasia, named after the man who discovered
Motor Homunculus
Limbic System
Bowen & Jorge
Limbic System
● The Limbic System is made
up of 4 different parts of the
brain: Thalamus,
Hypothalamus, Cingulate
Gyrus, and Amygdala and
● It is responsible for the
portion of the brain that
deals with emotions,
memories and arousal.
● The limbic System is also
involved in feelings of
pleasure that are related to
our survival, such as those
experienced from eat and
● It also determines what
memories are stored and
where it is stored.
The Limbic system is responsible for
controlling various functions in the body.
Some of these functions include
interpreting emotional responses, storing
memories, and regulating hormones. The
limbic system is also involved with sensory
perception and motor function.
Meninges (singular: meninx)
● Membranes that envelop the brain and
the spinal cord of the central nervous
● Three layers: the dura mater, the
arachnoid mater, and the pia mater.
● Meningitis: condition where the
meningeal membranes becomes
● Causes muscle soreness, fever, loss of
appetite, and in some case rashes and
poor mental health (fear of loud noise,
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
● Clear, colorless fluid
● Found in the brain and spinal
● Primary function
-To cushion the brain
within the skull
-Serves as shock absorber for
the CNS
● Circulates nutrients and
chemicals filtered from blood
CSF continue
● Doctors use “spinal tap” to diagnose nervous
system disorders
Blood Brain Barrier
 Functionprotects the central nervous system
form potentially harmful chemicals in the
blood that may harm the brain
regulates the transport of essentail
maintains a constant environment for
the brain
Description and LocationThe BBB
is a highly selective semi-permeable
seperates the circulating blood from the
brain fluid
Cases the outer side of the brain
Quadriplegia vs Paraplegia
Sydney Berry
Quadriplegia and paraplegia
are two types of paralysis
Injury to the spinal cord above the first thoracic region
Affects all four limbs to be paralyzed
Can often times affect the breathing and chest area to
be weakened
Occurs below the first thoracic spinal nerve
The degree of paralyzation varies from full
impairment of the legs to in other cases no
movement in the abdomen
The spinal cord injury level, known as a lesion, is the
exact point in the spinal cord segment at which damage
has occurred.
Different areas determine what the injury will be like
Thoracic, Lumbar, and Sacral
These area’s are important in defining quadriplegia and
Autonomic Nervous System
● AKA the visceral nervous system and involuntary
nervous system
● Control system that acts largely unconsciously and
–heart rate
–respiratory rate
–pupillary response
–and sexual arousal
ANS cont.
● regulated by the hypothalamus.
● 2 branches
● the sympathetic nervous system
–often considered the "fight or flight" system
● the parasympathetic nervous system.
–often considered the "rest and digest" or "feed and
breed" system
Somatic Nervous System
Sam Baugh
What is it?
● The SoNS is the part of the peripheral
nervous system that is responsible for
carrying sensory and motor information
to and from the CNS.
● Made up of nerves that connect to the
skin, sensory organs, and all skeletal
What is is responsible for?
● Nearly all voluntary muscle movements
● Processing sensory information that
arrives via external stimuli including
hearing, touch, and sight
● Involuntary movements aka reflex arcs
(hand jerk after touching something hot)
Parts of SoNS
● Sensory (afferent) neurons
● Motor (efferent) neurons
● Spinal Cord