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By Matthew and Dontae
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What happened in world war l
The main causes of World War 1 which
began in central Europe in late July
1914,included many factors. Hostility
between the great European powers of the
four decades leading up to the war The
crisis came after a long and difficult series
of diplomatic clashes between the Great
Powers (Italy, France, Germany, and
What happened in world war 2?
World War 2 was a long and bloody war
that lasted for six years. Officially
beginning on September 1, when
Germany invaded Poland, World War 2
lasted until both the Germans and the
Japanese had surrendered to the Allies in
Why did World War ll start?
*Since 1933, Germany had been ruled by
Adolf Hitler and his political party. They
wanted to take revenge for Germany’s
defeat in the Great War by expanding
Germany’s empire and in 1938, the Nazis
invaded Austria and on 15th March 1939
they invaded Czechoslovakia.
What happened to start World War
On September 1, 1939, just before Adolf Hitler's invasion of Poland
that marked the beginning of World War II
They wanted to take revenge for Germany’s defeat in the Great War by
expanding Germany’s empire and in 1938, the Nazis invaded Austria and
on 15th March 1939 they invaded Czechoslovakia. of the four decades
leading up to the war. The crisis came after along and difficult series
On September 1, 1939, just before Adolf Hitler's invasion of
Poland that marked the beginning of World War II,
Nazi Germany's war with Poland, begun on September 1,
was an uneven contest. Five German armies with 1.5
million men, 2,000 tanks, and 1,900 modern aircraft faced
fewer than a million Polish troops with less than 500 aircraft
and a small number of armoured vehicles. In addition,
German planning and technical support -- and German
understanding of the importance of modern tactical
airpower -- gave the aggressor great advantages.
What happened to start World War
The main causes of World War I, which began in
the Balkans in late July 1914, included many factors, such
as the conflicts and inequality between the
great European powers of the four decades leading up to
the war. Militarism, alliances, imperialism, and
nationalism played major roles in the conflict as well. The
immediate origins of the war, however, lay in the decisions
taken by statesmen and generals during the July Crisis of
1914 caused by the assassination of Archduke Franz
Ferdinand and his wife Sophie by Gavrilo Princip, an
ethnic Serb and Yugoslav nationalist from the group Young
Bosnia, which was supported by the Black Hand, a
nationalist organization in Serbia.
1. What countries were in the difficult
series of diplomatic clashes between
the Great Powers?
2.What year did Germany invade Poland?
3.Why did Germany invade
4.How many decades were leading up to
World War Two?
1. Italy, France, Germany and Austria-Hungary.
Were the countries of the diplomatic clashes
between the Great Powers.
2.Germany invaded Poland in 1939.
3. They invaded Czechoslovakia because they
wanted to take revenge for Germany’s defeat in
the Great War.
4.The number of decades leading up to world
war two is four decades.
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And the most important part is that
we loved learning about war.