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Standard 10.8
Causes and Consequences of World
War II.
Drives for Empire
 Italy- Mussolini
 1935-Invaded Ethiopia
 1939- Conquers Albania
 Joins, the French Alliance System, to help
contain Germany
 Although, becomes an Axis Power
 1936 Rome Berlin Axis Pact
 May 22, 1939- Hitler/Mussolini Sign the
“Pact of Steel” - Isolate Poland
Drive for Empire
 Germany- Hitler
Germany Occupies the Rhineland 1936
Germany Annexes the Austria 1938
Germany Seizes Czechoslovakia
After the Munich Conference- France and
Britain Let Germany take the Sudetenland
 Stalin Hitler Pact 1939
Drive for Empire
 Japanese
 Invaded Manchuria in 1931
 1922 Japan signs treaty to respect Chinas
 1928 Japan Signed the Kellogg-Briand Pact
 1930 the Great Depression puts the Military in
 1936 Allies with Germany
 1937 Invades China- Rape of Nanking
Stalin-Hitler Pact 1939
 British and French Competing for
 Secret Agenda
 Soviet Union would have the Baltic states of
Eastern Europe as long as she remained true to
the Pact
 Whereas Germany would have Western Europe.
 Now a war was inevitable with Russia in a neutral
corner as it seen from a public's point of view.
 One month later, the Germans invade Poland and
Russia takes her piece: the Baltic states.
 Axis- Tripartite Pact
1940 Berlin
 Germany
 Japan
 Italy
 Allies
United States
 "the policy of settling international quarrels
by admitting and satisfying grievances
through rational negotiation and
compromise, thereby avoiding the resort to
an armed conflict which would be
expensive, bloody, and possibly
 Most Famous Chamberlain Britain And
Germany Hitler
 Foreign policy which holds that political
rulers should avoid alliances with other
nations and avoid all wars not related to
direct territorial self-defense.
 Isolationism- nonintervention combined
with economic nationalism
 Two Examples George Washington and Thomas
Jefferson -Avoiding wars In Europe
Germany’s Triumphant
Defeat of Poland
The Phony War
Rescue at Dunkirk
Wars in the North
Attack in the West
Britain Stands Alone
Battle of Britain and the Blitz
American Backs Britain
Italy goes to war
Germans Enter the Mediterranean
Massacre and Starvation
The Defeat of Poland
 Whirlwind attack September 1, 1939
 Poles were poorly equipped compared to
the Germans
 Still depended on Horses for transportation
 German’s tried out a new style of Hard
Hitting, fast moving warfare____
 Germans Surrounded the Polish Capital
________, the Poles were hit hard with
heavy __________
 The Poles Surrendered on Sept 27, 1939
Stalin’s Next Move
 Stalin invades Eastern Europe
September 17, 1939
 Easily Annex’s: Eastern Poland,
Lithuanian, Estonia, and Latvia. He
also attempts to take over Finland.
 Stalin sends 1 Million troops to Finland in
 Soviets expected this to be a quick battle
 Unprepared to fight in the dead of winter.
Stalin’s Fight with the Finns
 The Finn’s were outnumber and out
gunned, but fought fiercely
 Making progress Soviets suffered
 Although Victorious through
surrender March 1940
 Sweden Stays Neutral
Defeat in Poland Continued
 Katyn Massacre- Soviet Union took
Eastern Poland and captured
thousands of prisoners
 20,000 Poles were massacred, by the
Soviet Secret Police and buried in
mass graves
 Later to be found by the Germans in
Phony War
 France/Britain Declare War and
mobilize army on the Maginot line
 Germans on the Siegfried Line
 Boredom = Retreat
 Hitler launches a surprise attack on
Denmark and Norway
 Denmark falls within hours
 2 Months Later (June) Norway falls
 Building a force to block the Baltic Sea
Fall of France
 Hitler Sweeps through Belgium and
 Hitler sends troops to heavily wooded
 H squeezes by the Maginot Line, moving
across France in 10 days meeting up
with other German troops in Belgium
 May 1940
 German Troops trapped allied soldiers in
Northern France, who retreated to Dunkirk
France Falls
 May 1940 France is trapped in
Northern France
 With their Backs to the sea
 Britain sends 850 ships to their Rescue
 Royal Navy Ships
 Yachts
 Lifeboats/ Motor boats
 Paddle Streamers
 Fishing Boats
 From MAY 26-June 4 These ships carried
out 338,000 Soldiers
 France falls after Dunkirk
 Resistance crumbled
 June 14 Germans had taken Paris
 Germans took N France
 Petain took southern France, and made
Vichy the Capital
 Charles de Gaulle, creates energy to retake
 This Organized French Military Forces will battle
Germany till 1944
Battle of Britain
 Britain Stands alone, after the fall of
 New Prime Minister Winston Churchill
 His nation would never give in
 His radio broadcasts were inspirational:
 “We Shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight
on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the
fields and in the streets…. We shall never
 Churchill stated he had “nothing to offer but
blood, toil, tears, and sweat.”
Battle of Britain
 Home Guard
 Britain prepared to face German invasion:
beaches were blocked with mines and
barbed wire, and small concrete boxes
were built.
 Home Guard was made up of more than 1
million men. Nicknamed “Dad’s Army,”
because they were too old to serve
 These men were the look out for German
Paratroopers and spies
Battle of Britain
 Many Aliens, non British people were
imprisoned in camps.
 Many were from Germany, Austria, and Italy,
but all opposed Nazism and Fascism
 These prisoners were eventually release and
served in the British war effort
Battle of Britain
 Hitler’s plan of attack
 Knock out the RAF
 Then land more than 250,000 soldiers on shore
 Summer 1940, Luftwaffe began bombing
 Attacking British air fields, and aircraft factories
 September 7, 1940, the Germans began to
focus on cities, especially London
 To attempt to destroy British morale
 Although the British did not waiver
Battle of Britain
 Although RAF were out numbered
they began to fight back.
 Two technical devices Developed in
the late 1930’s
 Electronic tracking system: RADAR
 Radar could tell the number, speed, and
direction of the incoming war planes
 German code making machine named Enigma,
which had been smuggled in the Britain in the
Battle of Britain
 Germany gave up daylight attacks in
October 1940’s, in favor of night
 At sunset sirens went off, and
Londoners fled to the subway for
shelter. Some hit in their basements
 The battle continued until May 10,
1941, Hitler calls of his attacks, and
turns to the Mediterranean
The Mediterranean and Eastern
 Hitler focus on the Balkans and the
Soviet Union
Axis attack North Africa
Britain Strikes back
War in the Balkans
Hitler Invades the Soviet Union
Axis Attack in North Africa
 Steel Pact had joined Hitler and Mussolini
together, although Mussolini was neutral at
the beginning of the war.
 After Hitler declared war on France and
Britain, Mussolini Moves in to France
 Mussolini September 1940, ordered and
attack on British controlled Egypt.
 The Suez canal was key to reaching oil fields in
the Middle east
 Within a week, Italian troops pushed 60 miles
inside Egypt forcing British Troops back
 This began a waiting game
War in the Balkans
 Many German Generals were active in
the Balkans, where Hitler planned his
attack on his ally the USSR
 Build a base in Southeastern Europe to attack
 Also to ensure British did not interfere
 Early 1941, Bulgaria, Romania, and
Hungary joined the Axis powers
 April 1941 Yugoslavia fell in 11 days
 Greece Surrendered in 17 days
Hitler Invades the Soviet Union
 Operation Barbarossa
 Attack took place early June 22, 1941
 Invasion rolled on for weeks, German Troops
pushed the soviet’s back 500 miles
As Soviet troops retreated Germans burned and
destroyed everything in the enemy’s path
 Sept 8, German forces put Leningrad under
siege, which would eventually be cut off from
the Soviet Union
 German soldiers cut of supplies, people in
Leningrad were forced to eat live stock
(cattle,Horse) and later dogs, cats, rats, and
 The people of Leningrad Refused to
fail 1941-1942
 Hitler impatient takes of Moscow, Oct
2, 1941
 Hitler “NO RETREAT”
 German troops held their line 135
miles west of Moscow until March
 Cost Germans 500,000 lives
Britain Strikes back
 December 1940, Britain strikes back results were disastrous for Italians
 British sweep 500 miles across N Africa and
took 130,000 Italian Prisoners
 Hitler aids the Italians, through the Afrika
krops lead by Erwin Rommel
 British were pushed back to Tobruk (489),
resisted and pushed Rommel to where he
started, Rommel fought back to Tobruk
 Huge blow the the Allied forces
 Rommel became known as the “Desert Fox”
US Aides Allies
 Isolationism
 Neutrality Acts- made it illegal to sell arms or
lend money to nations at war
 Sept 1939, FDR asked congress to allow
Allies to buy American arms. Allies would
pay cash and carry arms on their own ships
(lend Lease Act)
 Atlantic charter
 Sept 4, German U boats fired at US
destroyer in the Atlantic
 FDR ordered that all American ships would
shoot U boats on Site
 Undeclared war was under way, but this is not
what drew US in to war.
War in the Pacific
The United States Confronts Japan
Pearl Harbor
US goes to war
Japan’s Lightening Victories
Carrier Battle
The Fight back begins
US Confronts Japan
 1940-41 US demands Japan withdraw
forces from China and Indochina
 Japanese Refused
 US response to blocking supplies to Japan
 Tojo Becomes prime minister October
1941, planned to attack European colonies
in Asia and the United States
 Japanese overran French Indo China, Vietnam,
Cambodia, and Laos
 Americans were aware of Japanese plans, due to
the cracking of their Codes Oct 1941
Lead up to Pearl Harbor
 6 Japanese carriers- 400 aircraft, secretly
left Japan headed for US on November 26
 The carriers got within 250 miles before
launching air craft
 Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, Japan’s
greatest naval strategist, called for an
attack on the United States Fleet
 “a dagger pointed at {Japan’s} throat, and
must be destroyed.”
 Yamamoto believed that the only way Japan
could be victorious against the US was to wipe
away their fleet
Pearl Harbor
 A day in Infamy
 Sunday, December 7, 1941 7:48 AM
 The first wave of 185 Aircraft struck Pearl
 A second wave followed, where Americans
began to fire back.
 Japan had not declared war on the United
 18 warships sunk or damaged
3 large warships were sunk: USS Arizona
(exploded 1,000 men), USS West Virginia, USS
 200 air craft destroyed
 Almost 2,400 Americans were killed
 64 Japanese died
US goes to war
 “I ask that the Congress declare that
since the unprovoked and dastardly
attack by Japan on Sunday,
December 7, 1941, a state of war has
existed between the United Sates and
the Japanese Empire.”
 President Roosevelt’s speech to Congress
calling for war on December 8, 1941
 Germany declares war on the United
Japan’s Lighting Victory
 Initial success of the Japanese was great
conquering Philippines, Malaya, Singapore,
Dutch east Indies, and Burma. Also
invading New Guinea
 American troops under Douglas MacArthur
surrendered in the Philippines
 The Japanese conquest had given them the raw
materials needed to continue in the war
 Oil from Dutch East Indies and rubber from Malaya.
Turning point
Americans go to war
Allied Victory in North Africa
Fall of Mussolini
Soviets roll back the German’s tide
Victory in the Atlantic
Code breaker and Spies
Strategic Bombing
Allies Strike Back
 April 1942
 16 B-52 Bomber, under Lieutenant Colonel
James Doolittle, bombed Tokyo and many
other cities leaving the Japanese Vulnerable
 Tides begin to turn
 American morale shook the Japanese after
being bombed in Tokyo May 1942
 The Allies win the Battle of the Coral Sea
 Battle of Midway was a Success for the Allies
after Yamamoto withdrew his crippled fleet
June 7, 1942
Allied Offensive
 High American Morale
 MacArthur and his grand Idea of
“Island hoping,” to be more effective
in the Pacific
 Battle of Guadalcanal- Allied Victory that
lasted 6 months
 Japanese lose 24,000 out of 36,000 soldiers
calling this the “Island of Death”
North African Campaign
Battle for Stalingrad
Invasion of Italy
The Battle of the Bulge
Germany’s Unconditional Surrender
Japanese retreat and Surrender
Winston Churchill
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)
Emperor Hirohito
Adolf Hitler
Benito Mussolini
Joseph Stalin
Douglas MacArthur
Dwight Eisenhower
Winston Churchill
 Comes to power through
Chamberlain’s, resignation (failure in
 To his colleague’s a man who showed
a warlike spirit
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)
United States
Dwight Eisenhower
Douglas MacArthur
Emperor Hirohito
Adolf Hitler
Benito Mussolini
Joseph Stalin