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 Ch. 19 WorldWAR
 19:1 Paths to War
 By March 1935, how was Hitler violating the Treaty of
By March 1936, What was Hitler doing wrong and how
did allies respond?
What did Hitler think of France and Great Britain?
Describe what happened at the Munich Conference.
Who does Hitler want a non-aggression Pact with and
What happens Sept. 1, 1939, then Sept. 3, 1939?
Meanwhile, what has been going on in Japan?
19:1 Paths to War
 Objective: To describe steps taken by Germany and
Japan that led to WWII
 By March 1935: Hitler violates Treaty
 March 1936: Hitler sends troops to Rhineland
 Appeasement: If Hitler is content with this peace will
 Hitler annexed Austria
 Munich Conference:
 Neville Chamberlain (British Prime Minister)
appeases Hitler with Sudetenland
 Hitler promises no more demands!
 Nazi-Soviet nonaggression Pact:
 To not attach each other & dividing Poland
 Sept. 1, 1939 Germany invades Poland
 Sept. 3, 1939 GB, FR declare war on Germany
 Meanwhile….
 1931 Japan seizes Manchuria….
 …….and then some
Chiang Kai-shek
China Nationalist leader
Hideki Tojo
Japan military leader
Summary 19:1
Describe/list actions taken by
Germany and Japan that led to
19:2 Course of WWII
 Objective:
 Describe the greatest amphibian retreat in history?
 Describe Germany’s attack in Britain and results.
 Describe Germany’s attack on the Soviet Union and
 Describe the strategy and battles of the Pacific.
 Blitzkrieg 
lightning war ; describing Germany’s attack on
Poland then others.
 Dunkirk –
 Greatest amphibian retreat; British troops
rescued off beach of France
For five days, fishing boats, yachts, tugs and other little
boats braved the bombs and strafing runs of the Luftwaffe
to rescue 200,000 British and 140,000 French troops.
Some boats made three or more journeys on their own
amid dive bombing and strafing by the Luftwaffe. Unlit
and unable to comprehend, or respond to naval signals
by night, they risked being sunk by their own side.
 Battle of Britain
 In retaliation of attack on Berlin, Hitler
attacks cities from air; did NOT work.
 Germany’s attack on Soviet Union; winter
came early ; Germany suffers 1st defeat.
 Japan attacks Pearl Harbor Dec. 7, 1941
 (see Hitler’s Boast & Women as spies &
timeline p.600-601)
 Midway Island – turning point for US in Pacific 1942
 U.S. Gen. Douglas MacArthur – “island hopping”
 June 6, 1944 = D-Day
 US Gen. Dwight Eisenhower in Normandy, France
 Jan. 1945 – Hitler moves into underground bunker
 Feb. 1945 – Yalta Conference held
 April 1945 – 12th- FDR died
28th-Mussolini shot
30th Hitler commits suicide
 HIROSHIMA – Aug. 6, 1945
 NAGASAKI – Aug. 9, 1945
 Emperor Hirohito surrenders Aug. 14
Describe steps taken in the
Eastern and Asian Theaters
to end WWII
19:3 Holocaust
 List ways in which people were killed.
 How many Jewish children died?
 Who were killed 1st in the camps?
 1945; how many orphaned children in Europe?
 How many children evacuated before Hiroshima?
 1939; where were 6million British women/children
Genocide – physical extermination
“Final Solution”
Ghettos – crowded, unsanitary, little
 Holocaust – mass slaughter
 Auschwitz – largest extermination camp
90% of European Jewish population
 10 million non-Jewish
 “Japanese Behavior” pg. 611
 How did the Japanese treat the native
peoples of Japanese-occupied lands?
 Recruited to serve in local military units
 Forced to work public projects (RxR)
 POW’s, killed, raped, poor diets, unhealthy
climate conditions
 (12,000 allied POW’s + 90,000 workers died)
19:4 Home Front & Aftermath
 Soviet Union:
 900 days of siege
 Only country to use women in combat
 Germany:
 Changed view of women as workers
 United States:
1943-building 6 ships/day & 96,000
 Million African Americans moved
 Million African Americans enroll military
 Japanese Americans 110,000 to internment
 Japan:
young men encouraged to volunteer as
Kamikaze pilots
 Why were civilian populations targeted in
bombing raids?
 thought to be effective way to force gov’ts to
make peace.
 Who ordered the A-bomb be used on Japan?
 Pres. Harry Truman
 Because…..US risked high casualty rate on a
land invasion
 Yalta Conference (Feb. 1945)
 Big 3 : GB – Churchill
SU – Stalin
 Create United Nations
 Jointly occupy Germany & Berlin
 Offer free elections to E. European nations
 Potsdam Conference (July 1945)
 Stalin refuses to allow free elections
 Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” speech (3/1946)
 Stalin responds…. “call to war”
War Crime Trials:
 Germany – Nuremburg Trials
vs. Nazi leaders
 Japan & Italy also held war crime trials
 Describe changes that occurred on the home
 Who ordered the A-Bomb be used and why?
 Describe the Yalta Conference. (Who and
what discussed)