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The Post War Years
The “Roaring Twenties”
The Great Depression
Post war Problems:
• Germany1. Unhappy w/ Treaty of Versailles
2. Major Inflation of German $$$
3. Dawes Plan- reduced
reparations & provided $200 million loan
• The United States1. Failed to join League of Nations
• France1. Wanted strict enforcement of Treaty
2. Occupied Ruhr Valley for $$$
German Inflation
•Owed $33 Billion
•Only made 1 payment in 1921
•Workers strike
•German Mark loses value:
•1914 - 4.2 marks = $1 U.S.
•1923 - 130 billion marks = $1 U.S.
•1924 - 4.2 trillion marks = $1 U.S.
The Treaty of Locarno
•“New Era of Peace”
•Guaranteed German borders w/
France & Belgium
1926 Germany joins
League of Nations
Kellogg-Brand Pact
•Signed by 63 Nations
•Agreement to renounce War
The Depression
A period of low economic activity & rising unemployment
Two Factors:
1. Overproduction & Economic
downturn in mid 1920’s
2. International Financial Crisis
including U.S. Stock Market Crash
of 1929
Crisis Spreads
Caused people to pull $$ from U.S.
Banks, then International Banks
Response to Depression
•1932 - Worst year of the Depression
•1/4 of British Unemployed
•40% of Germans Unemployed
•Increased Govt. activity in Economy
Lowered wages & raised tariffs made it worse!!!
•Renewed Marxist Ideas
•Increased rise of dictators
•Weimar Republic created 1918
•Paul von Hindenburg - President
•1930 Depression sets in
•4.38 million unemployed
•Inflation rises
The Weimar Republic 1918
New European SUPERPOWER!
•Needs to Rebuild
•1932 Depression hits
•Form 6 cabinets in 19 months
•1936 Popular Front Govt. forms
•French “New Deal” -based on
•“Collective Bargaining”
•40 hour work week
•Vacation time
•Minimum wage
•1938 Low confidence in French Government
Great Britain
•Lost industries to U.S. & Japan
•Coal, Steel, & Textiles
•1921 - 2 Million Britons Unemployed
•John Maynard Keynes - British Economist
•Encouraged deficit spending
The United States
1920’s - “Roaring Twenties”
•October 29, 1929 “Black Tuesday”
•Stock Market Crashes
•1933 - 12 million Unemployed
•1932 - F.D.R. Elected President
•“New Deal”
•WPA employed 3 million Americans
•1935 Social Security Act
Franklin D.
New Deal Programs
•FERA - Federal Emergency Relief
•TVA - Tennessee Valley Authority
•CWA - Civil Works Administration
•CCC - Civilian Conservation Corps
•FEMA - Federal Emergency Relief
•PWA - Public Works Administration
•NYA - National Youth Administration
•WPA - Works Progress
•NIRA - National Industrial Recovery
•RA - Resettlement Administration
•SEC - Securities and Exchange
•FSA - Farm Security Administration
•NRA - National Recovery Association
•AAA - Agricultural Adjustment Act
•FDIC - Federal Deposit Insurance
•REA- Rural Electrification
•Emergency Banking Act
The Rise of Dictators
•Totalitarian State- Government which aims to control the
political, economic, social, intellectual & cultural lives of its
• single leader & single party
• mass propaganda & communication
•Reject limited govt. & individual freedoms
Ruled by King Victor
Emmanuel III
•Economic Problems:
•Inflation, Industrial & Agricultural
•Fear of a Socialist Revolution
•Fascism- the State is above all & controls
the people
•Benito Mussolini- First Fascist leader
in Europe
•“Il Duce” or “The Leader”
•1922- becomes PM of Italy
Pope Pius XI
•1929- Lateran Accords
•Vatican City Independent
•Catholicism official
“Religion of State”
•$$ given to support Fascism
Fascist Italy
•“Blackshirts” armed fascists
•OVRA- secret police group
•Youth Groups
•Family centered
The Soviet Union
•War Communism begins to fail
•1921 Lenin creates New Economic Policy
•Small business - private ownership
•Large Industry- govt. controlled
•1922 U.S.S.R. Created
•1924 Lenin dies
Lenin Moseleum
Joseph Stalin
•General Secretary of Communists
•Rival of Leon Trotsky - Commissar of War
•Politburo- Policy making body
•Stalin appoints officials loyal to him
•Overpowers the Politburo & creates a
powerful dictatorship
Leon Trotsky
Joseph Stalin
Stalin’s Programs
•5 Year Plans:
•Switch from Agriculture to Industy
•Replaced (NEP)
•Collectivization- Govt. owns ALL land
The Results:
•10 Million+ die of famine
•8 Million+ purged from Govt. & Military
•Forced Labor Camps in Siberia
•Reversed social legislation of 1920’s
•Democracy fails
•1936 Civil War begins
•Germany & Italy support fascists
1937 Guernica by Pablo Picasso
•1939 Gen. Franco captures Madrid
•Authoritarian dictatorship favoring
upper class
General Francisco
Adolf Hitler
•Born April 20, 1889 in Austria
•Art School failure
•Served 4 years on front lines of WWI
•1919 joined German Workers Party
•1921 renamed National Socialist German
Workers Party (NSDAP) or Nazi Party
•1923 Beer Hall Putsch - Hitler jailed
•Mein Kampf- Hitler’s anti-semitic views
and plan for a superior nation
SA- “Brownshirts”
•1929 - 800,000 Nazi
•Reichstag - German
•1932 - Largest Party in
Economic Struggles
•1932 - 6 million unemployed
•Extremists more attractive
•Hitler promised a New
1933 - Reichstag Fire
The Nazi State 1933-1939
•1933 Hitler becomes Chancellor
•1933 Enabling Act- Power to ignore
constitution for 4 years
•ALL institutions under Nazi control
•ALL Jews removed from Civil Service
•Trade Unions dissolved
•Political Parties abolished
•Concentration Camps set up
•1934 President Hindenburg dies
•Hitler now Dictator AKA “Fuhrer”
•Aryan - Indo-European
•NOT Ancient Greek, Roman,
or “Master” Race
•Hitler wanted to create the 3rd
•Heirich Himmler- leader of SS
•Schutzstaffeln- “SS” used terror
& ideology
Nuremberg Rally
Nazi Policies
•1935 - Nuremburg Laws: Excluded
Jews from citizenship & forbid
marriage between Germans & Jews
•1938 - Nov. 9 Kristallnacht “Night of
shattered Glass”
•7,000 Jewish synagogues &
business destroyed
•30,000 Jewish males arrested
•1941 - Jews required to wear yellow
Stars of David & ID cards
•Jews barred from public buildings
•Jews encouraged to “emigrate from
Radio and Movies
Leni Riefenstahl
•1920 Radio Broadcasting expands
•New form of communication:
•1939 - 40% adults attend movies weekly
•1934 - “The Triumph of the Will”
Nazi Propaganda Film
Joseph Goebbels- Nazi Propaganda
Joseph Goebbels
Art & Literature
Photomontage by
Hannah Hoch
•Dark & Abstract Art becomes
•Dada Movement- “life has no
•Surrealism- “world of the
•Slavador Dali- Spanish Surreal
•Germany thought they
could create new &
genuine art
•1922- James Joyce writes Ulysses
•Inner thoughts of ordinary
people of Dublin
•1920’s- Hermann Hesse - German
•Writes Siddhartha &
•Confusion of modern
•Wins Nobel Prize in 1946
Charles Lindbergh - The Spirit of St. Louis
World War II Memorial
World War II Memorial
World War II Memorial
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
World War II Memorial
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
U.S. Holocaust
Memorial Museum
U.S. Holocaust
Memorial Museum
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
U.S. Holocaust
Memorial Museum
U.S. Holocaust
Memorial Museum