Download WWII The rise of Dictators Totalitarianism

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– Reparations
• The rise of Dictators
– Totalitarianism – a government that exerts total
control over a nation.
– Fascism – emphasis on the importance of a nation or
ethnic group with a supreme leader.
– Stalin
• Launched a five year plan towards communism after Lenin’s
• Created collective farming / the plan was a failure.
• It created economic hardships
• He pursued a policy of increased industrialization.
– Stalin
• He began a policy of purging ( a process of removing the
undesirables and enemies from power).
– Benito Mussolini
• Believe that the Treaty of Versailles should have granted
Italy more territory.
• Mussolini organized fascist groups throughout Italy
• Italy’s economy improved under Mussolini.
– Hitler’s Rise to Power
• Greatly disagreed with the terms of the Versailles
• He joined the Nazi Party – “German nationalism &
• He tried to overthrow the German government and was
sent to prison.
• In prison he wrote the book “Mein Kampf,” (My Struggle).
– Hitler’s Rise to Power
• In prison he wrote the book “Mein Kampf,” (My
• “Mein Kampf” was an outline of Nazi philosophy,
his views of Germany’s problems, and Hitler’s
plan for the nation.
• He blamed the Jews living within Germany for
its defeat.
• He defied the Versailles Treaty.
• He proposed strengthening Germany’s military
and expanding its borders.
• He called for purifying the “Aryan Race.” This
eventually lead to the holocaust.
• Hitler became Chancellor – “Head of the German
– The Holocaust –The genocide of six million
• Anti-Semitism was the term used to describe
the hostility, discrimination, and often violence
directed at the Jews
• Anti-Semetism was a continuation of the “nonAryan” (blond, blue-eyed Germans).
• The Nazis created “death camps” to carry out
the mass murders.
• The Nuremburg Trials an international military
tribunal created to try Nazi leaders for the
mass murder of the Jews.
– Hitler’s Rise to Power
• After the president died Hitler became president and
• Hitler began building an army thereby causing Germany to
recover from the depression.
• Hitler began his expansion policy.
• The Road to WWII
– German troops entered the Rhineland, a region
that German troops were banned from entering by
the Versailles Treaty.
– Britain & France did not react to this violation.
– In 1936 Hitler allied with Mussolini under an
agreement called the “axis.”
– Japan joined and they became known as the “Axis
• The Road to WWII
Hitler invaded Austria
Hitler invaded Sudentenland
Later he took western Czechoslovakia.
The British prime minister tried to appease
Hitler but appeasement did not work.
– The Spanish Civil War
• Germany & Italy provided planes, tanks, and
soldiers to the Nationalists.
• The Road to WWII
– After the prime minister of Great Britain
gave in to Hitler’s demand six months later
he annexed Sudetenland.
– The next month Italy invaded Albania.
– Hitler signed a non-aggression pact with
Stalin of the Soviet Union
– September 1, 1939 Hitler invaded Poland.
– Britain & France declare war on Germany.
– The German “Blitzkreig” was released on
Poland and they conquered Poland within one
• The Road to WWII
– April 9, 1940 Germany attacked Denmark &
– June 10th Hitler turned on France.
– August 1940 Hitler attacked Great Britain.
– Japan joins the Axis Powers
• Japan saw Manchuria as an answer to its
problems of land and resource scarcity.
• Japan’s army seized all of Manchuria and
declared it a puppet state.
– America Chose Neutrality
• America became more involved in selling or lending
war supplies to Great Britain.
• Japan attacks Pearl harbor December 7, 1940
• America Declares war.
• United States Declares War
– In September 1940 (before Pearl Harbor)
Congress authorized the first peacetime
draft in the nation’s history.
• The Selective Service Act –required all males
ages 21-36 to register for military service.
• Nearly 1 m African Americans joined but they
were limited to supporting roles.
– The war production efforts ended the
massive unemployment of the 1930’s (The
Great Depression).
• America Declares War
– Financing the War
• Higher taxes
• Bonds
• America Joins the War
– In August 1941 President Franklin and
Prime Minister Winston Churchill met
secretly and decided on eight principles
to govern their alliance known as the
Atlantic Charter
• This charter formed the basis for the United
• America Joins the War
– The Battle of the Atlantic December 1941
• America and Great Britain had to counter the
attacks of German U-boats (submarines).
– The Battle of North Africa
• Great Britain defeated Germany and took
control of North Africa
– Invasion of Italy – July 1943
• U.S invaded Italy
• Italy’s government surrendered in September
• Germany’s army continued to fight but was
defeated April 1945
• America Joins the War
– War in the Soviet Union
• Hitler broke his pact with Stalin and turned
his attack east toward the Soviet Union.
• The battle of Stalingrad Germany was
– D-Day – Normandy (France) –
– The Battle of the Bulge – the largest
battle in Western Europe during WWII.
• This battle defeated Germany.
• Hitler committed suicide.
• May 8, 1945 Germany surrendered.
– The Yalta Conference -
• War in the Pacific (“The Big Payback”)
– Japan attacked Pearl harbor December 7,
1940 with the intent of gaining military
control of the Western Pacific.
– Japan attacks the Philippines April 1942
– Island Hopping – a strategy used to
attack Japan’s territory.
• Island Hopping – a strategy used to
attack Japan’s territory.
– The Battle of Midway became the turning
point for Allied victory.
• Americans sank four of Japan’s carriers.
– The Battle of Guadalcanal became the
first offensive strike for the Allies.
– The Allies Retake the Philippines.
– Iwo Jima & Okinawa
– American gets closer and closer to Japan.
• The Manhattan Project
• The Manhattan Project – the
development of the Atomic Bomb
– Dropped on Hiroshima August 6, 1945
– Dropped on Nagasaki August 9, 1945.
– Japan surrendered September 2, 1945
• War in the Pacific (“The Big Payback”)
– Japan attacked Pearl harbor December 7,
1940 with the intent of gaining military
control of the Western Pacific.
– Japan attacks the Philippines April 1942
– The Battle of Midway became the turning
point for Allied victory.
• Americans sank four of Japan’s carriers.
– The Battle of Guadalcanal became the
first offensive strike for the Allies.
– The Allies Retake the Philippines