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The Rise of Adolf Hitler
and the Beginning of
World War II
Time Magazine’s “Man
of the Year” in 1938
Adolf Hitler
► Born
on April 20, 1889 in Austria
► Attended a Catholic monastery school where
he was a member of their choir
► Considered becoming a priest
► Wanted to become an artist,
but his father made him follow
in his footsteps
► During high school, Adolf became
a German nationalist
Adolf Hitler
► His
father died when Adolf was 13, and he
became the head of his family’s household
and dropped out of high school
► Five years later, Adolf’s dreams were
fulfilled and he took the entrance exam to
Vienna’s Academy of Fine Arts
► Told that his drawings lacked the talent of
artistic painting, he was rejected
Adolf Hitler
► Hitler
the unemployed slacker tried again to attend
Vienna’s Academy of Fine Art, but his test
drawings were considered so bad that he wasn’t
even allowed to take the exam
► Hitler became homeless in 1909
► Made a modest living by selling his paintings in
Jewish shops
► Living in a town with an anti-Semitic leader, Adolf
began to read anti-Semitic literature and quickly
began to despise Jewish people
Adolf Hitler
Anti-Semitism: An intense
dislike and prejudice
against the Jewish people
Becoming increasingly
interested in politics, Hitler
joined the German army
Fought in World War I
Was said to have shown
“outstanding bravery in
the face of the enemy”
Germany lost WWI in 1918
► Why
was Anti-Semitism popular for
hundreds of years:
Jews were blamed for killing Christ
Kicked out of the majority of European countries
Were forced to live in poverty
Germany after WWI
► Along
with many
Germans, Hitler
believed that Germany
could have won WWI
► They were “betrayed”
from within by the
► Germany becomes a
► Limited to 100,000
The German Worker’s Party
► Hitler
joined The
German Worker’s Party
 Strong nationalist, pro
military, anti-Semitic
► Hitler
became the
“voice” of the party
because of his strong
ability to speak
► In
1920, Hitler chose
the swastika to
represent the political
► Party name is called
“Nazi” for short
Hitler becomes Nazi Leader
► Hitler
threatens to
leave the party unless
they make him the
dictator of the party
 Dictator: A person with
complete authority
 Became “Fuhrer” a.k.a
The German Depression
► Germany
forced to pay
for damages caused in
World War I
► Hyperinflation: The
extreme loss in value
of money
► For every American
dollar, one would have
to have 4 billion
German marks
Nazi Revolution
► In
1923, the Nazi Party,
led by Hitler, attempted
to overthrow the
German government
► Hitler was charged with
five years in prison
► While in prison, Hitler
wrote “Mein Kampf”
Speaks of Hitler’s
political and racial views
and outlines his plans for
a better Germany
The German Depression Worsens
October 29, 1929 the
American stock market
Caused Germany to slip
into a greater depression
Utilizing Hitler’s
outstanding speeches, the
Nazi Party campaigned
throughout Germany and
received 18% of the
German government
In 1932, Hitler runs for
president against
Hindenburg (who would
have been 92 by the time
his term was over)
Hindenburg wins
Democracy fails
► In
attempt to recover the government and
to avoid being overthrown, Hindenburg
appointed Hitler the new chancellor of
► As chancellor (the 2nd highest position in
Germany) Hitler quickly dissolved the
democracy and declared himself dictator of
► First action: ban on Jewish products
Ban on Jewish Products
“Don’t buy from Jews; shop in German businesses!”
Protecting Hitler
► Birth
of the Third Reichstag: “The Third Rule”
► The S.S: “Schutz-Staffel” were Hitler’s body
► Gestapo: Hitler’s secret police force that
worked to uncover those plotting against
► Hitler’s Youth: His attempt to raise young
Germans into his followers
Hitler Youth
“The weak must be chiseled away. I want
young men and women who can suffer
pain. A young German must be as swift as a
greyhound, as tough as leather and as hard
as Krupp’s steel.” - Hitler
“A twelve mile march was considered nothing special for boys who are
trained until they can make a march of fifty miles without any food
other than concentrated rations they carry in their packs. Nupp was
recovering from a heavy cold but he was not excused from the hike. He
had a severe relapse as a result… Later the doctor confided to me that
often after one of these lengthy marches he had as many as thirty boys
in the hospital.”
World Dictators
► By
1930, dictators had seized control of
Germany, Italy, Japan, and the Soviet Union
 Germany: Adolf Hitler
 Italy: Benito Mussolini
 Japan: Emperor Hirohito (Greatly influenced by
Prime Minister Tojo)
 Soviet Union: Joseph Stalin
► Fascism:
An extreme form of patriotism that
is often linked with racism
The Axis Powers and War
Italy, Germany, and Japan
(joined in 1940)
1937: Japan invaded China
1938: Britain and France
attempted to appease Hitler
by allowing him to take part
of Czechoslovakia if he
promised not to expand his
territory anymore
1938: Germany conquered
Austria and Czechoslovakia
1939: Germany and the
Soviet Union vowed not to
attack each other
September 1, 1939: World
War II began when
Germany attacked Poland
Great Britain and France
declared war on Germany
Total War: A war in which
every available resource is
utilized and every person
is an acceptable target
► Blitzkrieg:
“Lightning War” was a new form of
war which emphasized speed and surprise
 Tanks, troops, and planes
 No trenches!! (Except in the battle for Stalingrad)
► Within
a month, Germany controlled Poland
► 1940: Germany conquered Denmark, Norway,
Belgium, and the Netherlands before turning
its eyes on France
The Allies
► Poland
► Netherlands
► Czechoslovakia
By the end of the
► United Kingdom (Great
► Greece
more than 50 countries
► Soviet Union (joined in
► France
► New Zealand
► United States (joined
► Australia
► Canada
► Norway
► Belgium
in 1941)
► Etc…
► Etc…
► Do you get the point?
France and Great Britain
► Within
two weeks of fighting, France
► Who is left?
► Great Britain
 Bombing of London by the Luftwaffe (German
air force)
 Despite the bombings, Britain does not
The battle of Stalingrad
► 1941:
Hitler backstabbed Stalin’s Soviet Union
► The battle of Stalingrad (1942)
 Capture meant cutting the Soviet Union’s supply
 Immediate success of German army
 Stalin forces all civilians to remain within the city,
resulting in thousands of deaths
 German forces controlled 90% of the city
Battle of Stalingrad
The Battle of Stalingrad
The Battle of Stalingrad
► Winter
set in
► Unprepared to fight in the severe winter
weather, the German army was defeated
► By the end of the battle, nearly 2 million
casualties were inflicted on both sides
► 1943:First Nazi defeat
► The turning point in the