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By Jack
English Men
• At the start of the war men age 20-22
where allowed to fight. But over time it
spread to 18-41 years old.
• Some men were sent away so long that
when they came back, their families didn’t
recognise them.
• A private in the British army got paid 14
shillings a week which is around 75 pence.
• Hitler had his own bodyguards that he
created called, The Schutzstaffel, also
known as the “SS”.
• Germany were very strong on their uniform,
they made shore it looked smart to attract a
young, loyal force.
English Women
• At night women operated the search lights to spot German
bombers because all the men were at war.
• Women also done jobs such as: engineers, conductors,
shipwright and mechanics.
• In 1940 only 7,000 women had joined the WLA, Women’s
Land Army.
German Women
• In Germany Hitler wanted women to stay at home and have
children to create his ‘perfect race’.
Women – did you know?
• In most countries women were not allowed to fight however
in the Soviet Union women were allowed to fight alongside
English Evacuees
• In England children who lived in big cities were evacuated to
the countryside.
• When evacuation began on Friday 1 September 1939. 1.5
million children were evacuated. It was called 'Operation Pied
• Some children who were evacuated had not even seen
farmyard animals and were scared by the cows!
German Evacuees
• In Germany instead of getting a train and going to the
countryside they went to a camp.
• These camps were ran by loyal Nazis teachers or old
soldiers and if a tiny bit of dust was found in your room, you
would be whipped.
1939, 3rd September – Britain and France declared war on
1940, 10th May – Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister of
1940, December, Japan fights alongside Germany.
1941, 7th December – Japan bombs US navy in Pearl Harbour.
1942, 20th January – German leaders decide Jewish people
should be killed.
1944, 6th June – D-Day.
1945, 8th May – War in Europe ends but a war continues
between America and Japan until 15th August.