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CSC 4510 – Machine Learning
Dr. Mary-Angela Papalaskari
Department of Computing Sciences
Villanova University
Course website:
CSC 4510 - M.A. Papalaskari - Villanova University
Machine Learning
CSC 4510 - M.A. Papalaskari - Villanova University
What is Learning?
• Herbert Simon (1970):
“Learning is any process by
which a system improves
performance from experience.”
What is Machine Learning?
• Arthur Samuel (1959):
Machine Learning: Field of
study that gives computers the
ability to learn without being
explicitly programmed.
Why Study Machine Learning?
Engineering Better Computing Systems
• Develop systems that are too difficult/expensive to
program explicitly because they require specific detailed
skills or knowledge tuned to a specific task
– Personalized news or mail filter
– Personalized tutoring
CSC 4510 - M.A. Papalaskari - Villanova University
Why Study Machine Learning?
Cognitive Science
• Computational studies of learning may help
us understand learning in humans and other
biological organisms.
– Hebbian neural learning
• “Neurons that fire together, wire together.”
log(perf. time)
– Human’s relative difficulty of learning disjunctive
concepts vs. conjunctive ones.
– Power law of practice
log(# training trials)
CSC 4510 - M.A. Papalaskari - Villanova University
Why Study Machine Learning?
The time is ripe
•Large amounts of computational resources available.
•Many basic effective and efficient algorithms available.
•The world is driven by data (data mining).
Market basket analysis (e.g. diapers and dvds)
News aggregation
Over 50m credit card transactions a day in the US alone.
The Large Hadron Collider produces 60 gigabytes per minute
Climate research centres generate 1-20 petabytes per year
Google processes 24 petabytes per day
CSC 4510 - M.A. Papalaskari - Villanova University
So, um, what’s a petabyte again?
CSC 4510 - M.A. Papalaskari - Villanova University
Humans can:
- think, learn, see, understand language, reason, etc.
Artificial Intelligence aims to reproduce these capabilities.
Machine Learning is one part of Artificial Intelligence.
Statistics / Mathematics
Artificial Intelligence
Data Mining
Computer Vision
Machine Learning
CSC 4510 - M.A. Papalaskari - Villanova University
Let’s try something
• You will be given instructions in class to
collect data about your classmates
• Enter these data in the document provided
• We will use the decision tree algorithm
from to “learn” something
about your sample
CSC 4510 - M.A. Papalaskari - Villanova University
Next time
• Some historical background on AI and a
more careful definition of machine learning
• Discussion of Alan Turing article:
“Computing Machinery and Intelligence”
• See also:
• Alan Turing website maintained by Andrew Hodges:
• Philosophical objections to Turing Test
Some of the slides in this presentation are adapted from:
Prof. Frank Klassner’s ML class at Villanova
the University of Manchester ML course
The Stanford online ML course
CSC 4510 - M.A. Papalaskari - Villanova University