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“ALICE in LEGOLAND” - Friday Feedback
Group: J
Group Leader: Denise McBroom
Group Members: Mary Beth Corbin
Scott Taves
Saleha Banu
Noor Khan
Syed Warisi
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant No.
EEC-0502174. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this
material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science
Module Enhancements
• Ethics
– Artificial Intelligence (AI) investigation/discussion
• When does a computer become a thinking being?
• When a computer makes its own choices, what value do
those choices have?
Module Enhancements
– How can you prepare for abuse of ALICE in the
• Kids creating sexual/violent/inappropriate animations
– How can a computer program be harmful?
• Computer viruses, missile guidance systems
Module Enhancements
– Reliability and bugs in software
• What are the consequences of releasing software
that has bugs?
– Air traffic control, traffic, medical software
Module Enhancements
Engineering Design
– Research and present to the class connections
between ALICE and real world applications of
• Programming and video games and aeronautical engineering
Modification for
Elementary School
• Engineering Design
– Act out a play that demonstrates simple programming
language to understand how a CPU works
– Lesson on introducing x and y coordinates
• Scientific Inquiry
– Using everyday materials (yarn, beads, etc.) to
understand how a computer network and the Internet
– Taking apart an old computer
• What does each part do?
• What are the names for the parts?
Modification for
Elementary School
• Ethics
– Discussion of plagiarism
– Kids avoid plagiarism in ALICE stories
Modification for High
• Engineering Design
– Research Artificial Intelligence (AI)
History of AI
How is AI different from a simple programming language?
Write report and present findings to class
– Research Computing (AI)
• History of personal computers
• Applications
– Why were computers developed?
– Who were the important people (men and women) involved?
– Write report and present findings to class
Modification for High
• Engineering Design (continued)
– Review x and y coordinates
– Introduce z coordinate
Modification for High
• Scientific Inquiry
– How is the video game industry evolving?
• Research recent changes in the nature of games and
• Why are more adults and girls/women playing video games?
Modification for High
• Ethics
– Artificial Intelligence (AI) investigation/discussion
• When does a computer become a thinking being?
• When a computer makes its own choices, what value do those
choices have?
• Use popular movies to spark discussion of stereotypes of “evil
computers” (2001: A Space Odyssey, AI, Tron, etc.)
• Are these stereotypes accurate?