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 Bell Ringer: define noun, verb, and adjective
 Use parts of speech to analyze a visual text
 Exit Slip
By the end of class, you will be able to describe a
painting and determine its tone and mood using
nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
Bell ringer
 Write a definition for the following parts of speech:
 Noun
 Verb
 Adjective
 Board Races: Once you have written your definition,
check your definition with me. If you are correct, and
the first person to write the definition on the board,
you will receive BONUS POINTS!
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
Parts of Speech Review
 On the next slide, you will have a painting to look at.
 Use the organizer you have been given to analyze the
painting and review parts of speech.
Person, place,
thing, or idea
A word that
describes or
modifies a noun
An action word
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
Painting One
Christina’s World (1948)
by Andrew Newell Wyeth
 Now that you know
the title, why do you
think Wyeth decided
upon the title?
Painting Two
Nighthawks (1942)
by Edward Hopper
 Now that you
know the title,
why do you
think Hopper
decided upon
the title?
Exit Slip
 Choose one of the paintings we have viewed today to
write about.
 Then, using the nouns, verbs, and adjectives you
listed on your handout, create a paragraph telling the
story of what is happening in the painting.
 Underline each noun, verb, and adjective from your
list you use.
 Re-read your paragraph to ensure the paragraph
conveys the tone and mood you listed on your
handout. If it doesn’t, revise the paragraph.