Download Music inspired art production: Day 2/3/4/5

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Lesson Title: “Music Moves Us”
Lesson one: Music inspired art production: Day 2/3/4/5
Instructor: Apryl Okoroafor
Grade Level: 6th/7th Total Time: 40 minutes
Number of Students: 28
PREPARATION (Repeat this lesson for each genre to produce 4 bodies of work
specific to the Genre)
28 Sketch books
29 pieces 18x24 Acrylic Paper taped down to Masonite
Acrylic Paint: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Red, Brown, Black, White
28 Painting pallets
Baby wipes/paper towels
28 Clean water cups
Variety of 1 ½” to 3” flat and round brushes
Crayons various colors
Computer with internet connection.
PPT: How Music Moves Us.pptx , If needed for refresher., Pandora online music streaming. Used to play first genre
chosen by students.
Vocabulary Words:
Genre: a category of artistic, musical, or literary composition characterized by a particular
style, form, or content
Synesthesia: from the Ancient Greek σύν syn, "together", and αἴσθησις aisthēsis, "sensation") is
a neurological phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to
automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway.
Inspire: fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something
Contemporary: happening, existing, living, or coming into being during the same period of time.
Abstract: art that does not attempt to represent external reality, but seeks to achieve its
effect using shapes, forms, colors, and textures.
TEACHING THE LESSON (Intro for first day/ Should not need intro for each successive day)
1. INTRODUCTION (10 minutes) Yesterday as a class we chose 4 genres of music to work with for
this unit on “How music moves us”. We will start by watching Jonas Gerard Live Painting
What did you notice that Gerard was doing when he started to work? (Marking the
movement of the music, the rhythms and how the music flowed)
What else did you notice as Gerard continued to work?
What tools did Gerard use? What techniques?
Was his artwork abstract? Or Representational? Did he use line?
This will be used each day:
Today we will focus on one of the genres, “_____________”. We are going to clear our heads
and for five minutes just listen to today’s genre of music. Clothes your eyes and just listen.
Now I want you to pull out your sketch books. Go back to the page where you wrote done this
genre and the one word descriptors. Add to it. I will give you a couple of minutes to add to
how this music makes you feel. If the music inspires a certain type of mark making: line please
draw those in. If you feel a color associated with the music please note those as well. Then we
will paint today.
A. Objectives & Frameworks:
F.2.AI.2 Demonstrate knowledge of movement and rhythm (e.g., repetition, variation,
flowing) (Students will use line to show rhythm and emotion in the painting inspired by
CP.4.AI.5 Compile a sketchbook that includes various techniques, observations, and art
experiences (Continue student responses to each aspect of the various lesson plans and
steps along the way.)
B. Use of Resources:
PPT if needed as a reminder.
Pandora to provide the music for inspiration.
YouTube video of Jonas Gerard Live Painting
C. Demonstration: Watch all 9 minutes.
Show examples of my two paintings done to music. I will have a board with paper up and
will work alongside the students with today’s work. Taking breaks to follow up with
A. The Assignment: Students will watch the You tube of Gerard and then they will do a
painting response to that painting. They will have just this day to start and complete their
music response painting to this genre of music. They must include in their painting drawn
line that reflects the rhythm of the music. Line that represents the emotion or feel of the
music. They must keep the painting abstract/nonrepresentational. What does this mean?
Nothing we can point out that is a mouth, or face, a flower, a heart or any other object that
we can read. The painting needs to use color that represents the feel of the work.
B. Guided Practice: No Guided practice.
C. Clean-up: last 5 minutes of class to clean up brushes and put up supplies.
A. How will I close the lesson to find out if students met your goals?
Will have a recap of today’s lesson:
1. What do you call what we did today? (Music response painting)
2. What is Genre mean? (a category of artistic, musical, or literary composition
characterized by a particular style, form, or content)
3. What are the 4 Genre’s that we are going to be working with?
4. What were you supposed to include in this painting? (Line and color that
reflects how the music moved us.)
5. What type of painting was todays work to be? (Abstract)
B. Review lesson objectives. Addressed in A above numbers 4, and 5.
C. Rubric for assessing lesson objectives:
1. Did students keep notes as noted in the lesson?
2. Did they address the content specified in the lesson?
3. Was the student attentive in class?
4. Did student participate in class discussion?
5. Did their painting show both line and color that is representational of the mood of the
music as noted in their sketchbook response to the music?
6. Did student keep their abstract painting nonrepresentational?